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Скачать Classic Forever Volume 1 (2015)

АвторАвтор: sam1425 | ДатаДата: 30 июня 2015 | Нашли ошибку?
Classic Forever Volume 1 (2015)

Artist: VA
Album: Classic Forever Volume 1
Year: 2015
Label: n/a
Genre: Classical
Codec: MP3
Bitrate audio: 320 Kbps
Playtime: 7:19:28
Total Size: 968 mb

01. Bernstein Candide Overture
02. Faure Dolly, Op. 56 - Berceuse
03. Bach Brandenburg Concerto #5 In D, BWV 1050 - Mvt. 3
04. Stravinsky The Firebird - Conclusion
05. Kreisler Liebesfreud
06. Mozart Flute Concerto #2 In D, K 314 - 3. Rondo
07. Schubert Standchen D957 No.4
08. Bach Cello Suite #1 In G, BWV 1007 - 1. Prelude
09. Mozart Gran Partita Serenade No.10 For 13 Wind Instruments In B-Flat K361
10. Respighi Pines Of Rome I Pini Di Villa Borghese
11. Elgar Cello Concerto In E Minor, Op. 85 - 1. Adagio-Moderato
12. Mozart Piano Concerto No.20 In D Minor K466 II Romanze extract
13. Gershwin Rhapsody in blue
14. Chopin Waltz #7 In C Sharp Minor, Op. 642
15. Johann Strauss Tritsch- Tratsch Polka
16. Mussorgsky A Night on the Bare Mountain
17. Shostakovich Waltz No.2
18. Glinka Overture
19. Beethoven Piano Sonata #8 In C Minor, Op. 13, Pathetique - 2. Adagio Cantabile
20. Kreisler Liebesleid
21. Offenbach Orpheus In The Underworld- Overture
22. Flotow Martha - Ach, So Fromm
23. Debussy Arabesques, L 66 - #1 In E, Andante Con Moto
24. Wagner The Ride of the Valkyries
25. Mozart Serenade #13 In G, K 525, Eine Kleine Nachtmusik - 2. Romanze Andante
26. Schubert Heidenroslein, D 257
27. IV. Marche au supplice
28. Albeniz Suite Espanola, Op. 47 - Sevilla
29. Chopin Raindrop Prelude No.15 In D-Flat Op.28
30. Vedi! le fosche notturne spoglie
31. Mozart Serenata notturna in D K239 Marcia Maestoso
32. Chopin Nocturne #2 In E Flat, Op. 92, CT 109
33. Vivaldi Violin Concerto In F Minor, Op. 8 4, RV 297, The Four Seasons (Winter) - 2. Largo
34. Mussorgsky The Hut on Fowl's Legs
35. Chopin Etude In E Tristesse Op.10 No.3
36. Bizet Carmen - Act 1 L'Amour Est Un Oiseau Rebelle
37. Bach Brandenburg Concerto #2 In F, BWV 1047 - 3. Allegro Assai
38. Schumann Kinderszenen, Op. 15 - 7. Traumerei
39. Mozart Piano Sonata #11 In A, K 331 - 3. Rondo Alla Turca
40. Bach Italian Concerto, BWV 971 - 1. Allegro
41. Bizet Carmen Suite #1 - Entr'Acte #2 Intermezzo
42. Holst The Planets (Venus, The Bringer Of Peace)
43. Prokofiev Peter And The Wolf
44. Rizet - Prelude
45. Sarasate Zigeunerweisen, Op. 20
46. Mozart Horn Concerto #4 In E Flat, K 495 - 2. Andante
47. Wagner Die Meistersinger Von Nurnberg- Prelude
48. Mussorgsky The Great Gate of Kiev
49. Johann Strauss II Wiener Blut Op.354 extract
50. Rachmaninov Prelude In C Sharp Minor, Op. 32, The Bells Of Moscow
51. Grieg Peer Gynt (Incidental Music) Solveig's Song
52. Debussy The Girl With The Flaxen Hair (Le Fille Aux Cheveux De Lin)
53. Mozart German Dance #3, Sleigh Ride
54. Vivaldi Violin Concerto In G Minor, Op. 82, RV 315, The Four Seasons (Summer) - Presto
55. Tarrega Memoires Of The Alhambra
56. Offenbach The Tales Of Hoffmann - Barcarolle
57. Hummel Trumpet Concerto In E Flat, WoO 1, S 49 - 3. Rondo
58. Wagner Lohengrin (Bridal Chorus) Treulich Gefuhrt
59. Mozart Clarinet Quintet In A, K 581 - 2. Larghetto
60. Khachaturian Sabre Dance
61. Richard Strauss Four Last Songs - Beim Schlafengehen conclusion
62. Wagner Tristan Und Isolde - Mild Undd Leise (Liebestod)
63. Beethoven Minuet In C
64. Ravel Pavane Pour Une Infante Defunte
65. Brahms Waltz #15 In A Flat, Op. 39
66. Liszt Liebestraume, S 541 - 3. O Lieb, So Lang Du Lieben Kannst
67. Chopin Polonaise #6 In A Flat, Op. 53, Heroique - Heroique
68. George Frideric Handel - Handel Music For The Royal Fireworks, HWV 351 - Rejouissance
69. Lloyd Webber Requiem Pie Jesu
70. Rossini Overture conclusion
71. Tchaikovsky Symphony No.4 in F minor Op.36 - IV Finale Allegro con fuoco
72. Beethoven Piano Concerto No.5 in E-flat Op.73 Emperor Adagio un poco mosso extract
73. Charpentier (MA) Te Deum In D, H 146 - Fanfare
74. Mendelssohn Wedding March (A Midsummer Night's Dream) [Incidental Music]
75. Satie Gymnopedies - 1. Lent Et Douloureux
76. Bach Keyboard Concerto In F Minor, BWV 1056 - 2. Largo
77. Rimsky - Korsakov The Flight of the Bumble Bee
78. Chopin Berceuse In D-Flat Op.57
79. Puccini Tosca - Vissi D'Arte, Vissi D'Amore
80. Saint-Saens Carnival Of The Animals - The Swan
81. Holst Mars, the Bringer ol War
82. Mendelssohn A Midsummer Night's Dream (Incidental music) Nocturne
83. Beethoven Bagatelle In A Minor, WoO 59, Fur Elise
84. Smetana Moldau, T 111 - Ma Vlast
85. Faure Pavane, Op. 50
86. Tchaikovsky Serenade for Strings in C Op.48 II Valse Moderato
87. Gershwin Summertime
88. Vivaldi Chamber Concerto In D, RV 93 - Largo
89. Mendelssohn Songs without Words - Fruhlingslied
90. Dvorak Humoresque #7 In G Flat, B 1877
91. Ravel Bolero conclusion
92. Tchaikovsky Violin Concerto In D, Op. 35 - 1. Allegro Moderato
93. Puccini La Rondine - Act 1 Chi Il Bel Sogno Di Doretta
94. Saint-Saens Carnival Of The Animals (Aquarium)
95. Stravinsky Danse sacrale (L'elue)
96. Handel Watermusic Suite #2 In D, HWV 349 - Alla Hornpipe
97. Rachmaninov Vocalise
98. Mozart Le Nozze Di Figaro - Voi Che Sapete
99. Orff - O Fortuna
100. Peter Donohoe (Piano) - Salut D'amour

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