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Скачать Italian Holidays: Extended Remix (2016)

АвторАвтор: giarem | ДатаДата: 20 апреля 2016 | Нашли ошибку?
Italian Holidays: Extended Remix (2016)

Категория: Mixed
Исполнитель: Various Artist
Название диска: Italian Holidays: Extended Remix
Жанр: Disco, Pop, Italodisco
Год Выпуска: 2016
Количество треков: 100
Время звучания: 09 :29 :05
Формат|Качество: MP3 | 320 kpbs

О Диске:
"Итальянские каникулы", таково название музыкального сборника жизнерадостных ремиксовых мелодий в стиле итало диско. Музыканты прилично поработали над продакшеном и добились того самого, незабываемого звучания диско, но с большим процентом современных фишек.

001. Emy Care - Fly in the Sky (Dance Mix)
002. Giorgia (feat. Eros Ramazzotti) - Inevitabile
003. Heaven42 & Mirko Hirsch - Strong To Fight (Extended Version)
004. Modа (feat. Emma) - Arriverа
005. D.White - Generous Love (Extended Version)
006. DJ Rocca & Fred Ventura - Looking for Love (Italoconnection Remix)
007. Italian Party - Tonight (Where Is The Love) (Italian Extended Mix)
008. Romantic Avenue Feat. Michael - Dangerous Heart (TDH Driver Longdrink Remix)
009. New Romantique - Shy Like An Angel (Long Version)
010. Tom Garrow & Tina Jones - Fly Away! (Extended Version)
011. Modа (feat. Jarabe De Palo) - Come Un Pittore
012. Tom Reichel - Never say Never
013. Magic System D.J. - I Wanna Touch Your Body Now (Extended Version)
014. Ramazzotti Eros (feat. Nicole Scherzinger) - Fino All'Estasi
015. Alan Brando - One More Time (Generation Mix)
016. Nea! - Dorian Gray (Extended Version)
017. Momento - I used to be (Extended New Generation Mix)
018. Nude Disco & Heidrun - Only You (Savage Cover)
019. Chito - Cold As Ice (Extended Version)
020. Vincent International - You're My Love (You're My Life)
021. Club Dogo (feat. Giuliano Palma) - P.E.S.
022. Digitalo - Love Me Endlessly (Original Edit)
023. Fedez (feat. Francesca Michielin) - Cigno Nero
024. Modern Boots - You're my love, you're my life (Extended Version)
025. Alan Brando - Open up your heart (Extended Version)
026. Kristian Conde - It's A Dream (Michael Nolen Maxi Mix)
027. Beach Club Band - Walkin' on Ibiza (Dream Version)
028. Linda Skywalker - Don't fly away (Classic Extended Version)
029. Estimado - I Want You Heaven (Extended Version)
030. Romantic Avenue - Two Heart One Goodbye
031. Elisa (con Giuliano Sangiorgi) - Ti Vorrei Sollevare
032. Estimado - Here I Am (Extended Version)
033. Diamond Rain - Take My Love (Extended Version)
034. L'Aura (feat. Nek) - Eclissi Del Cuore
035. Birizdo I Am - Love Is Love (A.D. Mix)
036. Tommy Sun - Beach Love (Extended New Generation Mix)
037. Lady Fantasy - You and me (Extended New Generation Mix)
038. Miko Mission - Rock Me Round the World (Club Version)
039. Johnny M5 - Moscow Nights (Maxi Version)
040. Limelight - I Want Your Love (Extended Version)
041. Boris Zhivago - Russian Girl (Summer Mix)
042. Chiara (feat. Fiorella Mannoia) - Mille Passi
043. Mark Ashley - Gimme Gimme Money
044. Planet Funk (feat. Giuliano Sangiorgi) - Ora Il Mondo E' Perfetto
045. Estimado - I Miss You (feat. Valerio Biagi)
046. Limelight - Call Me (Extended Version)
047. Captain Apollo - Love In The Stars (Extended Mix)
048. Modern Boots - You're my love, you're my life (Extended Version)
049. Birizdo I Am - Mademoiselle (Extended Edit DJ Manuel Rios)
050. Stylove - Night Girl (Maxi Version)
051. Johnny M5 - Lonely Boy (Maxi Version)
052. Max Pezzali (feat. J-Ax) - Sempre Noi
053. Joy Peters - Asian Heart (Maxi Version)
054. Negrita E Juanes - Gioia Infinita (Soul Mix)
055. Aldo Lesina - Another Time (Extended Version)
056. Momento - Once Again (extended Version)
057. Bonfeel Electro Band - Tonight (Original Mix 2015)
058. Linda Skywalker - Don't fly away (Classic Extended Version)
059. Peter Wilson - The Game Of Love (Extended Dub)
060. Tom Garrow - Give Me More
061. Elisa + Ligabue - Gli Ostacoli Del Cuore
062. Italove & TQ - Rhythm Of Love (NRG Mix)
063. Ken Martina - A Simple Story (Extended Love Mix)
064. Mina (feat. Afterhours) - Adesso E' Facile
065. Diamond Rain - Take Me Home
066. Marco Bardi - In This World Of My Illusions (Long Version)
067. Marco Rochowski - A Star In Heaven (Vocoder Version 2008)
068. Ken Martina - Another melody (Extended Remix)
069. Kriss - Don't Break My Heart
070. Siberian Heat - Irresistible (Special ZYX Version)
071. Energy Voice - Baby Goodbye
072. Ken Martina - Goodbye (Instrumental Version)
073. Roby - (It's) My Life (Extended Mix)
074. Cesare Cremonini (con Malika Ayane) - Hello!
075. Mauro - Buona Sera - Ciao Ciao (Club Mix)
076. Toy For Boys - Your Body Your Feeling (Extended)
077. Cyber Space - Future On Mars
078. Niccolт Fabi E Max Gazzи - Vento D'Estate
079. Alan Brando - One More Time (Extended New Generation Mix)
080. Just Tonight (Extended Version) - Just Tonight (Extended Version)
081. Italian Party - Tonight (Where Is the Love) Italian Extended Mix
082. The Daylite - Do I Love You (80's Disco Mix)
083. Eurotix - Will You Remember Me
084. Synthgo - Buona Sera (Extended Mix)
085. Fabri Fibra E Gianna Nannini - In Italia
086. Gianna Nannini & Giorgia - Salvami
087. Aldo Lesina - Pain (Extended Version)
088. Etolie Vipe - Better Than You (Tdhdriver Remix)
089. Margo - My Love in Your Heart (feat. Mode One)
090. Due Di Picche (J-Ax con Neffa) - Fare A Meno Di Te
091. Gemelli Diversi - Un Attimo Ancora
092. Limelight - Hold Me Tight (Extended Version)
093. Momento - Once Again (extended Version)
094. Night In Wales - You Are My Reason (Extended Version)
095. Baby K (feat. Tiziano Ferro) - Killer
096. Noemi (feat. Fiorella Mannoia) - L'Amore Si Odia
097. Birizdo I Am - Hi Hi Hi Nrg (EP Version)
098. Lady Fantasy - You and Me (Extended Mix)
099. Tommy Sun - Beach Love (Extended New Generation Mix)
100. Biagio Antonacci E Leona Lewis - Inaspettata (Unexpected)

Скачать: Italian Holidays: Extended Remix (2016)


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Теги к статье:

disco, pop, remix, italian, va
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