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Скачать Midnight Sax (4 CD) (2015)

АвторАвтор: RKIYAN | ДатаДата: 29 апреля 2015 | Нашли ошибку?
Midnight Sax (4 CD) (2015)

Категория: Сборник
Исполнитель: VA
Название диска: Midnight Sax (4 CD) (2015)
Жанр: Instrumental/Jazz/Saxophone
Год выпуска: 2015
Количество треков: 84
Формат|Качество: mp3 | 320 kbps
Время звучания: 04:47:09
Размер файла: 659 MB

Midnight Sax - A Groovy Kind of Sax (CD 1)

01. A Groovy Kind of Love (2:57)
02. Arthur's Theme (The Best You Can Do) (3:48)
04. My Cherie Amour (3:06)
05. We've Only Just Begun (3:26)
06. All the Things You Are (4:00)
08. Saving All My Love For You (3:32)
09. Just the Way You Are (4:30)
10. Moon River (2:51)
11. I Love You Because (3:01)
12. Always On My Mind (3:56)
13. Just For You (3:10)
14. Love Me Tender (3:41)
16. Sometimes When We Touch (3:33)
17. The Rose (3:25)
18. The Very Thought Of You (3:38)
19. A Beautiful Friendship (2:56)
20. Chanson D'Amour (2:35)
21. Killing Me Softly (3:18)

Midnight Sax - I'm In The Mood For Sax (CD 2)

01. I'm In The Mood For Love (3:10)
02. True Love (3:24)
03. You Belong To Me (4:20)
04. Jane (5:05)
05. Secret Love (3:27)
06. Unforgettable (3:34)
07. Dreaming (3:11)
08. Send In The Clowns (2:56)
09. Summer The First Time (4:48)
10. A Nightingale Sang In Berkeley Square (3:04)
11. Once In A While (2:57)
12. The Nearness Of You (4:16)
13. Someone To Watch Over Me (3:37)
14. When I Fall In Love (4:03)
15. A Certain Smile (3:14)
16. Evergreen (2:58)
17. Scarborough Fair (2:43)
18. Try To Remember (3:24)
19. Feelings (3:48)
20. Wind Beneath My Wings (3:08)
21. This Masquerade (2:50)

Midnight Sax - Everlasting Sax (CD 3)

01. Everlasting Love (4:10)
02. You Make Me Feel Brand New (3:59)
03. It's Impossible (4:00)
04. Clouds (3:08)
05. Autumn Leaves (5:01)
06. Everything I Own (3:07)
07. With You I'm Born Again (3:03)
08. The Shadow Of Your Smile (3:24)
09. Stranger On The Shore (2:48)
10. Three Times A Lady (3:29)
11. As Time Goes By (3:00)
12. Where Is The Love (3:14)
13. Here's That Rainy Day (3:46)
14. You're Part Of Me (4:47)
15. Laura (3:32)
16. Walkin' My Baby Back Home (2:47)
17. The Way We Were (4:04)
18. The Music Of The Night (4:04)
19. Someone In Your Life (3:22)
20. Crying (3:26)
21. You Light Up My Life (2:47)

Midnight Sax - Sentimental Sax (CD 4)

01. Sentimental Journey (3:26)
02. Walk Away (3:24)
03. When You Wish Upon A Star (3:40)
04. Fly Me to The Moon (2:51)
05. The Midnight Sun Will Never Set (3:46)
06. A Lovely Way to Spend an Evening (3:30)
07. That Old Devil Called Love (3:04)
08. For All We Know (3:29)
09. Love Is All Around (3:50)
10. Laughter In The Rain (2:36)
11. Yesterday Once More (3:58)
12. How Can I Love Her (3:41)
13. Cherish (4:19)
14. This Thing Called Love (3:45)
15. You're The Old Good Thing (3:16)
16. This Guy's In Love With You (3:14)
17. What Are You Doing The Rest OF Your Life (5:41)
18. Until It's Time For You To Go (3:31)
19. Vincent (4:52)
20. Endless Love (4:22)
21. In The Wee Small Hours of the Morning (2:24)

Скачать Midnight Sax (4 CD) (2015)

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Теги к статье:

Instrumenta, Jazz, Saxophone, сборник, MP3
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