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Скачать Cathedral - Full-Length Discography (1991-2013)

АвторАвтор: gorodoksmol | ДатаДата: 15 августа 2015 | Нашли ошибку?
Cathedral - Full-Length Discography (1991-2013)

United Kingdom
Doom / Stoner Metal
Mp3, 320 kbps (CD-Rip)
2.89 GB


1991: Forest Of Equilibrium
1993: The Ethereal Mirror
1995: The Carnival Bizarre
1996: Supernatural Birth Machine
1998: Caravan Beyond Redemption
2001: Endtyme
2002: The VIIth Coming
2005: The Garden Of Unearthly Delights
2010: The Guessing Game (2CD)
2013: The Last Spire

01. Picture Of Beauty & Innocence (Intro) - Comiserating The Celebration
02. Ebony Tears
03. Serpent Eve
04. Soul Sacrifice
05. A Funeral Request
06. Equilibrium
07. Reaching Happiness, Touching Pain

01. Violet Voltex
02. Ride
03. Enter The Worms
04. Midnight Mountain
05. Fountain Of Innocence
06. Grim Luxuria
07. Jaded Entity
08. Ashes You Leave
09. Phantasmagoria
10. Imprisoned In Flesh
11. Sky Lifter (Japanese Bonus Track)
12. Funeral Request 1993 (Japanese Bonus Track)

01. Vampire Sun
02. Hopkins (The Witchfinder General)
03. Utopian Blaster
04. Night Of The Seagulls
05. Carnival Bizarre
06. Inertias Cave
07. Fangalactic Supergoria
09. Palace Of Fallen Majesty
10. Electric Grave
11. Karmacopia (Japanese Bonus Track)

01. Cybertron 71 / Eternal Countdown (Intro)
02. Urko's Conquest
03. Stained Glass Horizon
04. Cyclops Revolution
05. Birth Machine 2000
06. Nightmare Castle
07. Fireball Demon
08. Phaser Quest
09. Suicide Asteroid
10. Dragon Ryder 13
11. Magnetic Hole
12. Tuckers Ruck (Japanese Bonus Track)

01. Voodoo Fire
02. The Unnatural World
03. Satanikus Robotikus
04. Freedom
05. Captain Clegg
06. Earth Messiah
07. The Caravan
08. Revolution
09. Kaleidoscope Of Desire
10. Heavy Load
11. The Omega Man
12. Dust Of Paradise
13. Black Sunday (Japanese Bonus Track)

01. Cathedral Flames
02. Melancholy Emperor
03. Requiem For The Sun
04. Whores To Oblivion
05. Alchemist Of Sorrows
06. Ultra Earth
07. Astral Queen
08. Sea Serpent
09. Templars Arise! (The Return)
10. Gargoylian (Japanese Bonus Track)

01. Phoenix Rising
02. Resisting The Ghost
03. Skullflower
04. Aphrodite's Winter
05. The Empty Mirror
06. Nocturnal Fist
07. Iconoclast
08. Black Robed Avenger
09. Congregation Of Sorcerer's
10. Halo Of Fire
11. Texting (Japanese Bonus Track)

01. Dearth AD
02. Tree Of Life & Death
03. North Berwick With Trials
04. Upon Azrael's Wings
05. Corpsecycle
06. Fields Of Zagara
07. Oro The Manslayer
08. Beneath A Funeral Sun
09. The Garden
10. Proga-Europa

01. Immaculate Misconception
02. Funeral Of Dreams
03. Painting In The Dark
04. Death Of An Anarchist
05. The Guessing Game
06. Edwige's Eyes
07. Cats, Incense, Candles And Wine
01. One Dimensional People
02. The Casket Chasers
03. La Noche Del Buque Maldito (Aka Ghost Ship Of The Blind Dead)
04. The Running Man
05. Requiem For The Voiceless
06. Journey Into Jade

01. Entrance To Hell
02. Pallbearer
03. Cathedral Of The Damned
04. Tower Of Silence
05. Infestation Of Grey Death
06. An Observation
07. The Last Laugh
08. This Body, Thy Tomb
09. Tombs Of The Blind Dead (Japanese Bonus Track)

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Cathedral, Discography, Doom Metal, Stoner Metal
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