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Скачать onOne Perfect Photo Suite Premium Edition (Win/Mac)

АвторАвтор: gorodoksmol | ДатаДата: 4 июля 2015 | Нашли ошибку?
onOne Perfect Photo Suite Premium Edition (Win/Mac)

Perfect Photo Suite Premium Edition для ваших фотографий. Лёгкий. Быстрый. Лучший. Perfect Photo Suite Premium Edition включает в себя все OnOne Программные продукты и работает с Adobe Photoshop Lightroom, Aperture. Все семь продуктов в пакете, может работать как автономные приложения.

What's new in onOne Perfect Photo Suite 9:
Perfect Photo Suite 9 is packed full of new features! Now you can find, manage, and edit photos faster than ever!

Forget Preflight. Go QuickFlight.
Why wait to preview your photos? Perfect Browse's lightning-fast preview mode lets you quickly sort, cull and edit photos from a shoot. Quickly ditch the bad ones, rate the good ones, and add keywords. When you're done, filter only the photos you want and send them off to Photoshop, Lightroom or Aperture with a single click.

New Smart Photos
Re-edit your photos—with previous settings intact—after saving and closing them. All of your editing steps are saved with a Smart Photo, so you can make subtle (or major) changes to a photo at a later date.

New Quick Mask Tool
The Quick Mask tool determines the areas of your photo you want to keep and creates a mask automatically. It's perfect for replacing backgrounds or adding a look to part of your photo.

Faster Image Processing
One of the fastest photo browsers available. Filters and presets also load and 30% faster.

Masking and Layers
We've taken the best selection tools from Perfect Mask and put them into Perfect Layers, creating the ultimate tool for compositing and masking.

New Noise Reduction
Reduce noise from your photos while maintaining details. Even selectively apply noise reduction to different parts of a photo, such as the shadows or highlights.

New Lens Flare Filter
Lets you get that popular "shot into the sun" look and add lens flares ranging from subtle to bold.

New Crop + Level Tool
The crop tool allows you to crop freeform, to a specific ratio, or choose from popular document sizes. Even save your own crop presets! Need to straighten your photo? Choose the new Straighten Tool!

Updated Perfect Brush
Our popular Perfect Brush has been enhanced to work better along soft edges and semi-transparent objects like smoke, clouds, or hair.

New Print Options
Now print your photos from any module in Perfect Photo Suite 9!

System Requirements:
- 10.8, 10.9, 10.10 (current maintenance releases, 64 bit)

- Windows 7, Windows 8 (current maintenance releases, 64 bit)

- Intel Core 2 Duo, Xeon or better processors(s)

- 8 GB

Hard Drive:
- 1.5 GB for installation

- OpenGL 2.0 compatible video card with 256 MB dedicated video RAM, 1280x720 resolution (OpenGL 4.0 compatible video card with 1GB dedicated video RAM, 1920x1080 resolution is recommended)

Optional Application Integration:
- Adobe Photoshop CS6, CC, or CC 2014
- Adobe Photoshop Elements 11, 12, or 13
- Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 4 or 5
- Apple Aperture 3.5

What's new in onOne Perfect Photo Suite 9.5.0:
- The Perfect Browse update add key improvements in four areas; grid view, detail view, caching, and albums. Grid view has been reworked to be much much faster and smoother when you scroll through thumbnails. Detail view, for looking at one photo at a time, has been improved so you will hardly ever see a pixelated version of your photo. This will be a much better experience when scrolling through full previews at a regular pace. The persistent cache of thumbnails and previews allows you to go back to a folder you have viewed before and make it lightning fast to view.
- Albums are a new feature for Perfect Browse and it allows you to make a list, or collection of photos. The great part about on1 Albums is that photos added to the album can live anywhere (local hard disk or the cloud). Files don’t get duplicated when you add them to an Album, it’s more like a list of shortcuts.
- Perfect Portrait has also undergone significant performance improvements. You will immediately notice the start up speed (from opening Portrait to finding faces). The adjustments of the eyes are mouth are also much faster.
- There are many more features and performance enhancements found in version 9.5, including a new line mask tool; luminosity masking, and bug fixes

Год: 2015
Язык: английский
Лекарство: присутствует
Размер: 551.96 MB | 548.42 MB

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onOne, Perfect, Photo, Suite 9.5.0
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