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Скачать Pacha Ibiza (The House Collection 2000-2009) [3CD] (2015)

АвторАвтор: sam1425 | ДатаДата: 14 июня 2015 | Нашли ошибку?
Pacha Ibiza (The House Collection 2000-2009) [3CD] (2015)

Artist: VA
Album: Pacha Ibiza (The House Collection 2000-2009)
Year: 2015
Label: New State
Genre: House
Codec: MP3
Bitrate audio: 320 Kbps
Playtime: 3:47:28
Total Size: 502 mb

CD 1
01. Roger Sanchez - Another Chance
02. The Shapeshifters - Lola's Theme
03. Madison Avenue - Don't Call Me Baby
04. Room 5 ft. Oliver Cheatham - Make Luv
05. Black Legend - You See The Trouble With Me (We'll Be In Trouble Extended Mix)
06. Axwell - Feel The Vibe
07. Fedde Le Grand - Put Your Hands Up For Detroit (Club Mix)
08. Calvin Harris - I'm Not Alone (Extended Mix)
09. Groove Armada - Superstylin'
10. Basement Jaxx - Where's Your Head At
11. Bodyrox ft. Lucianna - Yeah Yeah (D. Ramirez Vocal Club Mix)
12. Benny Benassi - Satisfaction (Isak Original Extended)
13. Yeah Yeah Yeahs - Heads Will Roll (A-Trak Remix)
14. Soul Central - Strings Of Life (Danny Krivit Re Edit)
15. Eric Prydz - Call On Me (Eric Prydz Vs Retarded Funk Mix)
16. Duck Sauce - aNYway
17. Salif Keita - Madan (Martin Solveig Exotic Disco Mix)
18. Afro Medusa - Pasilda (Knee Deep Club Mix)
19. Empire Of The Sun - We Are The People (The Shapeshifters Vocal Remix)
20. Cassius - The Sound Of Violence (Two Minute Warning Club Mix)

CD 2
01. Kings Of Tomorrow - Finally (Original Extended Mix)
02. Boris Dlugosch ft. Roisin Murphy - Never Enough (Club Mix)
03. Fish Go Deep & Tracey K - The Cure & The Cause (Dennis Ferrer Remix)
04. M.A.N.D.Y. vs Booka Shade - Body Language (Tocadisco Remix)
05. Octave One ft. Ann Saunderson - Black Water (Full Strings Vocal Mix)
06. Shakedown - At Night (Original Club Mix)
07. Armand Van Helden - My My My
08. Mylo - Drop the Pressure (Dirty Club Mix)
09. David Guetta, Joachim Garraud, Chris Willis - Just A Little More Love (Wally Lopez Remix)
10. Michael Gray - The Weekend (Original 12" Mix)
11. Cosmos - Take Me With You (Instrumental Club Mix)
12. Space Cowboy - I Would Die 4 U (Extended Club)
13. Kurtis Mantronik - 77 Strings
14. Junior Jack - E Samba (Original Club Mix)
15. G Club Presents Banda Sonora - Guitarra G (G Club Original Mix)
17. Everything But The Girl - Tracey In My Room (Lazy Dog Bootleg Dub)
18. Freemasons ft. Amanda Wilson - Love On My Mind
19. StoneBridge ft. Therese - Put 'Em High (JJ's Club Mix)
20. Bob Sinclar ft. Gary Pine - Love Generation (Club Mix)

CD 3
01. The Chemical Brothers - Star Guitar
02. Dirty Vegas - Days Go By
03. Planet Funk - Chase the Sun
05. Lee-Cabrera - Shake It (Move A Little Closer)
06. Silicone Soul - Right On!
08. Mighty Dub Katz - Let The Drums Speak
09. Santos - Camels -(no.9)
10. Gramophonedzie - Why Don't You
11. Mark Knight & Funkagenda - Man With The Red Face
12. Guru Josh Project - Infinity 2008 (Klaas Vocal Edit)
13. Kid Cudi vs. Crookers - Day 'N' Nite (Club Mix)
14. Dave McCullen - Bitch
15. Chuckie & Silvio Ecomo - Moombah (Afrojack Remix)
16. Paul Woodford presents Bobby Peru - Erotic Discourse
17. Ame - Rej
18. Axwell, Ingrosso, Angello, Laidback Luke ft. Deborah Cox - Leave The World Behind
19. Lifelike & Kris Menace - Discopolis
20. Underworld - Two Months Off

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Pacha, Ibiza, House, Collection, State
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