Artist: VA Album: Trance 100 Summer 2015 Year: 2015 Label: Armada Music Holland Genre: Trance Codec: MP3 Bitrate audio: 252 Kbps avg VBR Playtime: 5:05:14 Total Size: 554 mb
CD 1 01. Armin Van Buuren & Mark Sixma - Panta Rhei 02. Gareth Emery Feat. Roxanne Emery - Soldier (Luke Bond Remix) 03. Cosmic Gate With Emma Hewitt - Going Home (Gareth Emery Remix) 04. Dash Berlin Feat. Emma Hewitt - Waiting (Dash Berlin Miami 2015 Remix ) 05. Aly & Fila Feat. Roxanne Emery - Shine (Club Mix) 06. Chicane Feat. Paul Aiden - Oxygen (Chicane Vs Westfunk Club Mix) 07. Michael Woods - Slice Of Life 08. Andrew Rayel Feat. Sylvia Tosun - We Bring The Love 09. W&W - Rave After Rave 10. Mark Sixma - Stellar 11. Gaia - Carnation 12. Marlo - Atlantis 13. Orjan Nilsen - The Edge 14. Tritonal - Ginsu 15. Genix Feat. Hannah Magenta - You Have It All 16. Jerome Isma-Ae - Hold That Sucker Down (Jerome Isma-Ae's 10 Year Anniversary Remix) 17. Kyau & Albert - Follow The Waves (Mino Safy Remix) 18. Protoculture - Pegasus 19. David Gravell Feat. CHRISTON - It's In Your Heart 20. Alexander Popov - Olympus 21. Heatbeat & Chris Schweizer - Cell 22. Craig Connelly & Dan Thompson - Welcome To Earth 23. Ben Gold Feat. Eric Lumiere - Hide Your Heart (Chris Schweizer Remix) 24. Simon Patterson Feat. Matt Adey - Time Stood Still 25. Marcel Woods - Advanced (Marlo Remix )
CD 2 26. Dash Berlin & Syzz - This Is Who We Are 27. Michael Woods - Overflowing 28. Andrew Rayel Feat. Jonny Rose - Daylight 29. Aly & Fila With Aruna - The Other Shore (Husman Remix) 30. Gareth Emery Feat. LJ Ayrten - Beautiful Rage (Alex Sonata Remix) 31. Cosmic Gate & JES - Yai (Here We Go Again) 32. Ben Gold X Ruben De Ronde - Era Festivus 33. Ferrin & Morris And Aneym - Miracle Of Life 34. Rodg Feat. Patrick Baker - Nothing To Prove 35. Jochen Miller Feat. Hansen Tomas - A Million Pieces (Khomha Remix) 36. Jurgen Vries - The Theme (Marlo Remix ) 37. Orjan Nilsen - Now We Are Talking 38. Alexander Popov - Lost Language (David Gravell Remix) 39. Fisherman & Hawkins And Gal Abutbul - United 40. Super8 & Tab Feat. Julie Thomp - Patience 41. Faruk Sabanci - Albino 42. Jenaux Feat. Pia Toscano - Renegades (Willem De Roo Remix) 43. Canberra & Astrid Suryanto - UP (Mike Saint-Jules Remix) 44. Venom One Feat. Sarah Howells - Rush 45. Markus Schulz & Departure With Gabriel & Dresden - Without You Near (Judah Remix ) 46. Husman - XV 47. Heatbeat - It's Killing Me 48. Solis & Sean Truby - Armadillo 49. Timmus - Still Alive 50. Insigma - Open Our Eyes (Tim Verkruissen & Ruben Verhagen Remix)
CD 3 51. Gareth Emery - Huracan 52. Jorn Van Deynhoven - Freaks (Festival Mix) 53. Andrew Rayel & Armin Van Buure - EIFORYA (Alexander Popov Remix) 54. Dash Berlin With Cerf, Mitiska & Jaren - Man On The Run (David Gravell 2015 Remix) 55. Andrew Rayel - Rise Of The Era (Digital X Remix) 56. Cosmic Gate With Eric Lumiere - Run Away (Alexander Popov Remix) 57. Willem De Roo - Omen 58. Gaia - In Principio 59. Sied Van Riel & Radion6 - Warpdrive 60. Shogun Feat. Emma Lock - Fly Away 61. Arisen Flame - Fireball 62. Ruben De Ronde Feat. Victoria Ray - Dreams Come True (DRYM Remix) 63. Denis Sender & DJ T.H. With Hanna Finsen - New Day (Mino Safy Remix) 64. Paul Webster Feat. Sarah Howells - Heart's Not In It 65. Aly & Fila Vs The Thrillseeker - Es Vedra 66. Driftmoon - Stellar 67. Alexander Popov - Born To Love 68. Genix - Muto 69. Talemono - Overload 70. Dawn - The Truth We Can't Escape 71. Corti Organ - Butterfly 72. Luke Bond & Omnia - Reflex 73. Heatbeat & Quilla - Secret (Kent & Gian Remix) 74. CUB!C - Endless Horizon (Heatbeat Remix) 75. Goldenscan - Only With You (Adam Ellis Re-Make)
CD 4 76. RAM & Susana - Ramelia (Tribute To Amelia ) (Orchestral Mix) 77. Armin Van Buuren Presents Rising Star Feat. Betsie Larkin - Safe Inside You 78. Photographer & Abstract Vision - Zero Gravity 79. Standerwick & Jennifer Rene - All Of Us 80. Johan Gielen - Confusion 81. Allen Watts - Gravity 82. John O'callaghan & Timmy & Tom - Talk To Me (Sam Jones Remix) 83. Andy Moor & RAM Feat. Christina Novelli - All Gone (RAM Uplifting Mix) 84. Sean Tyas - Reach Out 85. The Thrillseekers Presents Hydra - Affinity (Adam Ellis Remix ) 86. Aly & Fila With Omar Sherif & Jonathan Carvajal - A New Age [FSOE 400 Anthem] 87. Jase Thirlwall - Standby 88. Abstract Vision & Aimoon - #energy 89. Craig Connelly Feat. LJ Ayrten - Veins 90. Gareth Emery Feat. Christina Novelli - Dynamite (Marlo Remix) 91. Dimension - Morgana 92. Marlo Feat. Christina Novelli - Hold It Together (Marlo's Tech Energy Remix) 93. Pulser - My Religion (Astuni & Manuel Le Saux Re-Lift) 94. Manuel Rocca - No Turning Back 95. Matt Darey Feat. Kate Louise Smith - See The Sun (Dan Stone Rework) 96. A.R.D.I. & Leolani - The Light 97. RAM - Kingdom Of Dreams (RAM 2015 Remix) 98. Will Atkinson - Through Spirit 99. Will Rees - Persistence 100. Robert Nickson - Spiral 2015
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