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Скачать Le Son Dancefloor 2015 Vol.2 [3CD] (2015)

АвторАвтор: sam1425 | ДатаДата: 13 мая 2015 | Нашли ошибку?
Le Son Dancefloor 2015 Vol.2 [3CD] (2015)

Artist: VA
Album: Le Son Dancefloor 2015 Vol.2
Year: 2015
Label: UMSM
Genre: Dance
Codec: MP3
Bitrate audio: 320 Kbps
Playtime: 3:51:51
Total Size: 496 mb

CD 1
01. Omi - Cheerleader (Felix Jaehn Remix Radio Edit)
02. Dj Snake & Major Lazer - Lean On (feat. Mo)
03. Ariana Grande - One Last Time
04. Kygo - Firestone (feat. Conrad)
05. Blacko - The King S Son - I'm Not Rich
06. Martin Solveig & Gta - Intoxicated (Radio Edit)
07. Years & Years - King
08. Philip George - Wish You Were Mine (Radio Edit)
09. Nils Van Zandt - For You (Radio Edit)
10. Chris Brown & Deorro - Five More Hours
11. Floorfilla & Italobrothers - One Heart (feat. P. Moody)
12. Muttonheads - The Power (Radio Edit)
13. Michael Calfan - Treasured Soul
14. Madeon - You're On
15. Mico C & Tom Snare - Let You Go 2k15 (French Radio Edit)
16. Bad Paris - I Heart U (feat. Mimoza)(Radio Edit)
17. Biga Ranx - Sexy (feat. Big Red)
18. Dimitri Vegas & Fedde Le Grand & Like Mike - Tales Of Tomorrow (Radio Edit)
19. Alfons - Ganjaman
20. Jessy Matador - Johnny Bilayo
21. Makassy - Doucement (Sensuel Mix Edit 2k15)
22. Luyanna & Mampi - Walilowelela
23. Timmy Trumpet - Freaks (feat. Savage)(Radio Edit)

CD 2
01. Axwell - Something New
02. Soprano - Clown
03. Chris Brown - Ayo (feat. Tyga)
04. Black M - C'est Tout Moi
05. Lost Frequencies - Are You With Me (Radio Edit)
06. Keen' V - Saltimbanque
07. Charli Xcx - Break The Rules
08. Avicii - The Nights
09. Natalie La Rose - Somebody (feat. Jeremih)
10. Katy Perry - Legendary Lovers
11. Nicki Minaj - Truffle Butter (feat. Drake & Lil Wayne)
12. Panzer Flower - Magic (feat. Mike Louvila)
13. Martin Tungevaag - Vidorra
14. Fergie - L.A.LOVE (la La)
15. Tove Lo - Talking Body
16. Alex Adair - Make Me Feel Better (Radio Edit)
17. Dragonette & Mike Mago - Outlines (Radio Edit)
18. Smash - Good Time (feat. Craig David)
19. Mynga - Back Home (feat. Cosmo Klein)(Radio Edit)
20. Borgeous - They Don't Know Us (Radio Edit)
21. Showtek - 90s By Nature (feat. Mc Ambush)(Radio Edit)
22. Lylloo - Loco (Radio Edit)
23. Tiesto - Light Years Away (Radio Edit)

CD 3
01. Robin Schulz - Sun Goes Down (Feat. Jasmine Thompson)(Radio Mix)
02. Galantis - Runaway (U & I)
03. Kshmr & R3hab - Karate (Mix)
04. Hardwell - Young Again (feat. Chris Jones)(Radio Edit)
05. Aronchupa - I'm An Albatraoz
06. Martin Garrix - Forbidden Voices (Mix)
07. Sandy Groud Factory - Let's Go Twerking
08. Rune Rk - Calabria (Firebeatz Remix)
09. Oliver Heldens & Zeds Dead - You Know (Radio Edit)
10. Klaas - Calavera (Edit)
11. Ummet Ozcan - Kensen (Radio Edit)
12. Basada - Big Shout (French Radio Edit)
13. Andrew Spencer - What A Feeling
14. Disclosure - Latch
15. Bakermat - Teach Me
16. Ahzee - Make A Wish (Radio Edit)
17. Drtjck & Ken Roll - Sit Down (Radio Edit)
18. Galaxy - Put Your Hands Up (Edit)
19. Benjamin Braxton - Shooting Star (French Radio Edit)
20. Michael Canitrot - Young Forever (Radio Edit)
21. Yelle - Ba$$In
22. Roy - Blow Your Mind (Radio Edit)
23. U Phoria - Overdrive (Radio Edit)
24. Will Sparks - Ah Yeah So What (Radio Edit)

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Dancefloor, Club, UMSM
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