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Скачать Synthetics Drive (2017)

АвторАвтор: giarem | ДатаДата: 9 мая 2017 | Нашли ошибку?
Synthetics Drive (2017)

Категория: Unmixed
Исполнитель: Various Performers
Название диска: Synthetics Drive
Жанр: Synthpop, Synthwave, Electronic
Год Выпуска: 2017
Количество треков: 130
Время звучания: 10:25:28
Формат|Качество: MP3 | 320 kpbs

О Диске:
Необычно, оригинально и свежо слушаются композиции микса под названием "Synthetics Drive". Хотя корнями эта музыка, как можно сразу догадаться по первым нотам, произрастает из электродиско 80х годов.

001. Mflex - Shining Echoes
002. Robert Marlow - Smile (Reset Remix by Angst Pop
003. Innerspace - Галактическая разведка (Galactic Exploration)
004. Rossetti's Compass - My Beloved (Abi's Electro Mix by Angst Pop
005. Dynatron - Fireburner
006. Dynatron - Rise to the stars
007. Torul - Stripped
008. Vangelis - La Mort du Loup
009. Vincenzo Salvia - Ocean Drive
010. Die Krupps - Robo Sapien (Angst Pop feat. Technomancer Remix)
011. Ice Choir - Designs In Rhythm
012. Sa Trincha - Sa Trincha
013. Mesh - Tuesday
014. Torul - Wave Riders (Theme)
015. THYX - Fur Immer
016. Nitzer Ebb - Once You Say (Angst Pop feat. Technomancer Remix)
017. Tobias Bernstrup - Utopia 23rd Underpass Remix
018. Steve Roach - Arrival
019. Royal Visionaries - Synthetic Love (Qy70 Slask Juni Mix)
020. Apoptygma Berzerk - Major Tom (Technomancer feat. Angst Pop Remix)
021. Soulwax - Is It Always Binary
022. Syrian - Fire In Your Eyes
023. Innerspace - ''Star Plow'' Trip
024. Jakuzi - Istedigin Gibi Kullan
025. X-Marks The Pedwalk - Photomatique
026. Anne Clark - Darkest Hour (Angst Pop & Technomancer Remix)
027. Soulwax - Do You Want to Get Into Trouble?
028. Glass Apple Bonzai - He Who Walks (Outtake)
029. Argh - Run Away
030. Nordika - Demon of Pride
031. Alphaville - Mafia Island
032. Stive Morgan - Oxygen Music
033. Johnny Normal - There's A Girl That Lives In The Sea
034. JanRevolution - Pray
035. Glass Apple Bonzai feat. Jeye Daye - Disappear V.2
036. AWITW - After hours
037. Alan Parsons - Mammagamma
038. Dynatron - Descend
039. Dynatron - Electromagnetic
040. Loewenhertz - Frei sein
041. Versus - Gloaming
042. Second Version - Losing My Religion
043. NightStop - Young Blood
044. Arcade High - Trace The Map
045. Etage Neun - Weatherman
046. Ultranoire - Wild
047. Page - Som Ett Skal (Lounge Remix by Technomancer feat. Angst Pop)
048. haloeffectofficial - The Secret I Know (Insect Elektrika remix)
049. Robert Parker - Arcade Oliver (feat. Waveshaper)
050. D.Notive - Back in the Saddle
051. Etage Neun - Better Man
052. Powernerd - BMX
053. DJ Dado - Metropolis
054. NamNamBulu - Ghost
055. Dynatron - Pulse Power
056. THYX - The Final
057. Vanbot - June
058. Naked Lunch - Slipping Again, Again
059. Ice Choir - Comfortable
060. 5TimesZero - Empty Floor
061. Mike Oldfield - The Source Of Secrets
062. Robert Parker - Seasons of Lust (feat. Bachelor of Hearts)
063. The Anix - Stay
064. Royal Visionaries - Metropolis Von Berlin (Ecstati
065. Scotch - Mirage (Gold Mix)
066. Shatoo - Dangertown (2013 Remix by Angst Pop feat. Technomancer)
