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Скачать Ministry of Sound - Running Trax Summer 2015 [3CD] (2015)

АвторАвтор: sam1425 | ДатаДата: 12 мая 2015 | Нашли ошибку?
Ministry of Sound - Running Trax Summer 2015 [3CD] (2015)

Artist: VA
Album: Ministry of Sound - Running Trax Summer 2015
Year: 2015
Label: Ministry of Sound
Genre: Dance
Codec: MP3
Bitrate audio: 320 Kbps
Playtime: 4:37:48
Total Size: 637 mb

CD 1
01. Peking Duk - Take Me Over (Feat. Safia)
02. Calvin Harris - Summer
03. Ariana Grande Feat. Zedd - Break Free
04. Sam Smith - I'm Not The Only One (Armand Van Helden Remix Edit)
05. Watermat - Bullit (So Real)
06. Robin Schulz & Lillywood - Prayer In C (Stefan Dabruck Remix)
07. Jessie J, Ariana Grande & Nicki Minaj - Bang Bang (Dada Life Remix)
08. Avicii - Hey Brother
09. Klingande - Jubel
10. Duke Dumont - Won't Look Back
11. Higher Self Feat. Lauren Mason - Ghosts
12. Generik Feat. Nicky Van She - The Weekend
13. Ruffneck Feat. Yavahn - Everybody Be Somebody (Lucas & Steve Remix)
14. Spada Feat. Hosie Neal - Feels Like Home (Red Velvet Dress)
15. Camelphat - The Act
16. Criminal Vibes - Gonna Make You Sweat
17. Kryder & Still Young Feat. Duane Harden - Feels Like Summer
18. Cash Cash Feat. Bebe Rexha - Take Me Home
19. Lana Del Ray Vs Cedric Gervais - Summertime Sadness (Cedric Gervais Remix)
20. Charli Xcx - Boom Clap (Aeroplane Remix)

CD 2
01. Parra for Cuva feat. Anna Naklab - Wicked Games
02. Magic! - Rude (Zedd Radio Edit)
03. Oliver Heldens - Koala (Last All Night)
04. David Guetta & Showtek feat. Vassy - Bad
05. Showtek - Wasting Our Lives (WLTP)
06. Rune RK - Calabria (Firebeatz Remix)
07. Timmy Trumpet & Savage - Freaks
08. The Similou - All This Love (Combo Remix)(PREV.)
09. Porter Robinson - Lionhearted (Arty Remix Edit)
10. Fox Stephenson - Sweets (Soda Pop)
11. Coldplay - A Sky Full Of Stars (Hardwell Remix)
12. Don Diablo - Back In Time
13. Gorgon City feat. Laura Welsh - Here For You (Bingo Players Remix)
14. Bakermat - One Day (Vandaag)
15. Basement Jaxx - Never Say Never (Mark Knight Remix)
16. Second City feat. Ali Love - What Can I Do (Grum Remix)
17. Michael Calfan - Prelude
18. Grum - Raindrop
19. Zonderling - Zonnewind
20. Tom Swoon, Paris & Simo - Wait
21. Lush & Simon - In My Hands
22. Kiesza - Hideaway

CD 3
01. Sigma - Nobody To Love
02. Will Sparks - Ah Yeah So What (Feat. Wiley & Elen Levon)
03. Firebeatz & Kshmr Feat. Luciana - No Heroes
04. Tjr & Vinai - Bounce Generation
05. Timmy Trumpet - Nightmare
06. Hardwell & Joey Dale Feat. Luciana - Arcadia
07. Sander Van Doorn & Oliver Heldens - This
08. Dave Winnel - Doing It
09. Borgeous - Breathe
10. Lazy Rich & Hot Mouth - Bonk!
11. Felguk - Showtime
12. Dank - Get It
13. Tommy Trash & Wax Motif - Hex
14. Angemi & Prezioso - Dragon
15. Audien Feat. Matthew Koma - Serotonin
16. Michael Woods Feat. Lauren Dyson - In Your Arms
17. 4 Strings - Galaxy
18. Above & Beyond - Blue Sky Action (Feat. Alex Vargas)
19. Armin Van Buuren - Hystereo
20. Talla 2xlc - In Silence (Official Trancefusion The Legends Anthem)
21. Dj Fresh Feat. Ellie Goulding - Flashlight

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Ministry, Running, Trax, Summer, Dance
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