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Скачать Rock Blues Ballads: Story 12 (2017)

АвторАвтор: giarem | ДатаДата: 22 апреля 2017 | Нашли ошибку?
Rock Blues Ballads: Story 12 (2017)

Категория: Unmixed
Исполнитель: Various Performers
Название диска: Rock Blues Ballads: Story 12
Жанр: Rock Blues
Год Выпуска: 2017
Количество треков: 145
Время звучания: 10 :30 :09
Формат|Качество: MP3 | 320 kpbs

О Диске:
Рок баллады - это действительно та музыка, которую можно назвать общепризнанной, которую можно назвать простой и возвышенной одновременно, которая является понятной для всех и любимой всеми. Если тяжелый рок может вынести не каждый слушатель, то рок баллады будет слушать каждый без исключения и получать массу удовольствия.

001. Walter Trout - Fly Away
002. Cactus - Black Dawn
003. The Rippingtons - Wild Tales
004. Deb Ryder - Get A Little Steam Up
005. Delta Twins - It Won't Be Long
006. Keth Patterson - Lost Her Number
007. Kenny Neal - Blues Falling Down Like Rain
008. Dark Horse Flyer - Coconut Jive
009. The Apocalypse Blues Revue - Junkie Hell
010. Ana Popovic - She Was a Doorman
011. Dave Steffen Band - Long As I Can See The Light
012. Joey Gilmore - Brandon's Blues
013. Larry Miller - Road Runner
014. Luther Allison - Cherry Red Wine
015. Jason Marsh Band - Try
016. Odds Lane - Falling Down
017. Nanna Baudelaire - I Will Pretend
018. C.O.V.A.N. - Darkened Lady
019. Duke Robillard - Mourning Dove
020. E.C.Scott - Funkafied Blues
021. Kal David & Lauri Bono - Help The Poor
022. Kingdom Brothers - It Won't Me
023. Marshall X - Southern Rain
024. The Joey Gilmore Band - Livin' A Lie
025. Hurricane Hearn - What Am I Supposed To Do
026. Jimmy Thackery And The Drivers - No More Than Me
027. Aynsley Lister - Won't Be Taken Down
028. Derric Procell - Who Will Tell Lucille
029. Slackjaw Blues Band - Tried It Your Way
030. Steve Roux - Woman Like You
031. The Dogtown Blues Band - Boxcar 4468
032. Jose Luis Pardo - Don't Treat Me This Way
033. Raphael Wressnig & Igor Prado - No-La-Fun-Ky
034. Rory Block - Panama Limited
035. Stevie Ray Vaughan - Willie The Wimp
036. Jay Willie Blues Band - Alive Again
037. Darrell Mansfield - Your Word
038. Hornbuckle - Knife In Your Hand
039. James Solberg Band - Too Damn Much Lovin'
040. Rob Tognoni - Comin' Home At Last
041. The Soul Of John Black - East LA Lady
042. Zac Harmon - Country Boy
043. Greyhounds - Cuz I'm Here
044. Patty Reese - Good Neighbor
045. Al Jones & His Band - I Just Wanna Make Love To You
046. Piedmont Four - Keep Our Business to Yourself
047. Andres Roots - Morganfield Blues
048. Bruce Ewan - Sao Paulo Blues
049. Matthew Skoller - Story Of Greed
050. John Blues Boyd - That Certain Day
051. James Solberg Band - Ringin' In My Head
052. Jimmy Barnes - Stone Cold (Feat. Joe Bonamassa)
053. Tino Gonzales - No More Mistery
054. Walter Trout & The Radicals - Doin' Just Fine
055. Kauffey Temple - Cheshire Moon (Live)
056. AJ & The Badcats - Come Back To Me
057. Jerimiah Marques And The Blue Aces - I Wish You Would
058. Slidin' Slim & Eric Hansson - Rather Be A Dog
059. Roy Buchanan - Whole Lotta Shakin' Goin' On (Live)
060. Janiva Magness - Your House Is Burnin'
061. The Apocalypse Blues Revue - Crossed Over
062. The Frank Christopher Band - I Got Your Number
063. Mary Jo Curry - When A Woman's Had Enough
