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Скачать Fitness And Workout Mix (2016)

АвторАвтор: giarem | ДатаДата: 26 сентября 2016 | Нашли ошибку?
Fitness And Workout Mix (2016)

Категория: unmixed
Исполнитель: Various Artist
Название диска: Fitness And Workout Mix
Жанр: Dance, Club, House, Electro
Год Выпуска: 2016
Количество треков: 100
Время звучания: 07 :34 :05
Формат|Качество: MP3 | 320 kpbs

О Диске:
Вы можете использовать эту музыку для пробежки или физкультуры, она будет подвигать и мотивировать. Тренировки под оптимальную музыку проходят намного быстрее и лучше, так как благоприятная атмосфера отвлекает и позволят не думать о том, что вам больно или тяжело.

001. Daniel Harrison - Moneymaker
002. Starlounge - Head up High (Skaei Workout Remix)
003. Thomas Brazz & Stephan K - House of Love
004. Elisabeat - If You Be Mine (Extended Mix)
005. A-motion Source - Blue Eyes (feat. Efimia)
006. Tommy Lazer - Whatever Happened (Spin Beats Mix)
007. Danny Better & Roger Slato - Higher (feat. Nenna Yvonne)
008. The Partybangers - The World Is My Club (Power Aerobic Mix)
009. Jetty Rachers - Shockwave (Radio Edit)
010. Fritzbeat - Your Hero (Radio Version)
011. Blue Curacao - No One Knows (Single Version)
012. Sun Liquide - Celebrate the Light (Rene Ablaze Radio Edit)
013. Ray Zery & Mykel Mars - Bad Dream (Instrumental Version)
014. Alpha-x - Let's Run Away (Club Mix)
015. Jamie My Angel - Runaway with Me (Running Beats Edit)
016. Artband - Move On (Teknova Remix)
017. Melbourne Bounce Project - Canberra (Extended Mix)
018. Brian Cid - Belles Du Shaman (Eagles & Butterflies Remix)
019. Party On Demand - House Party (Pool Party Mix)
020. Matthew Yates - Smiling Faces (Guido P Mix)
021. Charlie Vallely - You Are Not Alone (Extended Mix)
022. DJ Favorite & DJ Kharitonov - Eleven Nights (Brass Mix)
023. Destination Soul - On Fire (Single Version)
024. Orjan Nilsen feat. senadee - hands (noah neiman remix)
025. Coca Dillaz - We Got the Fire
026. Bounce Inc. - Don't Stop (Radio Edit)
027. Orange Beat - Good Way Hear
028. Hechmann And Marc Nash - Childhood (Extended Mix)
029. Dominik Koislmeyer - How to Love
030. Dan Caster - Hiding (Original Mix)
031. Melbourne Freaks - Trumpet Bounce (Radio Edit)
032. Javid Senerano - Forward (Keep Your Head Up) (Club Mix)
033. Alex Grand & Mike Glazunov - Shining Brighter
034. CALMANI And GREY - Silver Surfer (Klaas Remix)
035. Rene Ablaze, Ian Buff & DJ T.H. - 10 Years (Nolita Remix Edit)
036. Discotek vs. DJ Combo feat. Donnie Ozone - We Don't Care
037. Mydca - Do You Feel My Love (Radio Edit)
038. Terri B! - I'm Coming Back (Twoknobs Club Mix)
039. DJ DNK - You Can't Stop Me
040. Jordy Dazz - Ragged
041. United States of Dance - We Are the Night (Radio Version)
042. Turbotronic - Hot Body (Radio Edit)
043. Argy Rous & Dim Chord - Nothing Can Stop Me
044. Arno Cost - 1000 Suns (Original Mix)
045. Cod3M - Thoughts
046. Dada & Paul Harris - Underneath The Stars
047. Prash - Bring That Bass (Extended Mix)
048. Christian Colier - Memories (I Should Just Say No) (Extended Mix)
049. Mike Sanders - Kanassa (Radio Cut)
050. Enki Nyxx - Lotta Love (Original Mix)
051. Beydagi - Around the Word (Short Edit)
052. Sunstars & Sissa - Talk (Extended Mix)
053. KRMB - Drop It (Radio Edit)
054. Robbie Rivera & Lizzie Curious - I Am Miami
055. DJ Absinth - Morning Sun (Radio Version)
056. Hi-Jaq - Neon Lites ( Lucius Lowe Soul Searchlight Mix)
057. Igor Garnier - Forever & Ever (feat. Syntheticsax)
058. Lucky Charmes - What's Up!? (Extended Mix)
059. Hotel Stereo - Out of My Mind (Quickhitter Remix)
060. Sean Finn & L.A. H3RO - We Are One (Extended Mix)
061. Steve Cypress - Burn It Down (feat. Pit Bailay)
062. Chris Packer - Random
063. Bassdevils - Beatmaniac (Dancehall Workout Mix)
064. mark knight - in pocket (original mix)
065. Sunloverz - Summer of Love 2K13
066. Barzek - The Shore (Extended Mix)
067. Glamrock Brothers - Pump It Up
068. cedric gervais feat. jack wilby - with you (extended mix)
069. Sugapop - Elysion (Extended Mix)
070. DRYM - Wolf (Extended Mix)
071. Staubtдnzer - Sugar (Radio Edit)
072. Moguai Feat. Cheat Codes - Hold On (Siege Remix)
073. Martin Haber & Neil Richter - Feel the Heat (feat. Nasila) (Club Mix)
074. Grace - Not Over Yet (Johnny Yono Remix)
075. Jake Jones - Call Your Name (feat. Matt Meuse)
076. Rudy MC & Alivo - Home (feat. Splitten)
077. Kiida - Start
078. Kendis - Just Got Paid
079. Vigel - Venom
080. Tim Verkruissen & Bryan De Lacosta - Coastline (Radio Cut)
081. Thomas Hayes Ft Kyler England - Golden (Manse Radio Edit)
082. California Sun - Touch the Sky (The Cardionauts Workout Cut)
083. Steve Aoki Feat. Snoop Lion - Youth Dem (Turn Up) (Nom De Strip Remix)
084. Mykel Mars - White Beach (DJ Absinth Springbreak Remix)
085. Coca Dillaz Ft Paula Bowman - Like a Drug (Extended Mix)
086. Trevor Jackson & Poediction - I Miss You (A-Motion Source Remix)
087. Dario Trapani - Together
088. Kalardiak - Podium
089. Luque And Robkrest Ft Rob Harris - Seed (GSP Remix)
090. Housenumberone United - House Number One (United Mix)
091. Apollo 84 - Jenga (Original Mix)
092. Discomaus - Running (Fit for Sound Remix)
093. YALL (feat Gabriella Richardson) - Hundred Miles (Kokiri Radio Edit)
094. Stargold - I Give It All (Extended Mix)
095. Matt Darey And Somn3Um Ft Molly Bancroft - Keep Talking (Radio Mix)
096. The White Nights - Life Is Good (Get Fit Mix)
097. Our Stolen Theory - Godzilla Watch (LTN Dub Remix)
098. Oliver M - Restless In Ibiza (Ludo Kaiser Remix)
099. Peter K. Feat. Mariah Simmons - Stare Into The Sun (Extended Version)
100. Lincoln Jesser - In My Place (Benny Benassi Remix)

Скачать: Fitness And Workout Mix (2016)


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dance, house, club, electro, va, mix, workout
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