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Скачать Space Synth Noise ( 2017 )

АвторАвтор: giarem | ДатаДата: 26 февраля 2017 | Нашли ошибку?
Space Synth Noise ( 2017 )

Категория: Unmixed
Исполнитель: Various Artist
Название диска: Space Synth Noise
Жанр: Synthpop, Synthwave, Electronic
Год Выпуска: 2017
Количество треков: 100
Время звучания: 07 :58 :34
Формат|Качество: MP3 | 320 kpbs

О Диске:
Специально для любителей космической музыки! Музыкальный сборник "Space Synth Noise" на общем фоне современных релизов выглядят крайне необычно, оригинально и свежо. Слушая музыку лонгплея, представленную стилями Spacesynth и Synthpop, в воображении предстают космические корабли и фантастические роботы из "Космических Войн".

001. Android - The Hole
002. Quixotic - Highway Violence
003. Angelo Taylor - Space Synth Noise
004. Retroxx - Antogonist
005. Dance With The Dead - Zombie Night (Demo)
006. The Neon Droid - Goodbye Paradise Bay
007. Dynatron - Travelling The Wastelands
008. Megahit - Rubber Burnin' Funk
009. Zonasphere - Decoder
010. Koto - Trans Europe Express
011. Sonic Mayhem - Futureland (Feat. Power Glove)
012. Binary Ghost - Solar Eclipse
013. Droid Bishop - Nightland
014. Nowtro - After Dark
015. Galactic Warriors - Mars Express
016. Isidor - Soldier Of Fortune
017. Juno Dreams - Be With Me
018. Powder Slut - Kappa Perseya
019. Vulta - Infected
020. Taos - The End Of Time
021. Night Raptor - Flashback
022. Trance Mission - Trance Europe Express
023. Lueur Verte - Emerald Rising
024. Marco Di Luna - Planet X
025. Temporal Distortion - Laser Beams
026. Starlight - Moon Express (Slow Version)
027. Vulta - Nabla I
028. Nordika - Naive Love (Dmt Berzerk Remix)
029. Rune Foshaug - Fractals Part 1
030. Wolf And Raven - On The Run
031. Panzerjagerv - The Nameless Scholar
032. Pylot - Data
033. The Midnight - Vampires
034. Dynatron - The Outer Rims Of Traversed Space
035. Maethelvin - Delight
036. Mirko Hirsch - Lost In Alphaville
037. Absolute Valentine - Light In The Dark
038. Insert Coin - Anacronym
039. Jean Michel Jarre - The Heart Of Noise
040. Compilerbau - Neon Drive 84
041. Mika Thorwine - The Trysting Place
042. Robert Parker - Generation '82 (Feat. Shyguys)
043. Kraftwerk - Trans Europe Express
044. Vhs Dreams - Nightdrive
045. Droid Bishop - Nightland
046. Time Travel - Miracle
047. Glass Apple Bonzai - Holy War (Extended)
048. Maethelvin - Looking For Love
049. 20Six Hundred - Quasar
050. Anoraak - Long Distance Hearts
051. Corvallis - Tagliagole
052. Arcade High - In The Dark
053. Muscle - Feel The Steel
054. Andromeda Dreams - Outside The Universe
055. Mitch Murder - Night Train
056. Waveshaper - Pixel Stars (Ft Robert Parker)
057. Lucy In Disguise - Silver Lights
058. Maver - Underground
059. Goldroom - Till Sunrise (New Arcades Remix)
060. Unitra - Shinkansen
061. Zero Cal - Battle Of The Young
062. Thyx - Don't Let Yourself Go
063. The Midnight - Sunset
064. Dynamaxx - Dark Streets (Interlude)
065. Powernerd - Death & Gold
066. Dynatron - Excellerator
067. Nightstop - Midnight Hunger
068. Pixell - Black Hole
069. Dynatron - The Pulsating Nebula
070. Lazerhawk - Cool Breeze
071. Polytron - Fields
072. Thyx - Forgotten Ii
073. D.Notive - Given A Pause...
074. Morgan Willis - Turning Point
075. Janrevolution - Reminiscence
076. Ice Choir - Amorous In Your Absence
077. Dynatron - Cruiser
078. Haggeman & Spiral - Distant Voyager
079. Hazel - Planet 9 Is Alive
080. Perturbator - Humans Are Such Easy Prey
081. Andy Fox - Running Woman (Exclusive)
082. Gold Laser - Voyage To The Planet
083. Shes Not Real - Lucid Moment
084. Vanbot - Better In The Light
085. Pavel Panchenko - Sky Sensation
086. Kirill Sawazki - Infinite Universe
087. The G - Tropical Summer
088. Wice - Zatellite Planet City
089. Mental Minority - Solitary Nights
090. Ben Businovski - New Life
091. Highway Superstar - Splash
092. Kosta - Miami Night
093. Lamf - Neon Highway
094. Datalink - Phosphor Trails
095. Wice - Wormhole
096. Earmake Dynatron - Galactic Odyssey
097. Jimmy Synthetic - Blast From The Past
098. Powernerd - Powernerd Anthem
099. Quixotic - Highway Violence
100. Gavin G - Sky

Скачать: Space Synth Noise ( 2017 )


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synthpop, synthwave, electronic, VA
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