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Скачать 70s City Started Hits (2015)

АвторАвтор: drakon-55 | ДатаДата: 2 декабря 2015 | Нашли ошибку?
70s City Started Hits (2015)

Artist: Various
Title: 70s City Started Hits
Style: Rock And Roll, Soul, Disco, Vocal Jazz, Swing
Release Date: 15.11.2015
Quality: 320 Kbps/Joint Stereo/44100Hz
Tracks: 75 Tracks
Size: 590 Mb / 04:17:59 Min

01. Vicki Sue Robinson - Turn The Beat Around 05:31
02. Chicago - Saturday In The Park 03:55
03. Daryl Hall And John Oates - Rich Girl 02:23
04. Wild Cherry - Play The Funky Music 03:17
05. Glen Campbell - Rhinestone Cowboy 03:11
06. Jonathan Edwards - Sunshine (Go Away Today) 02:15
07. Jefferson Starship - Miracles 03:32
08. Hamilton, Joe Frank & Reynolds - Don't Pull Your Love 02:41
09. Silver Convention - Fly, Robin, Fly 03:19
10. The New Seekers - I'd Like To Teach The World To Sing (In Perfect Harmony) 02:23
11. Elton John - Crocodile Rock 03:57
12. Anita Ward - Ring My Bell 03:31
13. Tony Orlando & Dawn - Knock Three Times 02:54
14. Cornelius Brothers & Sister Rose - Too Late To Turn Back Now 03:19
15. W. Stevenson - My Maria 02:25
16. Robert John - Sad Eyes 04:13
17. Carly Simon - You're So Vain 04:16
18. David Soul - Don't Give Up On Us 03:37
19. Maria Mulaur - Midnight At The Oasis 03:49
20. Captain & Tenille - Love Will Keep Us Together 03:23
21. Brewer & Shipley - One Toke Over The Line 03:20
22. Neil Sedaka - Bad Blood 03:10
23. Ozark Mountain Daredevils - Jackie Blue 03:36
24. The Emotions - Best Of My Love 03:41
25. Looking Glass - Brandy (You're A Fine Girl) 02:56
26. Reunion - Life Is A Rock 03:32
27. 10Cc - Im'not In Love 03:48
28. Seals & Crofts - Summer Breeze 03:25
29. Pilot - Magic 03:05
30. Labelle - Lady Marmalade 03:19
31. Tom Jones - She's A Lady 02:50
32. Terry Jacks - Seasons In The Sun 03:29
33. Chairmen Of The Board - Give Me Just A Little More Time 02:39
34. Gilbert O'sullivan - Alone Again (Naturally) 03:38
35. Three Dog Night - Black And White 03:49
36. Player - Baby Come Back 04:12
37. Billy Swan - I Can Help 02:57
38. Chic - Le Freak 05:29
39. England Dan & John Ford Coley - I'd Really Like To See You Tonight 02:38
40. Albert Hammond - It Nevery Rains In Southern California 03:30
41. Little Rivery Band - Reminiscing 04:14
42. Walter Egan - Magnet And Steel 03:25
43. Bonnie Tyler - It's A Heartache 03:33
44. Amii Stewart - Knock On Wood 03:50
45. Dan Hill - Sometimes When We Touch 04:04
46. Robert John - The Lion Sleeps Tonight 02:33
47. Johnnie Taylor - Disco Lady 04:25
48. Melanie - Brand New Key 02:24
49. The Jaggerz - The Rapper 02:44
50. Village People - Y.M.C.A. 04:48
51. The Righteous Brothers - Rock And Roll Heavan 03:32
52. Dobie Gray - Drift Away 03:55
53. A Taste Of Honey - Boogie Oogie Oogie 03:38
54. Bob Welch - Sentimental Lady 02:56
55. Andy Kim - Rock Me Gently 03:27
56. War - The Cisco Kid 03:54
57. Bay City Rollers - Saturday Night 02:55
58. George Mccrae - Rock Your Baby 03:20
59. Sammy Davis Jr. - The Candy Man 03:10
60. John Stewart - Gold 04:23
61. Lynn Anderson - Rose Garden 02:47
62. Paul Davis - I Go Crazy 03:53
63. Raspberries - Go All The Way 03:22
64. Nick Gilder - Hot Child In The City 03:07
65. Carl Douglas - Kung Fu Fighting 03:17
66. Billy Preston - Will It Go Round In Circles 03:44
67. The Main Ingredient - Everybody Plays The Fool 03:18
68. Defranco Family - Heartbeat 03:11
69. Lobo - I'd Love You To Want Me 03:58
70. Peter Frampton - I'm In You 04:10
71. Hurricane Smith - Oh Babe, What Would You Say 03:28
72. Edison Lighthouse - Love Grows (Where My Rosemary Goes) 02:47
73. Bill Conti - Gonna Fly Now (Theme From Rocky) 02:48
74. Wadsworth Mansion - Sweet Mary 02:40
75. Paul Revere & The Raiders - Indian Reservation 02:53


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Теги к статье:

music, mp3, Rock And Roll, Soul, Disco, Vocal Jazz, Swing, Various
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