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Скачать Songs Of Love Lyric (2016)

АвторАвтор: giarem | ДатаДата: 1 марта 2016 | Нашли ошибку?
Songs Of Love Lyric (2016)

Категория: unmixed
Исполнитель: Various Artist
Название диска: Songs Of Love Lyric
Жанр: Pop, Lyric, Romantic Rock
Год Выпуска: 2016
Количество треков: 100
Время звучания: 06:18:43
Формат|Качество: MP3 | 320 kpbs

О Диске:
Правдивость извечных эмоций любви опять нам распахивается в очередном седьмом релизе сборника "Songs Of Love Lyric". Главная особенность произведений этого сборника - наличие пылкого вокала, что делает музыку более привлекательной для прослушивания в уединённой обстановке.

001. Sarah McLachlan - Prayer Of St.Francis
002. Berk & The Virtual Band feat. Cristina Camacho - Tainted Love
003. Venice - Things That Always Make Me Think Of You
004. Tony Martinez - Your Loving Arms (feat. Estela Martin) - Acoustic Mix
005. Amel Bent - La Lionne Saigne
006. WME - Losing My Religion
007. Lalo Project - Never
008. Marc De Siau - Forever Young - Tranqui Mix
009. Take That - Fall Down At Your Feet
010. Siempre - Rose - Titanic Theme
011. Lana Del Rey - Breaking My Heart
012. Chris Kalera - Always On My Mind - Marcos Rodriguez & Charlie F Chill Version
013. Amel Bent - Sans Toi
014. Output - Flying To The Moon (feat. Nikol Kollars)
015. Hooverphonic - Radio Silence
016. Movie Chill - I'm Not In Love
017. David Cook - The Last Goodbye
018. Little Virtual Orchestra - Somebody That I Used to Know (feat. Marina Semenova)
019. Judith Berard - Tant Qu'on Reve Encore
020. Synthesizer - Moments In Love
021. Danny Fernandes - Here We Go
022. Almadrava - Time To Forget It
023. Sagi Rei - Rhythm Is A Dancer
024. Venus In Motion - This Woman
025. Avril Lavigne - Falling Fast
026. World Mestizo Ensemble presents Acoustic - Self Control
027. Enrique Iglesias - Maybe
028. Movie Chill - Wicked Game
029. Jonny Diaz - Thank God I Got Her
030. Slow Release Feat Nat - The Whole Of The Moon
031. MiNa Duo - Complete
032. Berk & The Virtual Band - Words
033. Isac Elliot - A.N.G.E.L.
034. Clarke's - Poem Without Words
035. Anthem Lights - Help You Stand
036. Dark Suite - I Believe In Angels (feat. Aura) - Chillout Version
037. Samantha Jade - Soldier
038. Dali's Eyes - Eu Penso En Voce
039. Molly Sanden - Freak
040. Josh Saint, Adam Grey - Try
041. Macy Gray - First Time
042. Aerosoul - Isla Blanca - Aftersun Chill
043. David Guetta Feat.Sam Martin - Dangerous
044. DAB - Digital Analog Band - The Best 3 - I Promise
045. Neon Jungle - London Rain
046. Venus In Motion - Lovely Sunday
047. Sagi Rei - Freed From Desire
048. Raul Orellana - Entre Dos Aguas - The Night Time Mix
049. Tove Lo - Habits(Stay High)
050. Manu Guix - Amor Particular
051. Britney Spears - Hold On Tight
052. Millie Jackson - I Still Love You(You Still Love Me)
053. Alex Lloyd - Burn
054. Samantha Jade - What About Us
055. Anastacia - Sick And Tired
056. Madison Beer - Melodies
057. Blackfield - Faking
058. Jenix - Sorry
059. Lily Allen - Take My Place
060. DJ Bobo - For Once In My Life
061. Cheryl Cole - Only Human
062. Helene Segara En Duo Avec Joe Dassin - Il Etait Une Fois Nous Deux
063. Laura Story - I Can Just Be Me
064. Leanne Mitchell - No Man's Land
065. Lindsay Lohan - Disconnected
066. Morten Harket - Can't Answer This
067. Josh Wilson - Wake Me Up
068. Lea Michele - Cannonball
069. Enya - Only Time
070. David Gray - Babylon
071. Lunik - Catastrophes
072. Rasmus Seebach - En Skygge Af Dig Selv
073. Annika Ljungberg - In Times Of Sorrow
074. Rascal Flatts - Aftermath
075. Richard Marx - Getaway
076. Joe Cocker - Sorry Seems To Be The Hardest
077. Christina Aguilera - Fighter
078. Sophie Zelmani - Dreamer
079. Lisa Ekdahl - Vem vet
080. John Paul White - What a Way To Go (From the HBO
081. Moby - Extreme Ways
082. Lera Lynn - The Only Thing Worth Fighting
083. Tracy Chapman - Telling stories
084. Brad Paisley - You'll never leave Harlan alive
085. Amy Winehouse - Back to black
086. Adriano Celentano - Confessa
087. Dave Koz - Only tomorrow knows
088. Richard Hawley[violin Sophie Solomon] - Burn't by the Sun
089. M.Peyroux - Dance Me to the end of Love
090. Anastacia - Left outside Alone
091. All About Kane - Interstellar Clash
092. Sia - I'm In Here (Piano Vocal Versi
093. Sophie Ellis - Wrong Side Of The Sun
094. Leighton Meester - Sweet
095. the Fray - Love Don't Die
096. Zaz - Je Veux
097. Mat Dusk - 2 shots of happy,1 shot of sad
098. Mark Knopfler - Beryl
099. Adele - Skyfall
100. Charlie Winston - Truth

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lyric, pop, songs, love, va, mix
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