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Скачать Pacha 2015 Vol.2 [3CD] (2015)

АвторАвтор: sam1425 | ДатаДата: 12 июня 2015 | Нашли ошибку?
Pacha 2015 Vol.2 [3CD] (2015)

Artist: VA
Album: Pacha 2015 Vol.2
Year: 2015
Label: Embassy Of Music (Warner)
Genre: House
Codec: MP3
Bitrate audio: 256 Kbps avg VBR
Playtime: 3:59:07
Total Size: 444 mb

CD 1
01. David Guetta Feat. Sam Martin - Dangerous (Extended)
02. Nicky Romero Vs Volt & State - Warriors
03. Calvin Harris Feat. Ellie Goulding - Outside
04. Lost Frequencies - Are You With Me (DIMARO Remix)
05. Martin Solveig, GTA - Intoxicated (Radio Edit)
06. Oliver Heldens Feat. KStewart - Koala (Last All Night) (Radio Edit)
07. Laidback Luke Feat. MC Goodgrip - Rocking With The Best (Tujamo Remix)
08. Jean Elan & CJ Stone - I Feel Love
09. Quintino Feat. Una - Escape (Into The Sunset) (Extended Mix)
10. DVBBS & Jay Hardway - Voodoo
11. Don Diablo Feat. Maluca - My Window
12. Sander van Doorn, Firebeatz, Julian Jordan - Rage
13. bassjackers & Thomas Newson - Wave Your Hands
14. Basti M - F-ckin' Jump (Club Mix)
15. Taao Kross - Anwar
16. Ton! Dyson, SL Curtiz - Get Down
17. Royksopp - I Had This Thing (Wolfgang Gartner Remix)
18. Oliver Heldens - Melody
19. Deniz Koyu & Don Palm - Lift
20. Fedde Le Grand Feat. Niels Geusebroek - Falling
21. Axwell Ingrosso - Something New

CD 2
22. Philip George - Wish You Were Mine (Radio Edit)
23. Dr. Kucho! & Gregor Salto Feat. Ane Brun - Can't Stop Playing (Makes Me High) (Oliver Heldens & Gregor Salto Vocal Mix Extended)
24. Alex Adair - Make Me Feel Better (Don Diablo & CID Remix Radio Edit)
25. Jack Holiday - YES!
26. Curbi - Discharge
27. Plastik Funk - Damn MC
28. Tujamo - Booty Bounce
29. Richard Grey - Come On Baby
30. Andrew Bennett - Babylon
31. ANIELLO - Pando
32. DBN Feat. ONI SKY - Gotta Get Thru This 2015
33. Shapov - Disco Tufli
34. Klaas - I Don't Care (Dany Lorence Remix)
35. Tune Brothers - Everybody In The Club
36. Froidz - Enjoy The Silence (Froidz Club Remix)
37. John Jacobsen & G - Martinez
38. Mr. Belt & Wezol - Finally
39. Pep & Rash - Rumors
40. Freddy Verano Feat. Sam Smith - Moments (Tragic Johnson Club Edit)
41. Me & My Monkey - This Is
42. KOSLIT - Voices

CD 3
43. OMI - Cheerleader (Felix Jaehn Remix Radio Edit)
44. Bob Sinclar Feat. Dawn Tallman - Feel The Vibe (Club Mix)
45. Kwabs - Walk (Jaded Remix)
46. Ben Delay - I Told You
47. Moby Feat. Damien Jurado - Almost Home (MOWE Extended Mix)
48. Watermat & TAI - Frequency
49. Sirens Of Lesbos - Long Days, Hot Nights (Claptone Radio Edit)
50. Max Manie - The Ocean (Radio Mix)
51. Ron Carroll, Rebeka Brown - Get Down (Paul Vinx Remix)
52. Sam Feldt & The Him Feat. ANGI3 - Midnight Hearts
53. Lissat & Voltaxx - Flowers & Afterhours
54. Falko Niestolik and BK Duke Feat. Ellie Jackson - Sunrise (Falko Niestolik Radio Vocal Mix)
55. DJ Falk & Luca Debonaire - People From Ibiza (Club Mix)
56. Casanovy - I Need Your Lovin (Manuel De La Mare Remix)
57. Platinum Doug - Do It Like This
58. EDX - Remember House
59. Dasco Feat. Justina Maria - What I Need (Right Here, Right Now) (Calippo Remix)
60. John Dahlback - Laguna
61. DJ Sub Zero - Girl (Like That)
62. Panzer Flower Feat. Hubert Tubbs - We Are Beautiful (Boot Action Remix)
63. Francesco Diaz, Young Rebels - Play House

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Теги к статье:

Pacha, House, Embassy, Music, Warner
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