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Скачать Prometheus: Trance Party (2016)

АвторАвтор: giarem | ДатаДата: 12 января 2016 | Нашли ошибку?
Prometheus: Trance Party (2016)

Категория: unmixed
Исполнитель: Various Artist
Название диска: Prometheus: Trance Party
Жанр: Progressive Trance, Electro
Год Выпуска: 2016
Количество треков: 100
Время звучания: 11:39:30
Формат|Качество: MP3 | 320 kpbs

О Диске:
Потрясающие аранжировки, разнообразные сэмплы инструментов не обошли стороной и новый релиз "Prometheus: Trance Party" от VA-Albumc Records. Каждый поклонник электронной музыки в стиле транса найдет что-то свое в представленном сборнике из 100 композиций добротной музыки.

001. Adrian Font - Anxiety
002. Beat Service & Ana Criado - An Autumn Tale (Radio Edit)
003. Sunset & Mino Safy - Prometheus (Iversoon & Alex Daf Remix)
004. Line Pursuit - Ravenna (Extended Mix)
005. Dan Norvan - Lions (Original Mix)
006. Andrew StetS - Crusher (Original Mix)
007. Assaf - After Dark (feat. Laura Aqui) [Radio Edit]
008. Michael Retouch - Revival (Original Mix)
009. Jamie Hammond - Empire (Original Mix)
010. Alex Ender & Sergey Brodovsky - The Road Has No End (Radio Edit)
011. Vertruda - Free Fall (Original Mix)
012. Beatsole - Errant (Original Mix)
013. Paul Oakenfold - Hypnotized (feat Tiff Lacey - Markus Schulz remix)
014. Feel & Ellie Lawson - Breath of Life (Sun in Arms Edit)
015. Iversoon & Alex Daf vs Alpha Force - Animation (Ula Remix)
016. Wright & Davids - The Meaning (Sunset & Myk Bee Remix) (feat. Danny Claire)
017. Ram - Circle of Life (Original Mix)
018. FeelyGranix - Cassiopeia (Orbion Remix)
019. Jonas Hornblad - True Hope (Radio Edit)
020. Delalune - Dorei (Mike Sanders Remix)
021. Jackob Rocksonn - Without You
022. BoJko & Teddy Georgieva - Fighter (Original Mix)
023. Dan Dobson & Mankoff - Axis (Radio Edit)
024. Beatsole - Overcast (Original Mix)
025. A & Z With Leolani - Fleeting Moments__Original Mix
026. Fisher - Greatest Love(with Ost & Meyer) [Radio Edit]
027. Vertruda - Expectation (Original Mix)
028. Fresh Code - Beautiful Dream (Mike Sanders Remix)
029. Aimoon - Freedom (Original Mix)
030. Iversoon & Alex Daf vs Sunset - Your Faith (feat. Martina Kay)
031. Susana & Photographer - Find a Way (Radio Edit)
032. Esper Haddad - Start (Beatsole Remix) (feat. Rebecca Louise Burch)
033. Arty - Kate (2015 Remix)
034. Photographer & Abstract Vision - Zero Gravity (UCast Radio Edit)
035. Squarz Kamel - Just Me (Evan Glickson Remix)
036. Line Pursuit - Solstice (Tim Verkruissen Remix)
037. Bluskay & Chloe Ama - Never Meant To Be (Original Mix)
038. Susana & Beat Service - Reach the Sun (Chris SX Edit)
039. Maxim Yurin - New Life (Original Mix)
040. DJ Ayk - When You're Mine (Beatsole Air Bang Remix) (feat. Juliet Lyons)
041. Darryn M - Above The Sky (Original Mix)
042. Re:Locate, Robert Nickson & Neev Kennedy - Not Made to Break (Re:Locate vs. Robert Nickson vs. Neev Kennedy) [Omar Sherif Radio Edit]
043. Vertruda - Bright Memories (Original Mix)
044. Delalune - Britannia (Original Mix)
045. Dave Cold - F**k Like A Slut (Original Mix)
046. Iversoon & Alex Daf - Desire (Sunset Remix)
047. Susana & Hazem Beltagui - Silent for So Long (Maratone Radio Edit)
048. Beatsole - Weightless (Original Mix)
049. David Forbes Feat. Emma Gillespie - Hope You Re Ok (Original Mix)
050. Ark Planet & Vadim Bonkrashkov - Axioma (Uplifting Mix)
051. Susana & Ucast - To Another Day (Radio Edit)
052. Jordi Roure - Hipergiant (Original Mix)
053. David Rust - Halcyon
054. DJ Xquizit - First to Go (feat. Tim Hilberts) [Soniq State Edit]
055. Dreamseekers - Virgo (Original Mix)
056. Hamnoy Project - Early Stages (Original Mix)
057. Lee Cassells - Dead Of Night (Original Mix)
058. Abide - Hide Tears (U-Mount Remix)
059. Susana - Press Play Vol. 3 (Continuous DJ Mix)
060. Beatsole - Gale (Vitaly Otto Remix)
061. Mark Shova - Gioia (Original Mix)
062. Mehdi Belkadi - Lunar (Original Mix)
063. Mike Lockin & Mart De Schmidt - Phenominal
064. Rafael Osmo & Linnea Schossow - Retro Machine__Original Mix
065. Rene Ablaze Feat. Robin Vane - Into The Stars (Original Mix)
066. Stephane Badey - Into Your Eyes (Original Mix)
067. Sub Question & Youssef Lharri - Velorum (Original Mix)
068. Paul Oakenfold - You Could Be Happy (feat Angela McCluskey - Paul Oakenfold Future House mix)
069. Julian Wess - Starlight
070. Andrew Mactire - In Search Of Beauty
071. Arseny Jorgan - Dusk (Original Mix)
072. Beat Service - Sympho (Original Mix)
073. Blue5even - Oceania (Maglev Remix)
074. Discrete Vs Eublaze - Moksha (Ula Remix)
075. First State & Eric Lumiere - Glow (Paul Webster Remix)
076. Fredd Moz & Alan Santy - Life (Raw & Carpenter Remix)
077. Polyamoris - Magick Reality
078. Sound Apparel - Vivere Est Militare (I Was Alone) (Alternative Version)
079. UP3 - Apollo 503 (Mike Squillo Remix)
080. Greg Downey & Bo Bruce - These Hands I Hold (Original Mix)
081. D.Wingel - Space Station (Extended Mix)
082. Leolife & Katherine Amy - Evoke
083. Maickel J - Uncharted Territory (Alternate Mix)
084. Sean Tyas - Diffuse__Original Mix
085. Tranceye - Uriel (Skyvol Remix)
086. DedRekoning - Only Child (feat Sophie Ellis-Bextor - Paul Oakenfold Deep Down mix)
087. Kyau & Albert - Lover In The Dark (Tokn Remix)
088. Rafael Osmo - Platinum
089. Paul Oakenfold - Otherside (Future House Mix)
090. Steve Sanders & Fred Baker - Kayla
091. 2Symmetry - Convex (Original Mix)
092. Mike Koglin - Kosmonaut (Original Mix)
093. Audio Noir - Piranha (Original Mix)
094. Philthy Chit - Delerium (Original mix)
095. Harper & Green - Lost (Original Mix)
096. DJ Misjah & DJ Tim - Access (John Askew Remix)
097. Yahel & Liya - Shadows (Stoneface & Terminal Remix)
098. Simon Patterson - Apex (Original Mix)
099. Angry Man & Harmonic Rush - Purple Haze (Original Mix)
100. Sean Tyas - Hive

Скачать: Prometheus: Trance Party (2016)


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trance, progressive, va, party, prometheus
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