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Скачать VA - Dance club festival hits - 3 (2016)

АвторАвтор: zapad9 | ДатаДата: 10 апреля 2016 | Нашли ошибку?
VA - Dance club festival hits - 3 (2016)

Исполнитель: Various Artists
Название: Dance club festival hits - 3
Жанр: club, dance
Год выпуска: 2016
Продолжительность: 04:53:09
Треки: 60
Формат / Битрейт: MP3, 44.1 KHz, 320 Kbps
Размер: 704 MB

01. Brklyn - Steal Your Heart (Breathe Carolina Radio Mix) (Feat. Lenachka)
02. Aruna - Sunrise (Aerosoul Vs. Aruna Radio Edit)
03. Arno Cost Feat. River - Coming Alive (Radio Edit)
04. Levi Feat. Tom Villon - Hero
05. Red Line - Hit Me (Radio Mix)
06. Hermetic Dust - Earth Heartbeat
07. Daniel Tek Ft Ary Fashion - Gimme The Noise (Maeel Remix)
08. Years & Years Feat. Tove Lo - Desire (Original Mix)
09. Dr. Avalance - Grey Rooms (Alex Vidal Moonlight Remix)
10. Rude Vinyl & Souljackerz - Free
11. Rbyn - Amen (Radio Mix)
12. Mann & Klamm - Morning Ride (Original Mix)
13. Estiva - Spark (Radio Edit) (Feat. Adara)
14. The White Shadow - Walking Targets (Feat. J-Merk)
15. John Louis & Dmitri Saidi - I Cant Sleep (Elegant Ape & Giovanni Russo Remix)
16. Jim Tonique - Better World (Tujamo Dub Mix)
17. Sezer Uysal - A Man's Story (Rainy Mix)
18. Eliza G - The Way (Da Brozz Edit)
19. Nikolay Mikryukov - Grape Valley
20. Andrew Benson - Give It A Try (Radio Edit)
21. Juventa - Lost (Radio Mix) (Feat. Micky Blue)
22. The Voices - Higher
23. Benny Benassi - Beardo (Radio Edit)
24. Igor Blaska - City Of Love (Radio Edit) (Feat. Yvan Franel)
25. Gega Feds - Instead Of A Thousand Words (Original Mix)
26. Lane Mccray - Heartbeat (Alexandra Damiani Edit)
27. Xss - Peepshow (Yves Larock Dub Remix) (Feat. Coolio)
28. Dj Favorite & Dj Kharitonov - Eleven Nights (Radio Edit)
29. Akcent Feat. Reea & Aza - Phou Phou (Radio Edit)
30. Basto & Natasha Bedingfield - Unicorn
31. Nikki Lund Vs North2south - Love Overdose (Dan De Leon Club Remix)
32. Flip Capella - Lose Myself (At Tomorrowland) (Original Mix)
33. Elv Feat. Rebecca Louise Burch - Driving Sound (Dima Krasnik Remix)
34. Moth - Jade (Dj Tarkan '10 Years Later' Mix) (Feat. Engeline)
35. Kult Of Krameria - One Hundred Percent
36. Balkan Avenue - Anagram (Original Mix)
37. Molly Sanden - Youniverse
38. Tali Muss & Egor Obukhov - What You See (Original Mix)
39. Victor Tayne - Phenomen (Original Mix)
40. Ltn - Ending The Wisdom (Radio Mix)
41. The Riberaz - Aero
42. Duck Carter - Orgasmic (Cosmic Mix)
43. Calvo Feat. Gigi - Made For Us (Radio Edit)
44. Turbotronic - Doomchit Doomchit (Radio Edit)
45. Ismail Togac & Metin Sivetoglu - Arabian Flute (Original Mix)
46. Nuff Said - Music Within
47. Martin Van Lectro - Never Know (Radio Edit)
48. Bakermat - Gone (Original Mix)
49. Andrew Lias & Crew 7 - Club Bizarre (Crew 7 Radio Mix) (Feat. Paloma)
50. Julez Cordoba - Heat
51. James Morra - Back (Konstantin Vodka Mix)
52. The Code - Mood (Find You) (2x2a Remix)
53. Roberto Serrano - Pikante (Mastiksoul Remix)
54. Sendr - Cyber (Radio Edit)
55. X-Cite - Pandora(Original Mix)
56. Rezarin - About You (Radio Mix) (Feat. Dave Thomas Junior)
57. Invert - Last Summer (Original Mix)
58. Alexander Koning & Ed Dejon - Root It Out (Original Mix)
59. Alexandre Bergheau - Summer's Gone (Radio Edit)
60. Carlos Mendes - Never Can Say Goodbye (Carlos Mendes & Jean Baptist Remix)

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