064. Carl Weathersby - A Real Mutha Fuh Ya
065. David Gogo - So Into You
066. Toni Lynn Washington - You Better Leve My Man Alone
067. Zed Mitchell - I'm In Vegas Tonight
068. Scott McMahan - Loneliest Blues
069. Jack Mack & The Heart Attack Horns - Change My Ways
070. Johnny Nicholas - Roll On Mississippi
071. Jimmy Dillon - Sea Of Blues
072. Jimmy Dillon - Undervover Man
073. Rob Orlemans & Half Past Midnight - Night Bird
074. Sari Schorr - Ain/t Got No Money
075. Rocklike - Holding On (Acoustic Version)
076. Harvey Mandel - Snake
077. Bobby Rush - Another Murder In New Orleans
078. Carl Weathersby - Come To Papa
079. The Batlin Sings McMoore Blues Experience - Reggae Man Sings The Blues
080. Zed Mitchell - Fool Forever
081. Al Jones & His Band - All About My Girl
082. Micah Bournes - Broken Bones
083. Willa - Say What
084. Bluebone - Big Love
085. Coco Montoya - Talkin' Woman Blues
086. Joey Gilmore - You Just Can't Take My Blues
087. Revis Johnson - Drinkin' And Smokin' In Bed
088. Bowes & Morley - On A Day Like Today
089. David Gogo - Something Ain't Right
090. Deb Ryder - Bad Bad Dream
091. Walter Trout Band - Surround By Eden
092. John Lee Hooker - The Motor City Is Burning
093. Rick Gibson Band - Two Dollar Shine
094. Taj Mahal - Cajun Waltz
095. Barrelhouse - Withered On The Vine
096. Albert Cummings - Where Did I Go Wrong
097. Dudley Taft - Pack It Up
098. Lost In Paris Blues Band - I Don't Need No Doctor
099. Scott Ellison - Let's Think Twice
100. Jay Willie Blues Band - The Horse (Instrumental)
101. Anni Piper - Cold Pizza And Warm Beer
102. Fred Chapellier - Changed Minds
103. Kenny Neal - Another Man's Cologne
104. Rockocola - Dear Girl
105. Fancy Vienna - Never Be the Same
106. Dan Patlansky - Loosen Up The Grip
107. The Joey Gilmore Band - This Time I'm Gone For Good
108. Tinsley Ellis - All I Can Do
109. Toronzo Cannon - Not Gonna Worry
110. Boz Scaggs - Near You
111. Beth Heart - Fire On The Floor
112. Dave Day - Sound The Bell
113. Dave Fields - Don't Look At Me That Way
114. Jeff Fetterman - Angel Blue
115. Taj Mahal - Staager Lee
116. Anysley Lister - Dishevelled
117. Dr.Wu' & Friends - Can't Keep A Good Man Down
118. Kenny Neal - I Can Read Between The Lies
119. The Rippingtons - Eternity
120. John Hammond - Hey! Bo Diddley
121. Corey Stevens - Ronda Vista Shuffle
122. Jeff Liberman - Blue Sky Blues
123. Mississippi Heat - Blues For George Baze
124. Doc Watson - Windy And Warm
125. Lightnin' Hopkins - C. C. Rider
126. Roger McGuinn - Ramblin ' Banjo
127. Mississippi Fred McDowell - Good Morning Littel Schoolgirl
128. Big Joe Turner - Shake, Rattle And Roll
129. Mike Bloomfield & Electric Flag - I Was Robbed Last Night
130. Gordon Lightfoot - Long Way Back Home
131. Linda Ronstadt - Better Walk The Line
132. Boz Scaggs - Jungele Blues
133. Eric Clapton - Out On The Water Coast
134. Jimmy Reed - Let's Get Together
135. Ray Charles - Going Down Slow
136. Louis Jordan - Choo Choo Ch' Boogie
137. Cleanhead Eddie Vinson - I'm The Midnight Creeper
138. Pee Wee Crayton - Texas Hop
139. Charles Brown - Driftin' Blues
140. Muddy Waters - Baby Please Don't Go
141. Jessie Winchester - Payday
142. Johnny 'Guitar' Watson - Johnny G. Is Back
143. Bo Diddley - Walkin' And Talkin'
144. Johnny Otis - Fannie Mae
145. Roy Milton - Hush

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