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Скачать Lady Blues: Female Vocal (2017)

АвторАвтор: giarem | ДатаДата: 22 апреля 2017 | Нашли ошибку?
Lady Blues: Female Vocal (2017)

Категория: Mixed
Исполнитель: Various Artist
Название диска: Lady Blues: Female Vocal
Жанр: Blues, Lyric Blues, Romantic
Год Выпуска: 2017
Количество треков: 77
Время звучания: 05 :02 :12
Формат|Качество: MP3 | 320 kpbs

О Диске:
Главная особенность этой музыкальной подборки в стиле блюза это то, что все композиции исполняются в сопровождении лёгкого и невесомого женского вокала. Приятная, изысканная музыка для вечернего отдыха.

01. Groovy Waters - Sugar
02. Kiesza - What Is Love
03. Slackwax Feat. Anna Leyne - Close To My Fire
04. Banda Do Sul - Freed from Desire
05. Hypnomusic - Billie Jean
06. Natalie Cole - Tell Me All About It
07. Pure Joyce - Blue
08. Eva Wilson - You Sexy Thing
09. Mo'Nique - Tempted
10. Rj Chevalier - Last Summer (Moonnight Remix)
11. Shelly Bonet - Devoted
12. Dash Berlin - Listen To Your Heart (Acoustic Mix)
13. Dinah Eastwood - Crazy
14. Maurizio Piacente - You and Me
15. Nanna Baudelaire - Fever
16. Ana Popovic - Old Country
17. No.oN - Tainted Love
18. The Cooltrane Quartet - Moves Like Jagger
19. Velvet Dreamer - The Fall (feat. Yvonne Ambree & Tim Gelo)
20. Anakelly - What I Got
21. Barrelhouse - Goodbye
22. Karen Souza - Skin Trade
23. Sval - Trustless
24. Etta James - I'd Rather Go Blind
25. Eve St. Jones - The Look
26. Kid Francescoli - Mr Know It All (Kaleidoscope Remix)
27. Lady Gaga - Just Another Day
28. Anekka - Stay with Me
29. Liz Mandeville - Reefer And A Glass Of Wine
30. Pablo Nouvelle - Best Thing
31. Sao Vicente - Should I Stay or Should I Go
32. Alex Naevecke feat. Schascha - Summerlove
33. Karen Souza - The Sound of Violence
34. Mary Jo Curry - Voodoo Woman
35. Ana Popovic - In a Sentimental Mood
36. Anakelly - Man in the Mirror
37. Ialaz - Guardian Angel
38. Urselle - Uptown Funk
39. Above & Beyond - No One On Earth
40. Hypnomusic - Maggie May
41. Star Sister - Venus
42. Vitalie Rotaru - Digital Feelings (Original Mix)
43. Anakelly - Iris
44. Belleruche - Late Train
45. Mandy Jones - Need You Tonight
46. Nuera - Breathing (Chillout Mix)
47. Bellestar - Fidelity
48. Beryl Childs - Is You Is or Is You Ain't My Baby
49. Kid Francescoli - Dirty Blonde (French Fox Remix)
50. Rever Sound - Pride (In the Name of Love)
51. Fiona Boyes - Stranger In Your Eyes
52. Mandy Jones - Baby I'm a Fool
53. STJ - She Believes (Radio Version) (feat. Liba)
54. Humanitat - Watching the Detectives
55. Nikki Ocean - Earned It (Fifty Shades of Grey)
56. Style Project - Style
57. The Ukulele Orchestra Of Great Britain - Bang Bang
58. Francoise Sanders - Blurred Lines
59. Karen Souza - Think for a Minute
60. Katja Rieckermann - Buckaroo
61. Zage Featuring Ekatherina April - Promises (Chill Edit)
62. Kondencuotas Pienas - So Pure (Lemongrass Remix)
63. Norah Jones - Tragedy
64. Sabho - Rosa Wolken
65. Tracey Hewat - Samson
66. Dinah Eastwood - Here I Go Again
67. Luis Hermandez - A Tu Lado
68. Michelle Simonal - Thinking out Loud
69. Smoma - Give Me the Night
70. Lilli - You Want Know
71. Michelle Simonal - Mr Brightside
72. Revel In Dimes - Nancy
73. SD Project - Have in Mind
74. Deborah Coleman - Crazy
75. Glambeats Corp. - Jealous Guy
76. Man In A Room - Thief of Time (feat. Sanura)
77. The Diventa Project feat. Surya - Still Raining

Скачать: Lady Blues: Female Vocal (2017)


Другие новости на эту тему:


Теги к статье:

blues, romantic, lyric, vocal, lady, VA
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