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Скачать Old Time Rock And Roll (2016)

АвторАвтор: giarem | ДатаДата: 25 марта 2016 | Нашли ошибку?
Old Time Rock And Roll (2016)

Категория: unmixed
Исполнитель: Various Artist
Название диска: Old Time Rock And Roll
Жанр: Rock and Roll, Blues Rock, Country
Год Выпуска: 2016
Количество треков: 100
Время звучания: 04:11:03
Формат|Качество: MP3 | 320 kpbs

О Диске:
100 песен, которые представлены в музыкальном миксе "Old Time Rock And Roll" без лишних слов перенесут своих слушателей в далекие 60-80-е годы прошлого века. И хотя альбом позиционирует себя как рок-н рольный, в нём присутствуют и блюзовые и кантри песни, которые лучшим образом передают атмосферу того времени.

001. The Blue Notes - My Hero
002. Del Shannon - The Swiss Maid (Radio Version)
003. Little Richard - Can't Believe You Wanna Leave
004. Perez Prado and His Orchestra - Cherry Pink and Apple Blossom White
005. The Crystals - There's No Other (Like My Baby)
006. The Everly Brothers - The Sun Keeps Shining
007. Ricky Valance - Tell Laura I Love Her
008. Robin Luke - Susie Darlin'
009. Fats Domino - I'll Always Be in Love with You
010. Ricky Nelson - Someday (You'll Want Me to Want You)
011. The Vibrations - So Blue
012. The Corsairs Ft Jay 'Bird' Uzzell - Smokey Places
013. The Moonglows - Sincerely
014. Bobby Vee - Rubber Ball
015. The Platters - Roses of Picardy
016. Adam Faith - Poor Me
017. Gene Vincent - Peg o' My Heart
018. The Demensions - Over the Rainbow
019. Roy Orbison - One More Time
020. Rochell & The Candles - Once Upon a Time
021. The Drifters - There Goes My Baby
022. The Jive Five - My True Story
023. The Five Dollars - My Baby-O
024. The Blue Jays - Lover's Island
025. Pat Boone - Love Letters in the Sand
026. Cliff Richard - Living Doll
027. Johnnie Ray - Just Walking in the Rain
028. Bobby Darin - Judy, Don't Be Moody
029. The Larks - It's Unbelievable
030. The Five Satins - In the Still of the Night
031. The Danleers - If You Don't Care
032. Conway Twitty - Blueberry Hill
033. The Five Royals - I'm with You
034. Fats Domino - I'm in Love Again
035. Jerry Lee Lewis - Be Bop a Lula
036. Cliff Richard - I'll Try
037. Sam Cooke - I'll Come Running Back to You
038. Five Saints - I'll Be Seeing You
039. Bobby Darin - I Want You with Me
040. The Stereos - I Really Love You
041. The Flamingos - I Only Have Eyes for You
042. Johnny Cash - I Love You Because
043. The Spaniels - I Know
044. Smiley Lewis - I Hear You Knocking
045. Jerry Lee Lewis - I Forgot to Remember to Forget
046. Ricky Nelson - Honeycomb
047. Elvis Presley - Heartbreak Hotel
048. Buddy Holly - Heartbeat
049. Eddie Cochran - Hallelujah I Love Her So
050. Billy Fury - Halfway to Paradise (Radio Version)
051. The Impressions - Gypsy Woman
052. The Valadiers - Greetings (This is Uncle Sam)
053. The Sheppards - Glitter in Your Eyes
054. Gladys Knight & The Pips - Every Beat of My Heart
055. The Penguins - Earth Angel
056. Anthony Newley - Do You Mind?
057. The Crew Cuts - Sh-Boom
058. The Contours - Do You Love Me?
059. Shep & The Limelites - Daddy's Home
060. Jim Dale - Crazy Dream
061. The Fleetwoods - Come Softly to Me
062. Craig Douglas - Only Sixteen
063. The Temptations - Check Yourself
064. The Drifters - This Magic Moment
065. Neil Sedaka - Calendar Girl
066. Louis Prima - Buona Sera
067. Ricky Nelson - Poor Little Fool
068. Ricky Nelson - Be-Bop Baby
069. Johnny Cash - Ballad of a Teenage Queen
070. The Chantels - Look in My Eyes
071. The Platters - Only You
072. The Chaperones - Cruise to the Moon
073. Jackie Wilson - Lonely Teardrops
074. Elvis Presley - Kiss Me Quick
075. The Cadillacs - I'm Willing
076. Paul Anka - I Love You Baby
077. Fats Domino - I Want to Walk You Home
078. Little Richard - All Night Long
079. The Crests - Sixteen Candles
080. The Chimes - Once in a While
081. Roy Orbison - Only the Lonely
082. Ritchie Valens - Donna
083. Gene Vincent - Ain't She Sweet
084. The Paradons - Diamonds and Pearls
085. Johnny Tillotson - Poetry in Motion
086. The Drifters - Some Kind of Wonderful
087. The Chordettes - Mr. Sandman
088. Gene Mc Daniels - A Hundred Pounds of Clay (Radio Version)
089. The Platters - The Great Pretender
090. Elvis Presley - It's Now or Never
091. Lee Andrews & The Hearts - Teardrops
092. Neil Sedaka - Oh Carol
093. The Dubs - Don't Laugh at Me
094. Paul Anka - Diana
095. Elvis Presley - Love Me Tender
096. Mickey & Sylvia - Love Is Strange
097. Bobby Darin - Dream Lover
098. Dion & The Belmonts - Teenager in Love
099. Bruce Channel - Hey Baby (Radio Version)
100. Maurice Williams & The Zodiacs - Stay

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rock and roll, rock, blues, country, va, mix, old
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