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Скачать Checksum Control 2.4.2 (x86/x64) + Portable

АвторАвтор: nik_by | ДатаДата: 29 декабря 2016 | Нашли ошибку?
Checksum Control 2.4.2 (x86/x64) + Portable

Checksum Control - небольшая утилита для определения, проверки и записи контрольной суммы файлов. Работает в режиме пошагового помощника, поддерживаются стандарты SFV и MD5. Также в настройках утилиты можно задать действие при обнаружении битых файлов (игнорировать, удалить, пометить плохим и т.д.).

Checksum Control вычисляет контрольную сумму как для отдельных, так и сразу для нескольких файлов, я так же для каталогов, включая подкаталоги. В настройках Checksum Control можно задать действие при обнаружении битых файлов (игнорировать, удалить, переименовать, пометить битым и.т.д.). Для вычисления контрольной суммы можно задать один из четырёх вариантов MD5.

Checksum Control - is a program to verify and write checksum files. It supports SFV and MD5, even some exotic MD5 file types. It has a wizard like interface and processes a list of files, create checksums for each file and save those information to a list. It has advanced options on handling renaming of bad files and how to handle the files in memory as it is processing.

Whats new:
* Fixed problem under 64bit OS calculating wrong md5 checksums when filesize is bigger then 2Gb,
* Fixed access vialotion execption when 2 md5 files are present in the same direcotry.
* Fixed problem with soundplayback when theme is set to "System" , it was not able to turn off/on a single sound event.
* Fixed memory leak problems.
* New Option : Allow duplicate checksum files inside a direcotry. (Be careful with that, it could lead to duplicate file checking)
* New Option : Allow to clear setuped "System Sound Theme" events (Will be reseted to default values).
* Fixed bug with displaying wrong positon of progress bar when filesize is above 2GB.
* Fixed bug under Windows not always played back correclty sound events.
* Fixed buildin language not displaying linefeeds.
* New : In order to correclty free memory , a limit of maximum files is requiered now. This is currently set to "6.500.000" files.
* New : Display warning when maximum filelimit (6.500.000) is reached.
* Fixed problem with settings ini file when a 2nd instance of the program is running at the same time and one instance quits.
* New : New option for direcotry tag : "Do not write tag message & do not remove any existing tag message"
* New : RAR file creating support, create rar files and calculate sfv/md5 automaticaly.
* Fixed bug not removing older "tag" direcotry when tag name has changed.
* New : Set modify date & time of newly created "TAG" direcotry to the same time as the parent direcotry.
* New : modify date & time does of direcotry does not change when a newly "tag" direcotry is created or removed.
* FIx : (Linux) When running under Plasma5 do not use "System" Icon sets since not all icons are available in 16x16 format and default icon theme "breeze" uses svg format.
* New : Created copy of new default icon theme "Breeze" for KDE Plasma5
* Fix : Changed dedection of current Linux Desktop for KDE, seperate now "KDE Plasma 4" and "KDE Plasma 5" (Needed for "System" Icons.
* Changed : "System" Icons only available on the KDE Plasma 4.

ОС: Windows® XP, Vista, 7, 8.х, 10 (32/64-бит)
Интерфейс: English, German
Лекарство: Не требуется
Размер: 3.0/2.5 Mb

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