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Скачать Like 90s Players Life

АвторАвтор: drakon-55 | ДатаДата: 2 декабря 2015 | Нашли ошибку?
Like 90s Players Life

Artist: Various
Title: Like 90s Players Life
Style: Brit Pop, Synth-pop, New Beat, Rocksteady, New Wave, Dancehall
Release Date: 15.11.2015
Quality: 320 Kbps/Joint Stereo/44100Hz
Tracks: 65 Tracks
Size: 619 Mb / 04:27:35 Min

01. Ace Of Base - The Sign 03:09
02. Dead Or Alive - You Spin Me Round (Like A Record) 03:11
03. Bros - When Will I Be Famous 04:00
04. David Hasselhoff - Looking For Freedom 03:55
05. Camouflage - The Great Commandment 03:12
06. Falco - Rock Me Amadeus 03:20
07. Lady Pank - Sztuka Latania 05:24
08. Hey - Teksaсski 02:40
09. Living In A Box - Living In A Box 03:04
10. Kaoma - Lambada 03:28
11. Harold Faltermeyer - Axel F. (From ''Beverly Hills Cop'') 03:01
12. Wax - Right Between The Eyes 04:08
13. Yes - Owner Of A Lonely Heart 04:27
14. Backstreet Boys - Everybody (Backstreet's Back) - Radio Edit 03:46
15. Mike Oldfield - Moonlight Shadow 03:36
16. Marillion - Kayleigh 03:35
17. Piersi - Caіuj Mnie 04:16
18. Jennifer Rush - The Power Of Love 04:53
19. Heart - Alone 03:37
20. Kool & The Gang - Celebration 03:40
21. Men At Work - Down Under 03:43
22. Robin Gibb - Juliet 03:46
23. Ace Of Base - All That She Wants 03:30
24. Survivor - Eye Of The Tiger 03:47
25. The Prodigy - No Good (Start The Dance) (Remastered) 06:17
26. The Pointer Sisters - I’m So Excited 03:48
27. Guns & Roses - Knockin' On Heaven's Door 05:36
28. Robert Miles Feat. Maria Nayler - One & One 04:02
29. Talk Talk - It's My Life 03:54
30. Bobby Summer - Jabba Jabba 03:21
31. E-Rotic - Max Don't Have Sex With Your Ex 03:30
32. Europe - The Final Countdown 03:59
33. Depeche Mode - Policy Of Truth 04:55
34. Belinda Carlisle - Heaven Is A Place On Earth 04:03
35. Spagna - Call Me 04:06
36. Jennifer Rush - I Come Undone 04:08
37. Paula Abdul - Straight Up 04:09
38. Depeche Mode - Enjoy The Silence 04:14
39. Natalie Imbruglia - Tom 04:05
40. T.Love - Warszawa 04:11
41. Mario Piu Feat. More - Runaway 04:13
42. Talk Talk - Such A Shame 04:25
43. Rozalla - Everybody's Free (To Feel Good) 03:04
44. Atb - Don't Stop 03:41
45. Starship - Nothing's Gonna Stop Us Now 04:28
46. Future City - Only Love 04:58
47. Bomfunk Mc's - Freestyler 05:06
48. Billy Ocean - Get Outta My Dreams, Get Into My Car 04:46
49. Spin Doctors - Two Princes 04:18
50. Toto - Africa 04:54
51. Foreigner - I Want To Know What Love Is 04:57
52. Puff Daddy & Faith Evans (Feat. 112) - I'll Be Missing You 05:08
53. Gala - Freed From Desire 03:37
54. Ice Mс - It's A Rainy Day 04:14
55. La Bouche - Be My Lover 04:01
56. Madonna - Like A Prayer 05:45
57. Aqua - Roses Are Red 03:45
58. E-Rotic - Do It All Night 03:46
59. Dj Bobo - Keep On Dancing 03:34
60. Kangaroo - Somebody's Watching Me 05:00
61. La Bouche - Where Do You Go 03:45
62. 2 Unlimited - No Limit 03:46
63. La Bouche - Sweet Dreams 03:24
64. Los Del Rio - Macarena 04:12
65. Robert Miles - Children 06:50


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