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Скачать Workout Dance 2015 - Music For Training And Fitness (2015)

АвторАвтор: sam1425 | ДатаДата: 21 мая 2015 | Нашли ошибку?
Workout Dance 2015 - Music For Training And Fitness (2015)

Artist: VA
Album: Workout Dance 2015 - Music For Training And Fitness
Year: 2015
Label: n/a
Genre: House, Dance
Codec: MP3
Bitrate audio: 320 Kbps
Playtime: 7:48:26
Total Size: 1093 mb

01. Sam Smith - Like I Can (Artful Remix)
02. DJ Oguz Sarac - Rainbow
03. Karen Harding - Say Something
04. Teddy Sambuki - Get Out
05. Gorgon City - Go All Night (feat. Jennifer Hudson)
06. DJ David Marquez - Mr Blow
07. Oliver Heldens - Last All Night (Koala) [feat. K. Stewart]
08. Francesco Castaldo - Victoria
09. Clean Bandit & Jess Glynne - Real Love (Tough Love Remix)
10. Virus 1000 - Tribal House Synthz
11. Disclosure - White Noise (feat. AlunaGeorge) [Radio Edit]
12. Bonsugi - Himerius (Playa Ragga Beat & Percussion Mix)
13. Waze & Odyssey & R. Kelly - Bump & Grind 2014 (Radio Edit)
14. Anonima Sequencer - Flow
15. Florence + The Machine - Spectrum (Say My Name) [Calvin Harris Remix Radio Edit]
16. Esco89 - Caracal Hop (Dub Mix)
17. DJ Fresh - Gravity (feat. Ella Eyre) [Radio Edit]
18. Serval - Tribal Zone (Ecco Remix)
19. Duke Dumont - Need U (100%) [feat. Ame] [Radio Edit]
20. The Outhere Brothers - Pass the Vodka Shots (V M C Remix)
21. Eric Prydz - Call On Me (Radio Edit)
22. Vani, Joss Beaumont - Tribal Dance
23. Route 94 - My Love (feat. Jess Glynne)
24. Harry Solomon - Clubbing Around (Don Wuzi Mu & Harry Solomon Remix)
25. Wankelmut & Emma Louise - My Head Is a Jungle (Radio Edit) [MK Remix]
26. We Are Tall Order - Half Life Method
27. John Newman - Love Me Again (Max Sanna & Steve Pitron Remix)
28. Nihat a.k.a Dj Led - Led Tribal
29. Tim Berg - Seek Bromance (Avicii's Vocal Edit)
30. Leotone - Way Home (Leotone Afro Sax Style)
31. Alex Gaudino - What a Feeling (feat. Kelly Rowland) [Radio Edit]
32. Xavi Huguet, Codread, Fran Deliro, Tha Suspekt - The Jungle (Radio Edit)
33. Armand Van Helden, A-Trak & Duck Sauce - aNYway (Radio Edit)
34. Hanibal - Elephant Moon
35. The B15 Project - Girls Like Us (feat. Crissy D & Lady G)
36. Ron Jameson, Rob Daboom - 24-7 House Attack (Tribal Mix)
37. Kristine Blond - Love Shy (Club Asylum Mix)
38. Nick Harvey - The Drums (Transatlantic Mix)
39. Sisqo - Thong Song (feat. M.C. Alastair) [Artful Dodger Remix]
40. Rafael Lelis, Regina - Wanna Be Free (Edson Pride Remix)
41. Avicii - The Nights (Mike Mago Remix)
42. Chicagoboy - Kicks
43. Alesso - Heroes (We Could Be) [feat. Tove Lo]
44. Beurk & Easily Misread - Slave Of Sadness
45. Blackadiscomental - Lece k la roule
46. Dr. Kucho! & Gregor Salto - Can't Stop Playing (Makes Me High) [feat. Ane Brun] [Oliver Heldens Vocal Edit]
47. Damn-R - Butterfly (Radio Edit)
48. Yoshiwara - Stoa (Simon Jaxx Deep Tribal Remix)
