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Скачать Dream Dance Vol.76 [3CD] (2015)

АвторАвтор: sam1425 | ДатаДата: 2 июля 2015 | Нашли ошибку?
Dream Dance Vol.76 [3CD] (2015)

Artist: VA
Album: Dream Dance Vol.76
Year: 2015
Label: Sme Media (Sony Music)
Genre: Trance, Dance
Codec: MP3
Bitrate audio: 247 Kbps avg VBR
Playtime: 3:58:58
Total Size: 428 mb

CD 1
01. Dream Dance Alliance - Summer Nights
02. Armin Van Buuren Feat. Mr. Probz - Another You
03. Hardwell & Jason Derulo - Follow Me
04. DJ Shog Feat. Far Away - Home
05. Nicky Romero Vs. Volt & State - Warriors
06. Alesso Feat. Roy English - Cool
07. Axwell & Ingrosso - On My Way
08. Fedde Le Grand Feat. Niels Geusebroek - Falling
09. Ferry Corsten Feat. Haris - Back To Paradise
10. Cosmic Gate With Mike Schmid - No One Can Touch You Now
11. Paul Van Dyk Feat. Sue Mclaren - Lights
12. Carly Rae Jepsen - I Really Like You (Blasterjaxx Remix)
13. Olly Murs Feat. Demi Lovato - Up (Wideboys Remix)
14. Galantis - Gold Dust
15. Thomas Gold, Harrison & Hiio - Take Me Home
16. Tom Swoon & Stadium X Feat. Rico & Miella - Ghost
17. Paris Blohm & Steerner Feat. Flight - Forever
18. Magnificence & Alex Maire Feat. Brooke Forman - Heartbeat (Nicky Romero Remix)
19. Shaun Bate Feat. Sirona - Don't You Worry (Dave Darell Remix)
20. Rockster Feat. Paul Cless - Runaway (Roone & Josh Robyn Remix)
21. Cabriolet Paris - The Way It Is (Ddei & Estate Remix)

CD 2
22. Kygo Feat. Parson James - Stole The Show
23. Robin Schulz - Headlights
24. Feder Feat. Lyse - Goodbye (Alex Schulz Remix)
25. Marvin Gaye & Kygo - Sexual Healing (Kygo Remix)
26. Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike Vs. Ummet Ozcan - The Hum (Lost Frequencies Remix)
27. Michael Calfan - Treasured Soul
28. Alex Schulz - In The Morning Light
29. Tiefenrausch - Jfk
30. Holmes & Watson - Far Away In The Sunshine
31. Rob & Chris Feat. Dan O'clock - Ruckenwind
32. Cj Stone - Open Up
33. Rocco & Cc.K. - V
34. Adrima Feat. Lyck - Predator
35. Tiscore - Until The Stars Collide
36. Uplink Feat. David Monde - What I Feel
37. Quickdrop - Come Back (John Snow Remix)
38. Str!ker & Parker Feat. Ann Bailey - Courage Now
39. Anton Liss Feat. Louise Carver - Nothing Feels Good Without You
40. Frontload & Alica Madison - Living for The First Time
41. Kindervater Feat. Jaicko Laerence - Shine On
42. Klubbingman & Andy Jay Powell - The Legend (Para X Remix)
43. Marc Kiss - Kiss Goodbye (Topmodelz Remix)
44. Sem - Restless

CD 3
45. Above & Beyond Feat. Zoe Johnston - Peace Of Mind
46. Kyau & Albert - The Same
47. Aly & Fila With Aruna - The Other Shore (Solarstone Pure Remix)
48. Markus Schulz & Departune - Destiny
49. Ben Gold Feat. Eric Lumiere - Hide Your Heart
50. Andy Moor & Somna Feat. Amy Kirkpatrick - One Thing About You
51. Jes - Two Souls
52. Sultan + Ned Shepard Feat. Tagan & Sara - Make Things Right
53. Marcus Schossow Feat. The Royalties Sthlm - Lionheart
54. Cuebrick - Demon (Inpetto Remix)
55. Super8 & Tab Feat. Julie Thompson - Patience
56. Rene Ablaze & Jam Da Bass Feat. Carina - Move On (Nolita Remix)
57. Nolita - She Sells Sea Shells
58. Tomac - Gabrielle
59. Bravenus - Maitika
60. Raven & Kleekamp - Noctalia
61. Faruk Sabanci - Albino
62. Venom One & Tomas Heredia - Moments
63. Miroslav Vrlik & Andre Visor - Airflow
64. Standerwick & Jennifer Rene - All Of Us
65. Talla 2xlc - The Spring Is My Love
66. Johan Gielen - Confusion
67. Amine Maxwell & Mhammed El Alami - If I Stay

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Dream, Dance, Trance, Sony
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