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Скачать Lavalys EVEREST Ultimate/Corporate Edition v4.60.1500

АвторАвтор: Fender | ДатаДата: 20 сентября 2008 | Нашли ошибку?
После закрытия бесплатного проекта AIDA32 его преемником стал новый, коммерческий проект EVEREST от Lavalys Consulting Group, Inc., создатель программы AIDA32 Tamas Miklos занял пост исполнительного вицепрезидента проекта.
6 сентября 2008 года компания Lavalys выпустила новую обновленную версию программы для сбора и систематизации системной информации EVEREST Ultimate Edition v4.60.1500.

Коммерческие версии EVEREST отличаются от бесплатной Home версии наличием дополнительных возможностей (соединение с удаленными компьютерами и их мониторинг; более полные отчеты, их конвертация и взаимодействие с базами данных).
- Ultimate Edition не поддерживает сетевой аудит и удаленный монито-ринг, однако имеет больше возможностей по диагностике и локальному мониторингу, в том числе эта версия более полезна для оверклокеров.

- Corporate Edition предоставляет максимум возможностей для сетевого аудита и удаленного мониторинга (соединение с удаленными компьюте-рами и их мониторинг; более полные отчеты, их конвертация и взаимо-действие с базами данных).
LAVAL, CANADA (September 06, 2008) - Lavalys today announced the general availability of of version 4.60 of its EVEREST family of products which include the widely used PC diagnostic and benchmarking tool EVEREST Ultimate Edition and the increasingly popular IT asset management solution EVEREST Corporate Edition. This release brings several improvements and bug fixes in direct response to customer feedbacks.
This release improves upon EVEREST’s already impressive set of tools with some brand new features and a long list of enhancements in direct response to customer feedback. Under the hood, version 4.60 redefines once again the meaning of comprehensive by adding support for all the latest hardware technology (almost 10,000 since version 4.00) bringing the total number of supported devices over 68,000.
New features in EVEREST version 4.60:
Upgrade to the latest version of EVEREST to own the most accurate and powerful system diagnostics solution by getting up-to-date hardware informa-tion databases, support for the latest graphics processors and motherboard chipsets.
Preliminary support for Intel Core i7 - Preliminary support for the upcoming Intel Core i7 "Bloomfield" and Intel Xeon "Gainestown" processors utilizing Intel QuickPath architecture. Chipset information for Intel "Tylersburg" X58.
Support for the latest chipset and graphics technologies:
- Chipset information, SPD memory module details and memory benchmarks for the latest DDR3-capable motherboard chipsets including Intel "Eaglelake" G43/G45/P43/P45, nVIDIA nForce 790i SLI and nVIDIA MCP79/7A. Video card details, OpenGL and DirectX information, temperature monitoring for the latest 3D graphics accelerators including ATI Radeon HD 4850, 4870, 4870 X2; nVIDIA GeForce 9800 GT, GTX 260, GTX 280.
Enhanced hardware monitoring capabilities - Temperature, voltage and fan speed monitoring for even more devices and sensor solutions including Dell Precision workstations, T-Balancer bigNG and miniNG controllers, nVIDIA nForce MCP and SPP on-chip diodes.
Enhanced support for the latest netbooks - Optimized CPU and FPU benchmarks for the ultra-mobile Intel "Menlow" platform with Atom processor and SCH controller. Enhanced support for the latest netbooks including Acer Aspire One, Asus Eee PC, HP 2133, Medion Akoya Mini, MSI Wind. Support for the latest mobile systems including AMD "Puma" with Athlon X2 and Turion X2 processors; Intel Centrino 2 with GM45/PM45 chipset and Core 2 Extreme "Penryn" processor.
Support for the state-of-the-art energy-saving technologies - CPU power dissipation measurement using state-of-the-art energy-saving technologies including Asus EPU, Asus EPU2 and Gigabyte DES.
altLavalys EVEREST Corporate Edition v.4.60 - is an automated network audit, system change tracking and network monitoring solution for small and large corporate enterprises, based on the award-winning EVEREST Technology.
EVEREST Corporate Edition is an indispensable application for all business network environments that uses the latest technologies including XML and MHTML reporting, full SQL database and Windows Server 2003 support.
Corporate Edition offers customers a flexible way to collect hardware and software assets information into CSV files or SQL database, and produce a complete network audit based on the collected information. By offering multiple instances of audit it enables customers to keep an archive of assets information, and also offers a unique way to accurately detect any software or hardware changes in the enterprise.
Системные требования:
OS: Windows All Versions
Размер: 8,18mb
Таблетка: В комплекте
Скачать EVEREST Ultimate Edition v4.60.1500:

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