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Скачать Asia - Axis XXX Live San Francisco MMXXII (2015) [BDRip 1080p]

АвторАвтор: bord | ДатаДата: 21 июня 2015 | Нашли ошибку?
Asia - Axis XXX Live San Francisco MMXXII (2015) [BDRip 1080p]

Artist: Asia
Album: Axis XXX Live San Francisco MMXXII
Year: 2015
Country: UK
Genre: Progressive rock
Quality: MKV/BDRip 1080p
Video: AVC, 1920x1080 (16:9), 29.970 fps, 9 270 Kbps
Audio: AC3 48.0 KHz 2 ch 192 Kbps

• Recorded on November 7th 2012 at the Regency Ballroom in San Francisco, this new ASIA live CD / DVD and Blu Ray captures once again the band, in the original line-up, in front of an ecstatic audience during one of the shows that ASIA performed in support of the “XXX” album and which was broadcasted by AXS TV in the USA. With HD recording this new live album is truly a rewarding experience for all ASIA fans. After the recent DVD releases, this is Asia performing one of the very last shows featuring the original line up with: Geoff Downes, Steve Howe, Carl Palmer and John Wetton live on the road, in-your face and for your viewing pleasure. The set list features songs from their first two albums and selected cuts from the reunion albums, including the single from “XXX” “Face on the Bridge”. This is a historical document of where the band was at the time and a snapshot of their musicianship, camaraderie and passion. This live CD / DVD is an irreplaceable companion to the “XXX” studio album. Formed at the dawn of the MTV era, Asia’s first release was the best selling album in the world in 1982 and sat at the number 1 spot in the USA for 9 weeks, powered by the classic rock anthem, “Heat Of The Moment,” and four other radio hits. Asia’s 1983 sophomore album, Alpha, also went multi-platinum and enjoyed several hit singles, including the #1 smash, “Don’t Cry”. During the recording of its third disc, the band splintered, and by the 1990s, only Geoff Downes remained from the original line-up. The reunion came to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the band, but morphed itself into an ongoing endeavour.

01. Introduction
02. Only time will tell
03. Wildest dreams
04. Face on the bridge
05. Time again
06. Tomorrow the world
07. Ride easy
08. Pyramidology
09. The golden mean
10. I know how you feel
11. Don't cry
12. The smile has left your eyes
13. Cutting it fine
14. Holy war/Drum Solo
15. An extraordinary life
16. Here comes the feeling
17. Open your eyes
18. Sole survivor
19. Heat of the moment

Скачать: Asia - Axis XXX Live San Francisco MMXXII (2015)

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Asia, Progressive rock
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