49. Dillon Francis & DJ Snake - Get Low
50. Dj Stardust & Benjamin Zane Feat. Pit Bailay - Famous (Single Mix)
51. Oliver Hups - Tribal Call
52. Hannah Wants & Chris Lorenzo - Rhymes
53. Ana Oh - I Am Still (In Love) (Dynasty Remix)
54. Anirhythm - Love Will Find a Way (House Mix)
55. Benny Benassi & Chris Brown - Beautiful People
56. Antoine Montana, Sean Bradford - Sui Generis
57. Jason Born - More (Krommerz Remix Edit)
58. Ellie Goulding - Burn (Tiesto's Club Life Remix)
59. Mistah Nerf - Lost in Space
60. Lana Del Rey - Summertime Sadness (Cedric Gervais Remix Radio Edit)
61. City Capture - Melting Time (City Capture Afro Mix)
62. Housebatze - Partybombe (Ced Tecknoboy Edit)
63. Swedish House Mafia - Miami 2 Ibiza (feat. Tinie Tempah) [Radio Edit]
64. Dj Sanny J With Coffee & Honey Feat Dot Comma - Just Say I Love You
65. Luminous - Tribal Instruments
66. Tchami - Promesses (feat. Kaleem Taylor) [Radio Edit]
67. G.U.R.I - The Black Cat
68. Otto Knows - Million Voices (Radio Edit)
69. Vitaly Katz, DJ Stan Holland, DJ Roney M - Deep Tribal (Original Mix)
70. Breach - The Key (feat. Kelis)
71. Dna Trance - Tribal Valley
72. Sidney Samson - Riverside (Let's Go!) [feat. Wizard Sleeve] [Radio Edit]
73. Junior Vasquez, John Michael - Xtatic (Nick Harvey Club Mix)
74. Ida Corr & Fedde le Grand - Let Me Think About It (Radio Edit)
75. Afrojack & Eva Simons - Take Over Control (UK Radio Edit)
76. Axwell & Ingrosso - Something New (Revised Single Version)
77. Sebastian Ingrosso & Alesso - Calling (Lose My Mind) [feat. Ryan Tedder]
78. Nadia Ali - Rapture (Avicii New Generation Radio Edit)
79. MAGIC! - Rude (Zedd Remix)
80. DJ Fresh - Hot Right Now (feat. Rita Ora) [Radio Edit]
81. Alex Adair - Make Me Feel Better
82. Jess Glynne - Right Here
83. Disciples - They Don't Know (Radio Edit)
84. Duke Dumont - Won't Look Back
85. Kiesza - Hideaway (Zac Samuel Remix)
86. Jessie Ware - Say You Love Me (Alex Adair Remix)
87. LuvBug - Revive (Say Something)
88. Mike Mago & Dragonette - Outlines (Radio Edit)
89. Style of Eye - More Than a Lover (feat. Anna Stahl)
90. Solu Music - Fade (feat. KimBlee) [Grant Nelson Big Room Remix]
91. Mr. Probz - Waves (Robin Schulz Radio Edit)
92. Chris Malinchak - So Good To Me (MK Remix)
93. Parra for Cuva - Wicked Games (feat. Anna Naklab) [Radio Edit]
94. Storm Queen - Look Right Through (MK Vocal Edit)
95. Kokiri - Retrospect (Illyus & Barrientos Remix)
96. ZHU - Faded (The Magician Remix)
97. Laidback Luke & Steve Angello - Show Me Love (feat. Robin S.) [Radio Edit]
98. Wretch 32 - 6 Words (Nora En Pure Remix)
99. Zeds Dead - Lost You (feat. Twin Shadow & D'Angelo Lacy)
100. DJ S.K.T & Nightcrawlers - Push the Feeling On 2014

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Workout, Dance, Training, Fitness, House
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