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Скачать Zero Gravity: 100 Trance Progressive Party (2016)

АвторАвтор: giarem | ДатаДата: 1 ноября 2016 | Нашли ошибку?
Zero Gravity: 100 Trance Progressive Party (2016)

Категория: unmixed
Исполнитель: Various Performers
Название диска: Zero Gravity: 100 Trance Progressive Party
Жанр: Trance Progressive, Electro
Год Выпуска: 2016
Количество треков: 100
Время звучания: 11 :16 :32
Формат|Качество: MP3 | 320 kpbs

О Диске:
Непредсказуемой остротой и атмосферной невесомостью отличаются музыка trance микса с наименованием "Zero Gravity". Музыкальный сборник отличается не только самой музыкой, но и настроем, которое создаётся по мере его прослушивания.

001. Gareth Emery ft Christina Novelli - Save Me (Alex Ender Remix)
002. Andromehda - Mood Swings (Original Mix)
003. Luca Antolini Dj - Life's a Mistery (Andrea Montorsi Remix)
004. AlexZideyn - Summer Rain (Edward South Remix)
005. Gareth Emery ft Lawson - Make It Happen (Nicolas Haelg Remix)
006. Antolini - Father (New Nrg)
007. Denis Kenzo & Angel Falls - Run Away (Dub Mix)
008. Arctic Motion - Transformers (Tanya Baltunova Remix)
009. Luke Bond ft Georgia Mason - Alone
010. Luca Antolini Dj - Rock (Extreme Mix)
011. Manuel Rocca - Against The Wind (Aimoon Remix)
012. Azima - Before The Dawn (F.G. Noise Remix)
013. Gareth Emery ft Alex & Sierra - We Were Young (Mhammed El Alami Remix)
014. Andrea Montorsi - Anthem
015. Ronski Speed & Syntrobic Ft. Elisabeth Egan - Reflection (Original Mix)
016. Azima - Singularity (NoMosk Remix)
017. STAMEN - What I Want
018. Ferry Corsten And Cosmic Gate - Event Horizon
019. Marzio Dance - Dreamers (Vocal Emotion Mix)
020. Azima - Zero Gravity (Original Mix)
021. Matt Fax - Progressia
022. JERZYK vs Astuni - Sequor
023. Luca Antolini - Through My Memories (Luca Antolini Mix)
024. Bolotbek Rysbekov - Memories (Original Mix)
025. Gareth Emery & Alastor ft London Thor - Hands (Diviners Remix)
026. A.Galchenko - Rise (Enlusion's 'High Energy' Remix)
027. Andrea Montorsi - Don't Leave Me (Alternative Mix)
028. Dmitry Kostyuchenko - Omega (AlexZideyn Remix)
029. Luke Bond - Before The Story
030. High Frequencies - Aether (Original Mix)
031. Luca Antolini Dj - In My Dream (Remix)
032. DNRJ - Revolution (BluSkay Remix)
033. Mark Sixma & Emma Hewitt - Restless Hearts (Ben Nicky Remix)
034. Lance Johnson - Mystical Nights (KGproject Remix)
035. Marzio Dance - We Are (Instrumental Symphonic Remix)
036. Joer Van Ray - Cassiopeia (Etasonic Remix)
037. Andrew Rayel & Digital X ft Sylvia Tosun - Winterburn (Craig Connelly Remix)
038. M.I.K.E. Push - Maitri (Original Mix)
039. Manny Animator - Life (Antolini & Montorsi Mix)
040. Joer Van Ray - Viking (Ashai Remix)
041. Iversoon & Alex Daf - Moments (Johann Stone Remix)
042. Luca Antolini Dj - Words (New NRG Mix)
043. NoMosk - Secret Place (Psymes Dub Mix) (feat. Tory Vix)
044. Andrea Montorsi - Complicated (Club Mix)
045. Somna & Diana Leah - Fell For You (Mike Saint-Jules Interstellar Extended Mix)
046. P.R.O.S.T. - Waterplane (Original Mix)
047. Antolini - Seven Days (First Second & Third Day Mix)
048. Type 41 - Heiwa (Radio Edit)
049. Pavel Tkachev - Hollow (Original Mix)
050. Pacific Link - Contatto (Luca Antolini Mix)
051. The Mechanic & Vindicator - The Last Days of War (Extended Mix)
052. Pavel Tkachev - Journey (Mostafa Gamal Remix)
053. Alexander Balderas - Determined
054. Luca Antolini Dj - The Race (Andrea Montorsi Remix)
055. Pavel Tkachev - Passing Time (Danny Legatto Remix)
056. Daniel B & Seven Ft Angel Falls - Hold You (Original Mix)
057. Legacy - Wave Affair (DJ Dyno Mix)
058. Second Reason - Kinetic Blow (Tau-Rine Remix) (feat. Tanya Baltunova)
059. Emanuele Braveri feat. Aylin - Winter Tale (Extended Mix)
060. Panama - Out of Time
061. Shuhrat Iskanderov - Reconnect (John Sunlight Remix)
062. GCMN - Their Home (Original Mix)
063. Star Alliance - Optio
064. Joer Van Ray - Mysterious (Miroslav Vrlik Remix)
065. Dyno - Eternal Darkness (Trance Mix)
066. Jens Jakob - Clickbait
067. Joer Van Ray - Space (Original Mix)
068. John O'Callaghan - The Forging of Steel (Original Mix)
069. Luca Antolini Dj - The Rainbow (Vocal Mix)
070. Trance Technology - Try To Touch Me (AlexZideyn Remix)
071. Karl Schaap - Shine (Enfortro Re-Shine)
072. Scolario & Espiro - Collapse (Original Mix)
073. Lance Johnson - Mystical Nights (Original Mix)
074. Pavel Tkachev - On Created (Original Mix)
075. Mart Sine - Afterworld (Original Mix)
076. Pavel Tkachev - Blackness Of Despair (Original Mix)
077. Arnoud van der Werf & F.G. Noise - Nostalgia (Original Mix)
078. Ather - Lords of War (The Enturance Remix)
079. Nick Callaghan - Live For Today (Extended Mix)
080. Valery White - Rocket (Progressive Mix)
081. Sergey Brodovsky - Amnesia (Evgeny Lebedev Remix)
082. Darlex - Place In The Sun (Original Mix)
083. Theoelogy - I'm Glad You're Still Alive (Original Mix)
084. Peter Santos, GoldSaint - Close to You
085. Omnia Ft. Christian Burns - All I See Is You (Extended Mix)
086. Noize Compressor - Hets (Radio Edit)
087. Andres Cuartas & Sebastian Lopera - Ava Lunea (Original Mix)
088. Benjani - Fkit (Mark Landragin & James Rae Remix)
089. Edonia - Off Season Solitude (Original Mix)
090. Francisco Echeverria - Before We Leave (Original Mix)
091. GoldSaint - Close to You (Sole Infinito Remix)
092. High Frequencies - Quantum (Original Mix)
093. Ignacio Kriman - Together Forever (Original Mix)
094. Jaia & Pris Stratton - Use Your Imagination (Jaia Pressure Mix)
095. Mohamed Ahmed - Graduation (Original Mix)
096. Night Templar Presents iQore - Troya (Original Mix)
097. A.Galchenko - Rise
098. Jack Vath - Divergent (Radio Edit)
099. Sebastian Pawlica - Forest Rain (Original Mix)
100. Theoelogy - Catharsis (Original Mix)

Скачать: Zero Gravity: 100 Trance Progressive Party (2016)


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trance, progressive, electro, mix, VA, gravity
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