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Скачать Chilled To Perfection - Seventy Instrumental Lounge Classics (2015)

АвторАвтор: sam1425 | ДатаДата: 11 июля 2015 | Нашли ошибку?
Chilled To Perfection - Seventy Instrumental Lounge Classics (2015)

Artist: VA
Album: Chilled To Perfection - Seventy Instrumental Lounge Classics
Year: 2015
Label: Spite
Genre: Lounge
Codec: MP3
Bitrate audio: 320 Kbps
Playtime: 3:39:17
Total Size: 495 mb

01. Tim Barton - Fields of Gold
02. Krista Ricci - Walk On By
03. Prudence and the Piano - Eleanor Rigby
04. Blind Faith Ensemble - Samba Pa Ti (Santana Latin Style)
05. The Man of Mystery - Nivram
06. Acoustic Moods - Lay Lady Lay
07. Pinewood Ensemble - Nick Drake Song
08. Prudence and the Piano - Norwegian Wood
09. Krista Ricci - Raindrops Keep Falling On My Head
10. Pinewood Ensemble - Cavatina
11. Acoustic Moods - Blue Moon
12. Acoustic Moods - Martha's Harbour
13. Krista Ricci - This Guy's In Love
14. Acoustic Moods - Wonderful Land
15. Prudence and the Piano - And I Love Her
16. Acoustic Moods - A Thousand Tears
17. Prudence and the Piano - The Fool On the Hill
18. Acoustic Moods - Albatross
19. Ravenswood - Alison's Theme
20. Krista Ricci - Do You Know the Way To San Jose
21. Pinewood Ensemble - Festival Nights
22. Tim Barton - Anji
23. Krista Ricci - What the World Needs Now
24. Pinewood Ensemble - Dream Sequence
25. Krista Ricci - The Look of Love
26. Tim Barton - Lying Eyes
27. American Horror Story - Violet And Tate Forever
28. Prudence and the Piano - Here There And Everywhere
29. Blind Faith Ensemble - Nights In White Satin
30. The Man of Mystery - Peace Pipe
31. Acoustic Moods - La Isla Bonita
32. Dave Rusin - The Sound of Silence
33. Acoustic Moods - As Tears Go By
34. Acoustic Moods - The Sun Aint Gonna Shine Anymore
35. Krista Ricci - I'll Never Fall In Love Again
36. Acoustic Moods - Last Years Love
37. Peaky Blinders Ensemble - The Ballad of Peaky Blinders
38. Acoustic Moods - Stranger On the Shore
39. Acoustic Moods - Moon River
40. Ravenswood - Emily And Paige (Pretty Little Liars)
41. Acoustic Moods - Under the Boardwalk
42. Prudence and the Piano - If I Fell
43. Acoustic Moods - Golden Brown
44. Tim Barton - Catch the Wind
45. Acoustic Moods - Because the Night
46. Krista Ricci - Anyone Who Had a Heart
47. Acoustic Moods - Something
48. Prudence and the Piano - A Taste of Honey
49. Acoustic Moods - Make It Easy On Yourself
50. Acoustic Moods - I Cant Help Falling In Love
51. Prudence and the Piano - Till There Was You
52. Acoustic Moods - Something Stupid
53. Prudence and the Piano - Michelle
54. The Man of Mystery - Sleepwalk
55. Acoustic Moods - The Wind Beneath My Wings
56. Krista Ricci - Close To You
57. Acoustic Moods - When the Night Has Ended
58. Prudence and the Piano - It's Only Love
59. The Man of Mystery - Wonderful Land
60. Pinewood Ensemble - Sons of Anarchy
61. Acoustic Moods - And I Love Her
62. Acoustic Moods - Don't Let the Sun Catch You Crying
63. Prudence and the Piano - Yesterday
64. Acoustic Moods - Guantanamera
65. Acoustic Moods - Light My Fire
66. Krista Ricci - You'll Never Get To Heaven
67. Acoustic Moods - Flamenco Fire
68. Pinewood Ensemble - Jessie Pinkman Is Breaking Bad
69. Acoustic Moods - Summer Breeze
70. Tim Barton - Time In a Bottle

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Chilled, Perfection, Seventy, Lounge, Spite
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