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Скачать Western Music: Country Gallery (2017)

АвторАвтор: giarem | ДатаДата: 18 января 2017 | Нашли ошибку?
Western Music: Country Gallery (2017)

Категория: unmixed
Исполнитель: Various Performers
Название диска: Western Music: Country Gallery
Жанр: Country, Folk, Rock
Год Выпуска: 2017
Количество треков: 140
Время звучания: 08 :09 :23
Формат|Качество: MP3 | 320 kpbs

О Диске:
Релиз "Western Music: Country Gallery" придется по душе большому количеству ценителей folk музыки, и в частности тем слушателям, которым по вкусу мягкая и в некоторых случаях плавная музыка, но не лишенная характера и американской перчинки. Лонгплей готов показать Вам всю галлерею музыки, каждая нота которой пропитана свободой и независимостью.

001. Artists Of Then & Now & Forever - Forever Country
002. Keith Urban - Blue Ain't Your Color
003. Florida Georgia Line - H.O.L.Y.
004. Florida Georgia Line - May We All (featuring Tim McGraw)
005. Florida Georgia Line - Life Is a Honeymoon
006. Jake Owen - VW Van
007. Brett Eldredge - Wanna Be That Song
008. Dierks Bentley - Different For Girls
009. Bob Dylan/Johnny Cash - I Still Miss Someone
010. Willie Nelson - Blue Eyes Crying in the Rain
011. Jake Owen - Everybody Dies Young
012. Don Williams - I've Been Loved By the Best
013. Kenny Chesney (with P!nk) - Setting the World On Fire
014. LeAnn Rimes - Do It Wrong With Me
015. Little Big Town - Better Man
016. Charlie Daniels - Stay All Night (Stay A Little Longer)
017. Maren Morris - 80s Mercedes
018. Rascal Flatts - She'd Be California
019. Brad Paisley - Today
020. Carrie Underwood - Dirty Laundry
021. Kiefer Sutherland - Going Home
022. Blake Shelton - A Guy With a Girl
023. Miranda Lambert - Vice
024. Dolly Parton - Outside Your Door
025. The Cadillac Three - Party Like You
026. Citania - Segredos do mar / Mistika tis thalassas
027. Jessica Andrews - Unbreakable Heart
028. Florida Georgia Line - May We All
029. Old Dominion - Song For Another Time
030. Justin Moore - Somebody Else Will
031. Autumn Hill - Good Night For Going Nowhere
032. Blake Shelton - A Guy With a Girl
033. Flatt & Scruggs - Coal Miner's Blues
034. Lauren Alaina - Road Less Traveled
035. Steven Tyler - Somebody New
036. Thomas Rhett - Star Of The Show
037. Kris Kristofferson - To Beat the Devil
038. Hillary Scott And The Scott Family - Untitled Hymn
039. LeAnn Rimes - Love is Love is Love
040. Durango - The Rain
041. Les Cowboys Fringants - Marine marchande
042. Billy Currington - It Don't Hurt Like It Used To
043. Tim McGraw - How I'll Always Be
044. Kenny Rogers - That Silent Night feat. Jim Brickman
045. Dierks Bentley - Different For Girls (feat. Elle King)
046. Cole Swindell - Middle of a Memory
047. Jon Pardi - Dirt on My Boots
048. Bob Dylan - Tonight I'll Be Staying Here with You
049. Jennifer Nettles - Salvation Works
050. Blake Shelton - A Guy With a Girl
051. Dustin Lynch - Seein' Red
052. Merle Haggard - Okie from Muskogee
053. Johnny Cash - I Still Miss Someone
054. Kenny Chesney - Setting the World On Fire
055. Luke Combs - Hurricane
056. George Jones - The Window Up Above
057. Chris Janson - Holdin' Her
058. Eric Church (ft. Rhiannon Giddens) - Kill A Word
059. Johnny Cash - One Piece At A Time
060. Chris Stapleton - Parachute
061. Trent Harmon - There's A Girl
062. Stompin' Tom Connors - Believe In Your Country
063. Luke Bryan - Move
064. Maren Morris - 80's Mercedes
065. Hank Williams - You Win Again
066. Chris Young - Sober Saturday Night
067. LoCash - I Know Somebody
068. Granger Smith - If the Boot Fits
069. Keith Urban - Blue Ain't Your Color
070. Brantley Gilbert - The Weekend
071. Brett Young - Sleep Without You
072. Garth Brooks - Baby Let's Lay Down and Dance
073. Jason Aldean - A Little More Summertime
074. Johnny Rebel - New CD - Black Attitudes
075. Brad Paisley - Today
076. Michael Ray - Think A Little Less
077. Carrie Underwood - Dirty Laundry
078. Michael Ray - Think A Little Less
079. Jason Aldean - A Little More Summertime
080. Lauren Alaina - Road Less Traveled
081. Old Dominion - Beer Can in a Truck Bed
082. High Valley - Make You Mine
083. Old Dominion - Song For Another Time
084. Kelsea Ballerini - Yeah Boy
085. Maren Morris - 80s Mercedes
086. Brett Eldredge - Wanna Be That Song
087. Dierks Bentley - Black
088. Brett Eldredge - Baby, It's Cold Outside
089. Jon Pardi - Dirt on My Boots
090. Josh Turner - Hometown Girl
091. LANco - Long Live Tonight
092. Eric Church - Kill A Word
093. Luke Combs - Hurricane
094. Luke Bryan - Fast
095. Thomas Rhett - Star Of The Show
096. Dylan Scott - My Girl
097. RaeLynn - Love Triangle
098. Jerrod Niemann & Lee Brice - A Little More Love
099. Trent Harmon - There's A Girl
100. Darius Rucker - If I Told You
101. Jason Aldean - Any Ol' Barstool
102. Craig Campbell - Outskirts of Heaven
103. RaeLynn - Love Triangle
104. Chris Janson - Holdin' Her
105. Easton Corbin - Are You With Me
106. Darius Rucker - If I Told You
107. Eli Young Band - Saltwater Gospel
108. Miranda Lambert - We Should Be Friends
109. Tim McGraw - How I'll Always Be
110. Brothers Osborne - 21 Summer
111. Garth Brooks - Baby, Let's Lay Down and Dance
112. Dan + Shay - How Not To
113. Drake White - Livin' The Dream
114. Chris Stapleton - Parachute
115. Craig Campbell - Outskirts of Heaven
116. Artists Of Then & Now & Forever - Forever Country
117. High Valley feat. Ricky Skaggs - Make You Mine
118. Brett Young - In Case You Didn't Know
119. Dylan Scott - My Girl
120. Granger Smith - If the Boot Fits
121. Ronnie Dunn - Damn Drunk
122. Chris Lane - For Her
123. Dustin Lynch - Seein' Red
124. Brett Young - In Case You Didn't Know
125. Pentatonix (ft. Dolly Parton) - Jolene
126. Chris Stapleton - Whiskey and You
127. The Band Perry - Comeback Kid
128. Chris Young, Vince Gill - Sober Saturday Night
129. Jennifer Nettles - O Holy Night
130. Brantley Gilbert - The Weekend
131. Cody Johnson - With You I Am
132. Carrie Underwood - Remind Me
133. Josh Turner - Hometown Girl
134. Kane Brown - What Ifs
135. Kane Brown - Thunder In The Rain
136. Kelsea Ballerini - Yeah Boy
137. Chase Rice - Everybody We Know Does
138. Dan + Shay - How Not To
139. Eric Church - Broke Record
140. Brantley Gilbert - My Baby's Guns N' Roses

Скачать: Western Music: Country Gallery (2017)


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country, folk, rock, western, VA
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