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Скачать Pacha Insane Part 2 [4CD] (2015)

АвторАвтор: sam1425 | ДатаДата: 16 мая 2015 | Нашли ошибку?
Pacha Insane Part 2 [4CD] (2015)

Artist: VA
Album: Pacha Insane Part 2
Year: 2015
Label: Pacha Recordings
Genre: House
Codec: MP3
Bitrate audio: 249 Kbps avg VBR
Playtime: 4:38:09
Total Size: 501 mb

CD 1
01. Me & My Monkey - Right on Time (Juanfra Munoz Remix)
02. CHIC FLOWERZ - Oxas (Original Extended)
03. Sydney & Lukez - The Love for You (Sydney's late night edit)
04. Alex Fogo - Gratie (Original Mix)
05. Alex Fogo - Deep Inside (Original)
06. Le Funnk - You Got Me (Me & My Monkey Remix)
07. Hardkiss - Revolution (DIRTYHERTZ Dub Remix)
08. Lucas Aguilera - Implora (Original Mix)
09. Jawoo - Mama (Original Mix)
10. Paul Ursin - Feeling (DAVINA Remix)
11. Fisher & Fiebak - Do You Remember (Original Mix)
12. Alexandra Moon and Eladi Batriani - I Idolize You (Ivan Melnik Remix)
13. Me & My Monkey - Play it Again (Inga remix)
14. Nick Tcherniak feat. Lizzie France - All of Us (Ivan Melnik Remix)
15. Da Funk - While We Were Dreaming (Dew Dub)
16. Central Avenue and Graham Sahara - Voyager (Ivan Melnik Remix)
17. Charles Lima, Morttagua - In Love With You (Original Mix)

CD 2
01. Alex Fogo - Venit (Da Funk's Blueprint Re-Interpretation)
02. Clif Jack - S.T.R.A.N.G.E. (Inga Remix)
03. Alex the Noise - Robo Dude (Navitas Remix)
04. David Cujino - Now She Works (Original Mix)
05. Staves - Shake The Trowel (Original Mix)
06. Clif Jack - My Angel Life (Inga Remix)
07. DJ Wee Bee - Drums Melody (original mix)
08. House Of Virus & Jerome Robins feat. Tom - My Shit (Dany Cohiba & Eddie Amador Remix)
09. Ed Kurno - I Give You Love (Ivan Melnik Original)
10. Me & My Monkey - Emilia's House (Juanfra Munoz Remix)
11. Dany Cohiba - Paradise Revolution (Original Mix)
12. Lucas Aguilera - Percevero (Original Mix)
13. Eddie Amador & Dany Cohiba - Vatos Locos (Tech Mix)
14. Sound Blast Stereo, Dejan Ristov - Night Owl (Mix 2)
15. Dany Cohiba - Walk Away (Original Mix)
16. HIGAIN ft. Mirta - Deep In Pacha (Sundown Mix)
17. Mass Digital - Pink Tongue

CD 3
01. Me & My Monkey - Impeccable Flows (Original Mix)
02. Victoria Aitken & Spragga Benz - Wasting Away (daZZla DEEP RMX)
03. Superdrums - You Snooze You Looze
04. Dj Alex B - The Party (Original Mix)
05. Peter Brown - Losing My Mind (Ivan Melnik instrumental)
06. YAX.X - HOLA
07. Rhythmoholia - The limit (TJ Tool Mix)
08. Nicky Malone, Siri Uman, Vicente Ferrer, Victor Perez - Bora Bora Ibiza (Original Mix)
09. Chris Drifter - The Pearls (Original Mix)
10. Lucas Aguilera - Gritando (Original Mix)
11. Greg Bouvin - Movin' (Dub Mix)
12. Lucas Aguilera - Eliptica (Original Mix)
13. Me & My Monkey & Juanfra Munoz - Crazy Ibiza (Inga Remix)
14. David Cujino - Luna de Pescadores (Original Mix)
15. Sydney - 30Three (Original Mix)
16. Jack Sell, Neal Porter, Matt Blue - Red Nuz (Alex Fogo Sunrise Remix)

CD 4
01. Mass Digital - Play With My Feelings
02. Mass Digital - What's On Your Mind
03. Mass Digital - The One
04. Mass Digital - Try
05. Mass Digital - I Can't Sleep
06. Mass Digital - I'm Gonna Save This Day
07. Mass Digital - Tech It Deep
08. Mass Digital - Don't Wanna Stop
09. Mass Digital - Just One Moment With You
10. Mass Digital - You're So Nice

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Pacha, Insane, House
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