067. Jean Michel Jarre - Agregiateur
068. Second Version - Ordinary World
069. Perturbator - Satanic Rites
070. Scotch - Money Runner (Remix)
071. Substaat - Watch (Technomancer feat. Angst Pop Remix)
072. Robert Miles - ENJOY
073. Touching the Void - Obsession (Technomancer feat. Angst Pop Remix)
074. haloeffectofficial - You'll Never Catch Me (Oliver Rosemann remix)
075. Terry Riley - A Rainbow In Curved Air (Instrumental)
076. Carlos Peron - La Salle Blanche
077. Depeche Mode - The Things You Said
078. Mark Ashley - Dream Of Great Emotion (Extended Mix)
079. Trakktor - Spitting On Your Grave (1991 Remix by Angst Pop feat. Technomancer)
080. Tangerine Dream - Remote viewing
081. Technomancer - Electronic Warfare (2015 Version)
082. Ray Lynch & Tom Canning - The Oh of Pleasure
083. Angst Pop - Odipus Rex 2012 (Spiritual Warfare Remix by Technomancer)
084. UNKLE feat. Mark Snow - X - Files
085. Eminent Sol - Decade (Technomancer feat. Angst Pop Remix)
086. Mark Ashley - Give A Little Sweet Love
087. Josh Gallahan - 1ST Strike (Original Mix)
088. Rossettis Compass - Blood On The Carpet
089. Tiesto - Just Be
090. Shatoo - Floodlights (Dance Version by Angst Pop feat. Technomancer)
091. Biscaine - Sunrise At Paradise Beach
092. Clockwork Orange - Sensation Boys (Angst Pop feat. Technomancer RMX)
093. Rune Foshaug - Voyager
094. Shatoo - Nothing That I Wouldn't Do (Single Version by Angst Pop
095. Cusco - Seychelles
096. Angst Pop - Odipus Rex 2012
097. Spacebirds - Spaceship Lab
098. Spektralized - Learn And Teach (Technomancer feat. Angst Pop Remix)
099. Armin Van Buuren - In And Out Of Love
100. Spilstar - Dignity (Technomancer Remix)
101. Harijs Bass - Lidojums pari Madride
102. Shatoo - One Night Love (2013 Remix by Angst Pop feat. Technomacner)
103. Jean Michel Jarre - Soul Intrusion
104. Attrition - Narcissist (ID Mix by Angst Pop feat. Technomancer)
105. Frederic Delarue - Celebration
106. Supercraft - I Am (Angst Pop feat. Technomancer Remix)
107. Dorian Przystalsk - Aurora Borealis
108. Carlos Peron - Der Komtur (Technomancer feat. Angst Pop Remix)
109. Pulp Victim - The World (Space Raven's Uplifter Rework)
110. J Krafft - The Human Race Goldrush RMX
111. Phaeleh - In The Twilight
112. Jakub Fijak - Uther Pendragon
113. Distain! - Synthpopgirl (Instrumental)
114. Hot Butter - Popcorn
115. Piotr Zylbert - Taka mala (Synthpop & Piano Remix)
116. Morgan Willis - The Grid of Death-Black Thunder
117. Enigma - Sadeness (Remix 2017)
118. Imany - You Will Never Know (Remix)
119. Flux Gemini - Andromeda
120. Sdmusic - Robot
121. Ray Lynch & Tom Canning - The Oh of Pleasure
122. Piotr Zylbert - LASERDANCE - Cosmo Tron
123. Yello - Oh Yeah (Remix 2016)
124. Era - Ameno (Remix 2016)
125. Orax - Rising
126. Rune Foshaug - Dreamcatche
127. Droid Bishop - Lost In Symmetry
128. Michael Cassette - Crockett's Theme
129. Michael Elliot - June 87 (Original Mix)
130. ORAX - Missing

Скачать: Synthetics Drive (2017)


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synthpop, synthwave, drive, VA
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