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Скачать Jethro Tull - Minstrel In The Gallery - 40th Anniversary La Grande Edition (2015) [2xDVD]

АвторАвтор: bord | ДатаДата: 9 мая 2015 | Нашли ошибку?
Jethro Tull - Minstrel In The Gallery - 40th Anniversary La Grande Edition (2015) [2xDVD]

Artist: Jethro Tull
Album: Minstrel In The Gallery - 40th Anniversary La Grande Edition
Year: 1975/2015
Country: UK
Genre: Progressive Rock
Quality: DVD
Video: MPEG-2 NTSC / 5125 Kbps / 720*480p / 29.970 fps / 16:9
Audio: DTS 5.1 / 48 kHz / 1509 kbps / 24-bit
Audio: Dolby Digital 5.1 48 kHz / 448 Kbps / 16-bit
Audio: LPCM 2.0 / 96 kHz / 4608 kbps / 24-bit
Size: 12.72 GB

The 40th Anniversary edition of Jethro Tull’s Minstrel In The Gallery. The album has been expanded to include the b-side Summerday Sands, several studio outtakes, and alternate session material recorded for a BBC broadcast. The second disc features a live recording of Jethro Tull performing at the Olympia in Paris on July 5, 1975, a few months prior to the release of Minstrel In The Gallery. During the show, the band played songs from several of its albums, including War Child and Aqualung, as well as an early performance of Minstrel In The Gallery. It was mixed to 5.1 & stereo by by King Crimson guitarist Jakko Jakszyk.

DVD 1 (Audio): 5.1 DTS Surround / AC3 Dolby Digital Surround / 96/24 LPCM Stereo
A New Steven Wilson Remix

1-1 Minstrel In The Gallery
1-2 Cold Wind To Valhalla
1-3 Black Satin Dancer
1-4 Requiem
1-5 One White Duck / 0?? = Nothing At All
1-6 Baker St. Muse
1-7 Pig-Me And The Whore
1-8 Nice Little Tune
1-9 Crash-Barrier Waltzer
1-10 Mother England Reverie
1-11 Grace
1-12 Summerday Sands
1-13 Requiem (Early Version)

Five Additional Tracks Remixed To 96/24 LPCM Stereo
1-14 One White Duck (Take 5)
1-15 Grace (Take 2)
1-16 Minstrel In The Gallery ('BBC' Version)
1-17 Cold Wind To Valhalla ('BBC' Version)
1-18 Aqualung ('BBC' Version)

96/24 LPCM Stereo Flat Transfer From Original 1975 LP
1-19 Minstrel In The Gallery
1-20 Cold Wind To Valhalla
1-21 Black Satin Dancer
1-22 Requiem
1-23 One White Duck / 0?? = Nothing At All
1-24 Baker St Muse
1-25 Pig-Me And The Whore
1-26 Nice Little Tune
1-27 Crash-Barrier Waltzer
1-28 Mother England Reverie
1-29 Grace
1-30 Summerday Sands

5.1 (4.0) DTS Surround / AC3 Dolby Digital Surround Flat Transfer Of Original 1975 Quad LP
1-31 Minstrel In The Gallery
1-32 Cold Wind To Valhalla
1-33 Black Satin Dancer
1-34 Requiem
1-35 One White Duck / 0?? = Nothing At All
1-36 Baker St Muse
1-37 Pig-Me And The Whore
1-38 Nice Little Tune
1-39 Crash-Barrier Waltzer
1-40 Mother England Reverie
1-41 Grace
1-42 Summerday Sands

DVD 2 (Audio & Video): Live At The Palais Des Sports, Paris 5th July 1975
5.1 DTS Surround / AC3 Dolby Digital Surround / 96/24 LPCM Stereo
A Jakko Jakszyk Mix

2-1 Introduction (The Beach Part II)
2-2 Wind Up
2-3 Critique Oblique
2-4 Wond'ring Aloud
2-5 My God
2-5a God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen
2-5b Bouree
2-5c Quartet
2-5d Living In The Past
2-5e My God (Reprise)
2-6 Cross-Eyed Mary
2-7 Minstrel In The Gallery
2-8 Skating Away On The Thin Ice Of The New Day
2-9 Bungle In The Jungle
2-10 Aqualung
2-11 Guitar Improvisation
2-12 Back-door Angels
2-13 Locomotive Breath (With Improvisation)
2-13a Hard Headed English General
2-13b Back-door Angels (Reprise)
2-14 The Minstrel In The Gallery Promo Clip From Palais Des Sports, Paris 6th July 1975

Скачать: Jethro Tull - Minstrel In The Gallery - 40th Anniversary La Grande Edition (2015)

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Jethro Tull, Progressive Rock
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