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Скачать VA - Клубная волна. Сборник клубной музыки (2015)

АвторАвтор: zapad9 | ДатаДата: 16 июля 2015 | Нашли ошибку?
VA - Клубная волна. Сборник клубной музыки (2015)

Исполнитель: Various Artists
Название: Клубная волна. Сборник клубной музыки
Жанр: club, dance
Год выпуска: 2015
Продолжительность: 04:52:01
Треки: 60
Формат / Битрейт: MP3, 44.1 KHz, 320 Kbps
Размер: 701 MB

01. Da'silva Gunn - Put You On (Original Mix)
02. Zvika Brand & Mc Chubik Vs.Vi & Di & Jurbas - Potahat Tik Comes Down (Dj Vladimir Cooper Mash Up)
03. Cassey, Crystal Rock - Borders (Crystal Rock Remix)
04. Tune Brothers Feat. Ray Wilson - Here Comes The Rain Again (Dj Favorite Official Radio Edit)
05. Roger Sanchez Feat. Gto - Turn On The Music (Groovefore & Neevald Remix)
06. Dj Dan, Peter Brown - A New Heaven (Original Mix)
07. Pitbull - I Know You Want Me (Nick Stay Remix)
08. Juicy J Ft 2 Chainz - Bandz A Make Her Dance (Made Monster Remix)
09. Timofey & Bartosz Brenes Vs Terri B - Heaven (Tony Kart & Alexx Crown Remix)
10. Luca Debonaire & Dj Falk - Get Down In The Sunshine (Original Mix)
11. Groove Phenomenon, David Jones Vs Flatdisk - September (Dj Max Maikon Mash-Up)
12. Kygo Feat. Conrad - Firestone (Cristian Poow Remix)
13. Matt Nash - Nothing Else Matters (Dave Silcox Remix)
14. Western Disco - I Remember (Western Extended)
15. Dj Rhythm Feat. Blu - Circles (Auharee's Remix)
16. Dustycloud - Take Off (Original Mix)
17. Hunter Siegel Feat. Delaney Jane - Still Waiting (Original Mix)
18. Tiesto & Kshmr Feat. Vassy - Secrets (Future House Edit)
19. Maroon 5, Massive Ditto, Jeanxk Stefan, Dabruck - Animals (3 Brains Mashup)
20. Tom Staar - Higher (Original Mix)
21. Project 46 - Beautiful (It Hurts)
22. Sander Vd, Martin G & Dvbbs Feat. Aleesia - Gold Skies (Vesper X Kalev Remix)
23. Samuele Sartini, Peter Brown, Andy Tee - Body Lifting (Original Mix)
24. James Royle - If We Could (Original Mix)
25. Kesha Vs. Andre Lacoure - Crazy Kids (Dj Rich-Art Mash-Up)
26. James Hype - Finally Ft. Kings Of Tomorrow
27. Todd Terry Vs. Stuart Ojelay - Leaving Me Again (Original Mix)
28. Damn Dan & Suspect Zero - Small Hours (Emrik Wilzon Remix)
29. Edurne - Amanecer (Stormby Extended Mix)
30. Avicii Vs. Vicetone - Hey Brother (Dj Nilov Mashup)
31. Storm Djs & Paradisio - Bailando (Cover Radio Mix)
32. Yo Fred Feat. Gustavo Laureano - One More Time (Lizzie Curious Mix)
33. Maroon 5 Feat. Dj Nejtrino & Dj Stranger - This Summers Gonna Hurt (Dj Stona Mash Up)
34. Dale Castell Feat. Skinner - This Game
35. Curbi - Rubber (Original Mix)
36. Acr - Can't Let Go Feat Miss Bunty (Heartmode Extended)
37. Perasma - Swing To Harmony (Ozz & Ali Feat Dmitry Rs Remix)
38. Brooklyn Bounce - Club Bizarre (Ste Ingham Dirty Extended Remix)
39. Criminal Vibes - Easy Lover (Patrick Ferryn Remix)
40. Axel Fowley - Walk With Funk (Andy Tee Main Mix)
41. Federico Scavo Feat. Simone - Pra Nao Dizer Que Nao Falei Das Flores (Luca Debonaire & Wlady Peaktime Club Mix)
42. Samuele Sartini, Lizzie Curious - We Fly (Siwell Remix)
43. Don Diablo - On My Mind
44. Carly Rae Jepsen - I Really Like You (Broiler Remix)
45. Tom Boxer,Always - Give Me A Kiss (Club Stars,Tobie Bryant Remix)
46. Mordax Bastards, Joss Beaumont, Discopapa, Sunloverz, Tosch - Paradise Feat. Darren Barley (Tosch Vs. Sunloverz Remix)
47. Michael Woods - Overflowing (Original Mix)
48. Butterfly Soul, Mr.Parker - Groove In The Floor (Original Mix)
49. Ricky Martin Feat. Pitbull - Mr. Put It Down (Dj Favorite & Dj Kharitonov Radio Edit)
50. Moon Rocket Feat. Desiree Renee - Can't Stop (Original Extended)
51. Major Lazer & Dj Snake - Lean On (Feat. Mo) (Future Nation Remix)
52. Chuckie - Want You Back (Original Mix)
53. Dotan - Home (Max Liese Remix)
54. Panzer Flower & Hubert Tubbs Vs. Mydo - We Are Beautiful (Dj Max Maikon Mash-Up)
55. Sick Individuals - Lost And Found (Original Mix)
56. Coasts - Modern Love (Gunes Ergun Remix)
57. Lio Q - Check Out (Original Mix)
58. Federico Scavo, Andrea Guzzoletti - Strump (Luca Debonaire Remix)
59. Bodybangers Feat. Menno - Snake
60. Dj Mibor - Orange Juice (Original Mix)

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