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Скачать Best Ballads Of Love Vol. 02 (2016)

АвторАвтор: giarem | ДатаДата: 2 февраля 2016 | Нашли ошибку?
Best Ballads Of Love Vol. 02 (2016)

Категория: unmixed
Исполнитель: Various Artist
Название диска: Best Ballads Of Love Vol. 02
Жанр: Lyric, Pop, Rock, Ballad
Год Выпуска: 2016
Количество треков: 150
Время звучания: 09:02:06
Формат|Качество: MP3 | 320 kpbs

О Диске:
Истина неисчерпаемых чуств признания вновь нам открывается в очередном втором выпуске микс-сборнике "Best Ballads Of Love Vol. 02". И вновь с нами поделяться трогательными историями популярные артисты жанра лирики.

001. Jordin Sparks - S.O.S.(Let The Music Play)
002. Marina Kaye - Dancing With The Devil
003. Rod Stewart - Can We Stay Home Tonight?
004. Ellie Goulding - Scream It Out
005. Black - Listen
006. Tony Carreira - Um Grande Amor
007. A-Ha - Goodbye Thompson
008. The Vamps - Wake Up
009. Ray Horton - Tell My Heart
010. Sia - Cheap Thrills
011. Rihanna - Love On The Brain
012. Groove Coverage - Runaway
013. K's Choice - Elegia
014. Soulsavers - Tonight
015. Elsa Esnoult - Toute Seule
016. JoJo - Save My Soul
017. Timeflies Feat.Carly Rose Sonenclar - Runaway
018. Rachel Platten - Congratulations
019. Devin Williams - Greater Than Fame
020. R.E.M. - The One I Love
021. Jason Isbell - 24 Frames
022. Samantha Jade - Naked
023. Davide Esposito - Nell' Hotel California
024. Zendaya - Neverland
025. R'n'G - Never Had A Dream Come True
026. Carolina Liar - When You Are Near
027. Omnimar - Reason
028. Foreigner - When It Comes To Love
029. Charlie Puth - Up All Night
030. Declan Galbraith - Saved By The Bell
031. Travis Tritt - (I Wanna)Feel Too Much
032. Joe Cocker - (My Heart Is A)Ghost Town
033. Plumb - Broken Places
034. U2 - Song For Someone
035. Gavin DeGraw - Follow Through
036. Secret Service - Cry Softly
037. Black - Womanly Panther
038. Eros Ramazzotti - Amica Donna Mia
039. t.A.T.u. - All About Us
040. Udalin Project Feat.Al Jet - In This Fire(Christmas Chill Mix)
041. Rea Garvey - Scars
042. Ace Of Base - Don't Go Away
043. Zedd Feat.Jon Bellion - Beautiful Now(Rock Mafia Remix)
044. All-4-One - Key To Your Heart
045. Vincent Niclo Feat.Anggun - Pour Une Fois
046. The Rapsody Feat.LL Cool J - Dear Mallika
047. Rachel Platten - Stand By You
048. B*Witched - Like The Rose
049. Orange Blue - When Julie Says
050. A-Ha - Under The Makeup
051. Tony Carreira - Quando Me Lembro De Ti
052. Lara Fabian - Releve-Toi
053. Marina Kaye - Homeless
054. Ray Wilson - Beach
055. Johnny Apple - Monday Night
056. Christina Aguilera - Anywhere But Here
057. Louis Armsrong - La Vie En Rose
058. R'n'G - Open Up Your Mind
059. Samantha Jade - What You Want
060. Vitaa - Lies
061. Tina Arena - Colours
062. Markus Feehily - Wash The Pain Away
063. Tim McGraw - What You're Lookin' For
064. Jordin Sparks - Watch You Go
065. Ellie Goulding - Winner
066. The Black Eyed Peas - Don't Lie
067. Broods - Coattails
068. Ray Horton - I Cry
069. Inna Feat.Marian Hill - Diggy Down
070. Adele - Send My Love(To Your New Lover)
071. Daniel Powter - Styrofoam
072. Nightwish - Sleeping Sun
073. Shawn McDonald - Firefly
074. Empire Cast Feat.Jussie Smollett And Alicia Keys - Powerful
075. Jamie Lawson - Still Yours
076. Kim Lukas - Lonely
077. Justin Bieber - I'll Show You
078. Mylene Farmer - Voie Lactee
079. Declan Galbraith - Bright Eyes
080. Gary Moore - Always Gonna Love You
081. Benjamin Boyce - 10000 Light Years
082. Foxes - Warrior
083. Copeland - Have I Always Loved You?
084. Jennifer Lopez Feat.Trey Songz - What You Mean To Me
085. Lara Fabian - Tu T'En Vas
086. Dee Smove - Princess Of Heart
087. Zombie Girl - Pleasure Victim
088. Timeflies - Booty Call
089. Gavin DeGraw - Stay
090. Rachel Platten - Speechless
091. Prime Circle - As Long As I Am Here
092. Sia - First Fighting A Sandstorm
093. Devin Williams - Here For You
094. Idenline - Way To An Angel
095. Jay Sean - Tears in The Ocean(Candle Light Mix)
096. Snakehips Feat.Tinashe & Chance The Rapper - All My Friends
097. Keo - Cand Tu Nu Esti
098. Elton John - Blue Wonderful
099. Young Deenay - You And Me
100. Kosheen - Catch
101. Rod Stewart - Father & Son
102. Emily Kinney - Masterpiece
103. Jax - La La Land
104. Elsa Esnoult - Sky Is Blue
105. Jason Isbell - Something More Than Free
106. Delta Goodrem - I Can't Break It To My Heart
107. Black - Sleep Together
108. Foxes - Devil Side
109. JoJo - Say Love
110. Monica - I Know
111. K's Choice - Somewhere
112. Samantha Jade - Castle
113. Hurts - S.O.S.
114. Anggun - A Nos Enfants
115. Chris Isaak - Reverie
116. Kadebostany - Castle In The Snow
117. Enric Verdaguer - Not My Moment
118. Rihanna - Desperado
119. The Corrs - Kiss Of Life
120. Biagio Antonacci - Il Cielo Ha Una Porta Sola
121. Groove Coverage - 7 Years & 50 Days
122. Kutless - Loved
123. Vanessa Amorosi - Every Time I Close My Eyes
124. Dan Hill Feat.Vonda Sheppard - Can't We Try
125. Charlie Puth - One Call Away
126. Noonie Bao - Criminal Love
127. Daniel Powter - Selfish
128. Emilie Esther - Rare
129. Orange Blue - Sol(Song Of Liberty)
130. Vitaa Feat.L'artiste - Megalo
131. Markus Feehily - Butterfly
132. Selena Gomez - Good For You
133. Lenny Kravitz - Ooo Baby Baby
134. Johnny Apple - Get It On
135. Tinashe - Wildfire
136. Kylie Minogue - Wait
137. Rea Garvey - Before You Go
138. Laura Pausini - Colpevole
139. VanVelzen - Sleep With The Lights On
140. Omnimar - You Save Me
141. Tony Carreira - Quando O Vento Mudar
142. Marina Kaye - Taken
143. Jordin Sparks - Was I The Only One
144. Adele - River Lea
145. Little Mix - I Love You
146. Hedley - Can't Slow Down
147. Ben Moody - Too Far Left To Go
148. Plumb Feat.Dan Haseltine - Drifting
149. Ray Horton - Because I Love You
150. Mylene Farmer - Insondables

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