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Раздел: Видеоуроки

Скачать DFT Tiffen Dfx 4.0v8 CE - Video/Film FULL

АвторАвтор: gorodoksmol | ДатаДата: 7 октября 2015 | Нашли ошибку?
DFT Tiffen Dfx 4.0v8 CE - Video/Film FULL

Tiffen Dfx - Программный комплекс состоящий из более чем 2000 разнообразных фильтров, спецэффектов, пресетов, гелей, включая моделирование многих популярных стеклянных фильтров, реалистично моделирующий действие фильтров по цвету и плотности, объемности изображения, характерной для диффузионных фильтров.
Программа позволяет перебирать фильтры, перемещать градиентные фильтры, моделировать различные оптические эффекты, корректировать баланс белого и черного, изменять цветовой баланс, имитировать раз

- Adobe Photoshop CS5 and up
- Adobe Photoshop Elements 9 and up (Non-app store version)
- Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 3 and up
- Adobe After Effects CS5 and up
- Adobe Premiere Pro CS5 and up
- Avid Editing Systems (64 Bit versions only)
- Assimilate Scratch v8 and up
- Black Magic Resolve v11 and up
- Black Magic Resolve Lite v11 and up
- The Foundry's Nuke v8 and up
- Sony Vegas v13 and up

Дополнительная информация:
Tiffen Dfx Photo Plug-in Feature Highlights:
- 134 individual filters
- Thousands of customizable presets
- Simulation of Tiffen glass camera filters, specialized lenses, optical lab processes, film grain, exacting color correction as well as natural light and photographic effects
- Presets for 288 different color and black and white still photographic film stocks, motion picture films stocks and historical photographic processes
- Rosco and GamColor Gel libraries
- Rosco and Gam Gobo libraries for lighting effects
- Paint system that includes Black/White, Blur, Clone, Color, Eraser, Mosaic, Red-Eye, Repair and Scatter brushes
- Layering system for multiple filter application
- Sophisticated but easy to use masking tools
- Variation generator for effect parameters
- 8, 16, 32 bit image processing
- Multi-processor acceleration
- GPU acceleration

Tiffen Dfx Video/Film Feature Highlights:
- 131 individual filters
- Thousands of customizable presets
- Simulation of Tiffen glass camera filters, specialized lenses, optical lab processes, film grain, exacting color correction as well as natural light and photographic effects
- Presets for 288 different color and black and white still photographic film stocks, motion picture films stocks and historical photographic processes
- Rosco and GamColor Gel libraries
- Rosco and Gam Gobo libraries for lighting effects
- 8, 16, 32 bit image processing
- Multi-processor acceleration
- GPU acceleration

Full Tiffen Dfx Filter List:
Ambient Light, Black and White, Black/White Looks, Black Diffusion/FX, Black Pearlescent, Black Pro- Mist, Black Satin, Bleach Bypass, Blur, Borders, Bronze Glimmerglass, Cartoon, Center Spot, Chromatic Aberration, Close-Up Lens, Color Compensating, Color Conversion, Color Correct, Color-Grad, Color Infrared, Colorize Gradient, Color Looks, Color Shadow, Color Spot, Cool Pro-Mist, Cross Processing, Day for Night, DeBand, DeBlock, DeFog, DeFringe, DeNoise, Depth of Field, Detail, Develop, Diffusion, Dot, Double Fog, Dual Grad, Edge Glow, Enhancing, Eye Light, Film Stocks, Flag, FL-B/D, Flashing, Fog, F-Stop, Gels, Glimmerglass, Glow, Glow Darks, Gold Diffusion/FX, Gold Reflector, Grain, Grunge, Halo, Harris Shutter, Haze, HDTV/FX, High Contrast, HFX Star, Ice Halos, Infrared, Kelvin, Key Light, Lens Distortion, Light, Light Balancing, Low Contrast, Match, ND-Grad, Night Vision, Nude/FX, Overexpose, Ozone, Pastel, Pearlescent, Pencil, Photographic, Polarizer, Printer Points, Pro-Mist, Rack Focus, Radial Exposure, Radial Tint, Rainbow, Rays, ReLight, Satin, Selective Color Correct, Selective Saturation, Sepia, Sky, Silver Reflector, Smoque, Soft Contrast, Soft/FX, Soft Light, Split Field, Split Tone, Streaks, Sunset/Twilight, Telecine, Temperature, Texture, Three Strip, Tint, Tone Adjust, Two Strip, Ultra Contrast, Vari-Star, Vignette, 812 Warming, Warm Black Pro-Mist, Warm Center Spot, Warm Polarizer, Warm Pro-Mist, Warm Soft/FX, Water Droplets, Wide Angle Lens, and XRay.

Новое в версии 4.0:
- Borders Select from a variety of different pre-made borders or create your own.
- Cartoon Converts the image into a cartoon.
- Colorize Gradient Using multiple colors, Colorize Gradient colorizes the image according to the image’s brightness values.
- Detail Detail presents a new technique for performing selective sharpening, detail enhancement and edge aware smoothing.
- Develop Provides useful developing controls for globally adjusting the color and tonal scale of your images.
- Grunge Adds film dirt, hair, scratches, stains, splotches, vignetting and grain as well as gate weave and flicker on video/film hosts--all to make your pristine image look like damaged film.
- Harris Shutter Invented by Robert S. "Bob" Harris of Kodak, the Harris Shutter was originally a strip device with three color filters used for making color photographs with the different primary color layers exposed in separate time intervals in succession. Our digital version of the Harris Shutter uses separate images for the red, green and blue channels. In the case of a time interval between images used for the red, green and blue channels, this will generate a rainbow of color around any object that moves within the frame.
- Pastel Converts the image into pastel artwork.
- Pearlescent / Black Pearlescent Creates a subtle new look with a slight softening of contrast and a luxurious pearlescent halo around highlights. This filter aids cinematographers in taking the edge off the image from modern lenses and cameras, especially with 4K acquisition sensors.
- Black Pearlescent offers all the benefits of the Pearlescent® filter in a more subtle form. Highlight flares are controlled and contrast is lowered for a more delicate effect.
- Radial Tint Tints the image using multi-color, radially graduated filters.
- Satin / Black Satin Designed with modern digital lenses and camera sensors specifically in mind to enhance the natural beauty of talent with minimal signs of filtration. This filter gently adds a minimal flare to highlights and reduces contrast while suppressing facial blemishes and wrinkles. Black Satin offers all the benefits of the Satin filter in a more subtle form. This filter gently controls highlights, reduces contrast and adds a grittier look than regular satin filters, while suppressing facial blemishes and wrinkles.
- Tone Adjust Tone Adjust approximates the appearance of high dynamic range images by adjusting the tonal values. Specifically, detail is recovered

Tiffen Dfx Version 4.0v8 Release Notes:
Bug Fixes:
- OFX Keyframing: We fixed a problem where certain parameters were not keyframing in some OFX hosts.

Требования: Windows 8 64 bit, Windows 7/10 64 bit
- Dual Core Intel or AMD processor
- 4GB of RAM (8GB or more recommended)
- 1GB of available disk space for caching and temporary files
Язык интерфейса:ENG
Лекарство:Retail TeamVR



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DFT, Tiffen, Dfx 4.0, v8, CE
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