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Скачать ad Flash - Equilibrium. We Are the Trance (2015)

АвторАвтор: mp3za | ДатаДата: 19 апреля 2015 | Нашли ошибку?
ad Flash - Equilibrium. We Are the Trance (2015)

Исполнитель: ad Flash
Альбом: Equilibrium. We Are the Trance
Жанр: Psy Trance, Trance, Full-On, Goa Trance, Progressive Trance
Год выпуска: 17.04.2015
Тип Рипа: mixed + cue
Формат: MP3
Битрейт: 320 кб/c
Размер ~ 765 MB


CD01. We Are the Psychedelic

01. Sonic Elysium - Interstellar
02. Splattered Implant & Nicholson - Outta Control
03. Shivatree - Spectral Sign
04. Sonic Entity - Sonic Particles (Man Machine remix)
05. Audiotec - Dimensions
06. Beat Hackers - Gateway
07. NeoCulture - Mente Astral (Neoculture remix)
08. NeoCulture - Hypnotic Voice
09. Laughing Buddha - Smoking the Reefer (Altruism remix)
10. Ovnimoon & Rigel - From Another World
11. Ovnimoon - Fear
12. Champa - Tomorrow Land
13. 1200 Micrograms - We Are not Alone
14. The Digital Blonde - Sygnus
15. Relativ & Makida - Storm
16. Man Machine - Absolutus (Sonic Entity remix)
17. Psy-H Project - Precession of the Universe (Sonic Elysium remix)
18. Electric Universe - The Prayer (Spirit Architect remix)
19. Champa - Hiya Hiya
20. Sun Conjunct Pluto - The Universe Loves you

CD02. We Are the Night Full on

01. Hysteria - Trip or Tweak
02. Ctrlz3ta - Oh Shit
03. Iron Lotus - Deathkonstruktion
04. Brainbasher - Creepy Nigths
05. Jaws Underground - 75%
06. Neo Genetic - The User
07. Panayota - The Wizard Spell
08. Stereopanic vs. Technodrome - Magnetic Levitation
09. Perfect Match - The Secret (Outer Connection remix)
10. Alienn - Japanese Mafia
11. Jaws Underground - Incursion
12. Hysteria - Duel of Fates V2
13. Z-Cat vs. Khopat - Event of my Life (Russian version)
14. Perfect Match & Outer Connection - Bad Boys
15. Konnektor vs. Absense - Void of Insanity
16. Iliuchina - Sycho Delic
17. Stereopanic vs. Technodrome - Vatos Locos Forever
18. Panayota - Take with Love
19. Z-Cat - Amazing Crowd

CD03. We Are the Goa

01. Amygdala - Wintermute
02. Antares - Aurum Solis
03. Artifact303 - Mysterious Fantasy
04. Radical Distortion - Sunrise Zone (Acid mix)
05. Sky Technology - Indian Spiciness
06. Goalien - Do it Now
07. Somnesia - Spectral
08. Nova Fractal - Perplexed
09. Shivax - A King's Tribute
10. Prana - Alien Pets (Trinodia remix)
11. Omnivox - Eternity Speedway
12. Somnesia - Valley of Dreams
13. Shivax - Victory Anthems
14. Somnesia - Mystic Sun
15. Omnivox - Liquid Fire
16. Exemia - Fire Activate

CD04. We Are the PsyProgressive

01. Aviron - Tonal
02. Shayman - Danger
03. Norma Project - The Gleam
04. Norma Project - Psychedelic Impulses
05. Younger Brother - Psychic Gibon (Protoculture remix)
06. Shogan - Feel the Light
07. Monolock - In the Beginning
08. Talpa - Melem
09. Mute - On/Off (Ritmo remix)
10. Neelix - Coloured Light (Simon Patterson remix)
11. Didra & 1024kb - L.S.D.
12. Kingpink - Global Pulse
13. Hi Profile - All We Need
14. Ovnimoon - Tesoro Interior
15. Relativ - Hyperspace
16. Yahel - Automatic (Relativ remix)
17. Ovnimoon - Emotional Biodecodification
18. Ovnimoon - Trance Dance (The Power of the Intention mix)
19. Relativ - Artificial Soul
20. R.E.L.O.A.D. - Fuck yourself
21. Protoculture - Music Is Forever

Скачать ad Flash - Equilibrium. We Are the Trance (2015)

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