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Скачать Delicate Lounge (2015)

АвторАвтор: sam1425 | ДатаДата: 2 июня 2015 | Нашли ошибку?
Delicate Lounge (2015)

Artist: VA
Album: Delicate Lounge
Year: 2015
Label: n/a
Genre: Lounge
Codec: MP3
Bitrate audio: 320 Kbps
Playtime: 8:19:45
Total Size: 1152 mb

01. Don Gorda - Hang Out Time
02. Raffika Dionisoi - Esso
03. Swiss Army Big Band - Fever
04. Oscar Barros - In My Head - Sea Chill Edit
05. Enrico Donner - Untouched Ground
06. Mr. V - Sunset Landscapes
07. Cane Garden Quartet - Colours of Love
08. Ale B - Ain't Wid It
09. Peter K - Gettin' Up (Live Version)
10. Oliver Backstrom - Still Serene
11. Arrojas - Around the Sun
12. Scafusia Jazzband SJB - They Can't Take That Away from Me
13. Tony Donner - And You Know It's True
14. Massoud Godemann & Gerd Bauder - My Funny Valentine
15. Enrico Donner - Sensual Education
16. Lime and Shine - Sandy Spit to Soggy Bay
17. Garry Black - Love Scene
18. Solanos - Get That Feeling
19. Maniq Sounds - Wuthering Heights
20. Bantunani - Gipsylady
21. Blue Wave - Eu Sou Carioca
22. Oscar Stringz - Time For A Break
23. Rey Salinero - Total Delight
24. ZZ - Honey Love
25. Cane Garden Quartet - Stay Strong
26. Saba Rock & Sandy Cay - Outta Sight
27. Tito Castro - Xani
28. Baghira - Happy Piano
29. Jnr Robinson - Wanna Praise
30. DJ Riquo - Visions (feat. Louise Fielden)
31. Kusuma Orchestra - Charming
32. Syntheticsax - Elena Voice (Backing Track Version)
33. Baghira - Urban Exploration
34. Cedrik Zimmermann - Gig Ventilo
35. Blue Wave - No Matter What
36. Cane Garden Quartet - Ageless
37. Risasi - How You Like
38. Don Gorda Project - Peaceful Forest
39. Proxy Brides - Feel Your Love
40. Rocklike - Holding On (Acoustic Version)
41. Saba Rock - Hot Or Not
42. Candy Rose - Now I'm Gone
43. Dr. Diver - Check In
44. Solanos - Jam About
45. John Soultek - Let the Music Talk
46. Blue Wave - Sea of Blossoms
47. Aquarius - Clue To A Mystery
48. Tony Donner - And You Know It's True (feat. Sapphire)
49. The Sura Quintet - Fundamental Feeling
50. Enrico Donner - Catch A Glimpse
51. Lounge oo Lounge - Sunset
52. Bernd Filz - Dust on the Dancefloor
53. Solar Eclipse - Beat 12
54. Metropolitans - Fool's Paradise
55. Trevor Jackson - Can You Blame Me
56. PrinceSoul - The Past
57. Lilly - Liebe ist kein Spiel
58. Gilbert Bishop - I Believe
59. Amaal Nuux - Words Revealed
60. Lounge 2 Lounge - Baleal
61. Kravate - Lounge Y
62. The Moonheads - Walking on Earth
63. Aniko Benko - You and Me (feat. Reinhard Ploil)
64. Jon Turner - In My Eyes
65. C-Marion - Honey
66. Chill Dabassgo - The Awakening of the Sun
67. John C. Marshall - On Broadway (Live Version)
68. Club Camarillo - El Pampero
69. Steve Haggerty & The Wanted - I Don't Need No Doctor
70. Ku You - 40 Degrees
71. Da Funk - Sexy (feat. Dkoldis) [Antoine Montana Cyka Remix]
72. Solanos - Get That Feeling
73. Dontae Peeps - Silly Me
74. Tim Besamusca - Evening Breeze - Chillout Mix
75. Streets of Brazil - O Groove Que Faz Dancar (Beach Chillout Mix)
76. Armando Gomez - Victoria Space
77. Lounge 2 Lounge - Baleal
78. Alex Picciafuochi - Last Goodbye
79. Muhabbet - O Gozler
80. Lounge oo Lounge - Sunset
81. Schwarz & Funk - Angles
82. Ku You - 40 Degrees
83. Carlos Bonito - Chango Tango
84. Half Decent - What We Were Like
85. Fast-Life - Babies and Gentlemen
86. DJ Tomekk & Mario Winans - I Miss You (Antoine Montana Heartbreak Remix)
87. Dontae - Show You Love
88. Sandra - Last Summer (Piano Only Version)
89. Costa da Liberdade - Amor e Emocao (Brazil Soul Mix)
90. Emad Sayyah - Jazz on My Mind (feat. Ronny Heller)
91. Piscide - David L.
92. Jazz Hop Rhythm - Cantaloupe Island
93. Damon Rentie - Love Serenade
94. Cynthia Mack - We Is Married Now
95. Phonix - Korper Aneinander Reiben (Tobi Phonatras Wee Hours Swing)
96. Swing Tanzen Verboten - All I Do Is Dream of You
97. Nicola Babetto - Sweet April
98. Marie Parline - Da Di Da Da
99. Heso - Meeting Lounge
100. Tranquilo - Finalmente Danca (The Last Dance)

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Delicate, Lounge, Chill, Downtempo
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