Artist: VA Album: Ultra 2015 Year: 2015 Label: Ultra Genre: House Codec: MP3 Bitrate audio: 254 Kbps avg VBR Playtime: 1:40:03 Total Size: 183 mb
CD 1 01. Steve Aoki, Chris Lake & Tujamo - Delirious (Boneless) (Feat Kid Ink) 02. MAKJ & Lil Jon - Letas Get F-cked Up 03. Kaskade & Moguai - Something Something Champs (Feat Zip Zip Through The Night) 04. Above & Beyond - Blue Sky Action (Feat Alex Vargas) 05. Zeds Dead - Lost You (Feat Twin Shadow & D'angelo Lacy) 06. Deorro - Five Hours 07. Project 46 & BYNON - Eyes 08. Mako - Our Story (Club Mix) 09. Daddy's Groove - Pulse (Feat Teammate) 10. AronChupa - I'm An Albatraoz 11. Brass Knuckles - Water Gun (Feat John Ryan) 12. Benny Benassi - Shooting Helicopters (Feat Serj Tankian)
CD 2 01. Blasterjaxx - Faith (Extended Mix) 02. John Dahlback - Honors (Feat Rebecca & Fiona) 03. Wankelmut & Emma Louise - My Head Is A Jungle (MK Remix) 04. Oliver $ & Jimi Jules - Pushing On 05. Henry Krinkle - Stay (Justin Martin Remix) 06. Chris Lake - Sundown (Chris Lake Remix) 07. Mystique - Brand New (Extended Version) 08. CLMD - Wild Men (Feat Sirena) (Original Mix) 09. Ozark Henry - I'm Your Sacrifice 10. Kyla La Grange - Cut Your Teeth (Kygo Remix) 11. Netsky - Running Low (Feat Beth Ditto) (Extended Mix) 12. Seven Lions - Worlds Apart (Feat Kerli)
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