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Скачать Krewella - Troll Mix Vol. 14: Return Of The Trolls (2015)

АвторАвтор: solang77 | ДатаДата: 22 августа 2015 | Нашли ошибку?
Krewella - Troll Mix Vol. 14: Return Of The Trolls (2015)

Исполнитель: Krewella
Альбом: Troll Mix Vol. 14: Return Of The Trolls
Дата выпуска: 2015
Жанр: Dubstep, DnB, Electro House, Progressive House, Hardstyle, Trap
Кол-во треков: 1 (mixed tracks)
Формат|Качество: MP3 CBR 256 Kbps
Длительность: 00:52:55
Размер файла: 95 MB

01. Riggi & Piros & ZAXX - Alpha
02. James Egbert - Underdog
w/ Kanye West - All Day (Acappella)
03. JDG & Samual James - Mumbai
w/ Maroon 5 - This Summer's Gonna Hurt (Acappella)
w/ MUST DIE! - Hellcat (Habstrakt Remix)
04. Victor Niglio & Rawtek - LIONMANE
05. Beyonce - 7/11
w/ Astronaut & Far Too Loud - War (Diskord Remix)
w/ Tove Lo - Talking Body (Acappella)
06. Bassnectar & G Jones - Into The Sun
07. Matrix & Futurebound - Glow Worm
08. Skrillex ft. Ragga Twins - All Is Fair In Love And Brostep (ID Remix)
09. Slander & NGHTMRE - You
10. Diskord - Leave It All Behind
w/ The Weeknd - Can't Feel My Face (Acappella)
11. Dillon Francis & DJ Snake - Get Low (TrollPhace Remix)
12. Mayhem & Antiserum - Flame
13. Snails ft. Big Gigantic - Funk With Me
w/ Barely Alive & Datsik - The Blastaz (Diskord Remix)
14. Krewella - Somewhere To Run (ID Remix)
15. Tiesto & DallasK - Show Me
16. Jauz & Ephwurd - Rock The Party
17. twoloud - Outside World
w/ AlunaGeorge - You Know You Like It (Acappella)
18. ID - ID
w/ Sonic One & twoloud - The Drums
19. Snails & Antiserum - Wild (Henry Fong Remix)
w/ GoodTimeMiller - Shoot Out!
20. Modestep & Trolley Snatcha - Sing (Yellow Claw Remix)
21. YOGI ft. Pusha T - Burial (Skrillex & TrollPhace Remix)
22. Krewella - Say Goodbye
23. Kokiri - Turn Back Time (Retrospect) (Koven Remix)
24. Krewella - Ring Of Fire (Ashley Wallbridge Remix)
w/ BL3R & Andres Fresko - JumpOff (Carnage Edit)
25. Major Lazer & DJ Snake ft. MO - Lean On
w/ AutoErotique & Felix Cartal - Heat (Autoerotique Alt Mix)
26. KSHMR - Dead Man's Hand
w/ John Newman - Love Me Again (Acappella)
27. Nicky Romero & Krewella - Legacy (Vicetone Remix)
28. Wildstylez & Audiotricz - Turn The Music Up!
29. Krewella - We Are One (Boomslang Remix)
w/ Blasterjaxx & DBSTF ft. Ryder - Beautiful World
30. Jay Cosmic - Supercell (Havok Roth Remix)
31. I See Monstas & Botnek - Deeper Love
32. Krewella - Surrender The Throne
33. ID - ID
34. Vice - Everybody Go!
35. Krewella - Enjoy The Ride (Armin van Buuren Remix)
w/ Jack U ft. AlunaGeorge - To U (Meaux Green & Magnifico Remix)
36. Krewella - Live For The Night (Pegboard Nerds Remix)
w/ W&W & Blasterjaxx - Rocket (Jay Cosmic Remix)
37. Lookas - Apollo
w/ Rick Ross - Hustlin' (Acappella)
38. Tantrum Desire - Pump
39. Krewella - Killin' It
w/ Jack U ft. Kiesza - Take U There
40. RIOT - Enigma
w/ Krewella - Party Monster (Acappella)
41. Bingo Players - Tom's Diner
w/ Mat Zo - Lucid Dreams (Pegboard Nerds Remix)
42. Vindata ft. Mack - Getting Away

Скачать Krewella - Troll Mix Vol. 14: Return Of The Trolls (2015):

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