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Скачать Your Songs (2017)

АвторАвтор: drakon-55 | ДатаДата: 6 января 2017 | Нашли ошибку?
Your Songs (2017)

Artist: Various Performers
Title: Your Songs 2017
Copyright: Universal Music On Demand, Universal Music Operations Limited
Style: Britpop, Art Pop, Tropical, Electropop, Indie, Soul, Funk, UK Garage
Release Date: 02-12-2016
Quality: 320 Kbps/Joint Stereo/44100Hz
Tracks: 43 Tracks
Size: 422 Mb / 02:39:17 Min

CD1 (22 / 79:30)
01. Ellie Goulding - Still Falling For You 04:01
02. Emeli Sande - Hurts 03:23
03. Coldplay - Hymn For The Weekend 04:20
04. Lukas Graham - 7 Years 03:59
05. Maroon 5 - Don't Wanna Know 03:35
06. Major Lazer Ft. Justin Bieber - Cold Water 03:06
07. Shawn Mendes - Treat You Better 03:09
08. Calum Scott - Dancing On My Own 04:20
09. Jonas Blue - Fast Car Acoustic 03:38
10. Christine And The Queens - Tilted 03:54
11. The Weeknd - The Hills 04:04
12. Dupa Lipa - Hotter Than Hell 03:09
13. Clean Bandit - Tears 03:47
14. Hailee Steinfeld - Starving 03:01
15. Sigma Ft. Birdy - Find Me (Radio Edit) 03:26
16. Ariana Grande - Side To Side 03:46
17. Dj Snake Ft. Justin Bieber - Let Me Love You 03:26
18. Bastille - Good Grief 03:28
19. Gnash Ft. Olivia O'brien - I Hate You I Love You 03:47
20. Lady Gaga - Million Reasons 03:26
21. Lorde - Royals 03:12
22. Take That - Patience 03:22

CD2 (21 / 79:47)
23. Justin Bieber - Love Yourself 03:53
24. Jess Glynne - My Love (Acoustic) 03:04
25. Katy Perry - Rise 03:23
26. James Bay - Let It Go 04:21
27. Robbie Williams - Go Gentle (Radio Edit) 03:41
28. Years And Years - Eyes Shut 03:16
29. Passenger - Let Her Go 04:12
30. John Newman - Love Me Again (Live From Spotify London) 03:30
31. Charlie Puth - We Don't Talk Anymore 03:38
32. Jamie Lawson - Wasn't Expecting That 03:22
33. Swedish House Mafia Ft. John Martin - Don't You Worry Child (Acoustic ) 04:18
34. Felix Jaehn Ft. Jasmine Thompson - Ain't Nobody (Loves Me Better) 04:02
35. Sigma Ft. Paloma Faith Changing - (Goldsmyth Edition) 03:25
36. Sam Feldt Ft. Kimberly Anne - Show Me Love 03:02
37. Birdy - Skinny Love 03:21
38. Aurora - Half The World Away (Radio Edit) 03:17
39. Ella Eyre - Waiting All Night (Acoustic) 03:28
40. Skylar Grey - Love The Way You Lie (Part Iii) (Original Demo) 04:11
41. James Tw - When You Love Someone 03:36
42. Michael Kiwanuka - Love & Hate 07:06
43. Keane - With Or Without You (Bbc Live Session) 03:32


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Теги к статье:

music, mp3, Britpop, Art Pop, Tropical, Electropop, Indie, Soul, Funk, UK Garage
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