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Скачать 90s Rock Allstars (2015)

АвторАвтор: sam1425 | ДатаДата: 20 мая 2015 | Нашли ошибку?
90s Rock Allstars (2015)

Artist: VA
Album: 90s Rock Allstars
Year: 2015
Label: n/a
Genre: Rock
Codec: MP3
Bitrate audio: 320 Kbps
Playtime: 7:33:13
Total Size: 1024 mb

01. Aerosmith - Cryin' (1993)
02. Alanis Morissette - You Oughta Know (1995)
03. Alice In Chains - Man In The Box (1990)
04. Alice In Chains - Nutshell (1994)
05. Alice In Chains - Rooster (1992)
06. Beck - Loser (1994)
07. Beck - Where It's At (1996)
08. Better Than Ezra - Good (1995)
09. Blind Melon - No Rain (1993)
10. Blur - Song 2 (1997)
11. Bush - Glycerine (1995)
12. Bush - Machinehead (1995)
13. Collective Soul - December (1995)
14. Collective Soul - Shine (1994)
15. Collective Soul - The World I Know (1995)
16. Counting Crows - Mr. Jones (1994)
17. Dave Matthews Band - Crash Into Me (1996)
18. Dishwalla - Counting Blue Cars (1996)
19. Faith No More - Epic (1990)
20. Filter - Hey Man Nice Shot (1995)
21. Foo Fighters - Everlong (1997)
22. Foo Fighters - My Hero (1997)
23. Gin Blossoms - Hey Jealousy (1993)
24. Goo Goo Dolls - Iris (1998)
25. Goo Goo Dolls - Slide (1998)
26. Green Day - Basket Case (1994)
27. Green Day - Good Riddance (1998)
28. Green Day - Longview (1994)
29. Guns N' Roses - November Rain (1992)
30. Harvey Danger - Flagpole Sitta (1998)
31. Jane's Addiction - Been Caught Stealing (1990)
32. Lenny Kravitz - Fly Away (1998)
33. Lit - My Own Worst Enemy (1999)
34. Live - All Over You (1995)
35. Live - I Alone (1995)
36. Live - Lightning Crashes (1995)
37. Lo Fidelity Allstars - Battle Flag (1999)
38. Local H - Bound For The Floor (1996)
39. Marcy Playground - Sex & Candy (1997)
40. Marilyn Manson - Sweet Dreams (1995)
41. Matchbox 20 - Push (1997)
42. Metallica - Enter Sandman (1991)
43. Metallica - Nothing Else Matters (1992)
44. Nine Inch Nails - Closer (1994)
45. Nine Inch Nails - Hurt (1994)
46. Nine Inch Nails - We're In This Together (1999)
47. Nirvana - All Apologies (1994)
48. Nirvana - Come As You Are (1991)
49. Nirvana - In Bloom (1991)
50. Nirvana - Lithium (1991)
51. Nirvana - Smells Like Teen Spirit (1991)
52. Oasis - Wonderwall (1996)
53. Pearl Jam - Alive (1991)
54. Pearl Jam - Black (1991)
55. Pearl Jam - Jeremy (1991)
56. Presidents of the United State - Lump (1995)
57. Primitive Radio Gods - Standing Outside A Broken Phon
58. Prodigy - Firestarter (1997)
59. Prodigy - Smack My Bitch Up (1997)
60. R.E.M. - Everybody Hurts (1993)
61. R.E.M. - Losing My Religion (1991)
62. Radiohead - Creep (1993)
63. Radiohead - High And Dry (1995)
64. Radiohead - Karma Police (1997)
65. Radiohead - Paranoid Android (1997)
66. Rage Against The Machine - Bulls On Parade (1996)
67. Rage Against The Machine - Guerrilla Radio (1999)
68. Rage Against The Machine - Killing In The Name (1992)
69. Rage Against The Machine - Wake Up (1992)
70. Rammstein - Du Hast (1998)
71. Red Hot Chili Peppers - Give It Away (1991)
72. Red Hot Chili Peppers - Scar Tissue (1999)
73. Red Hot Chili Peppers - Soul To Squeeze (1993)
74. Red Hot Chili Peppers - Under The Bridge (1992)
75. Soul Asylum - Runaway Train (1993)
76. Soundgarden - Black Hole Sun (1994)
77. Soundgarden - Pretty Noose (1996)
78. Spin Doctors - Two Princes (1993)
79. Stone Temple Pilots - Interstate Love Song (1994)
80. Stone Temple Pilots - Plush (1993)
81. The Offspring - Come Out And Play (1994)
82. The Offspring - Self Esteem (1994)
83. The Smashing Pumpkins - 1979 (1996)
84. The Smashing Pumpkins - Bullet With Butterfly Wings (1
85. The Smashing Pumpkins - Disarm (1994)
86. The Smashing Pumpkins - Tonight, Tonight (1996)
87. The Verve - Bittersweet Symphony (1997)
88. The Verve Pipe - The Freshmen (1997)
89. The Wallflowers - One Headlight (1997)
90. Third Eye Blind - How's It Going to Be (1997)
91. Third Eye Blind - Semi-Charmed Life (1997)
92. Tom Cochrane - Life Is A Highway (1992)
93. Tool - 46 & 2 (1996)
94. Tool - Sober (1993)
95. U2 - Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me, K
96. U2 - Mysterious Ways (1991)
97. U2 - One (1992)
98. Veruca Salt - Seether (1994)
99. Weezer - Buddy Holly (1995)
100. White Zombie - More Human Than Human (1995)

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90s, Rock, Allstars
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