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Скачать Cosmical Odissey: Synthetic Musical Mix (2017)

АвторАвтор: giarem | ДатаДата: 9 мая 2017 | Нашли ошибку?
Cosmical Odissey: Synthetic Musical Mix (2017)

Категория: Unmixed
Исполнитель: Various Performers
Название диска: Cosmical Odissey: Synthetic Musical Mix
Жанр: Spacesynth, Synthwave, Electronic
Год Выпуска: 2017
Количество треков: 100
Время звучания: 09 :08 :26
Формат|Качество: MP3 | 320 kpbs

О Диске:
В путешествие по просторам межгалактического пространства зовёт нас отправиться музыкальный сборник "Cosmical Odissey". Атмосфера таинственности и величия бездонного космоса в каждом треке лонгплея.

001. Apex - Inner space
002. Entropy - Next Destination
003. Brayan Master Mix - Kosmic Love (SpaceSynth)
004. Astral Runner - This Just In
005. Syrian - Ninja Warrior (Vincenzo Salvia Remix)
006. Lahniz - Troubled Loser
007. Marek Bilinski - Po drugiej stronie swiata
008. Worship - Horizon (Mitch Murder Remix)
009. Polaris - Touch the Sun
010. Organic Synthetic - Universe One
011. Sneo - Chi
012. Zona-X - Intro
013. Mitch Murder - Daybreak
014. RetroSynther - Stand Alone Complex
015. Sixth June - Fade
016. ZSG - Mystic Force
017. Vincenzo Salvia - Domenica (Feat. Giusi Telesca)
018. Alex Kite - Underground
019. Synthetic Universe - The Take Off
020. Entropy - Next Destination
021. Polaris - Touch the Sun
022. Kebu - The Lunar Effect
023. Synthatiger - Beyond the Grid
024. Space Medusa - Legendary City
025. Entropy - Another Flight
026. Cybercom Project - Galaxy Emotions
027. Fegolhuzz - Cybernoid 2 Theme (Spacesynth Remix)
028. Synth Elements - Fallen Star (Remix)
029. Niky Nine - Exhausted Divinity
030. Reubino - Falling Sun
031. Hexenkraft - A Flame in the Void
032. Tuxedo Gleam - Truth
033. Jan Schipper - White Planet
034. Entropy - Red Spider
035. Ron Cannon - Future Kill
036. Astronaut Ape - Can Fly
037. Vangelis - Blade Runner Blues
038. Ray Orion - Mystery Of 3 Planets
039. Entropy - Another Flight
040. Sky Van Dreamer & Kriss - Nexton - Andromeda
041. Antalio - Space Taxi
042. Deetloss - Day Of The Dead
043. Tangerine Dream - Stratosfear
044. Basement House - Revelry (Timsdub Italo Mix)
045. SpaceQuake - The Storm
046. SynthOne - Cosmodroom
047. Amateon - Journey To The Sun
048. Asters - Jupiter
049. Alphawave - The Last Mission
050. Galspace Project - Around The Earth
051. Kriss - Always Kiss Me Goodnight
052. WD2N - Don't Need You (Moe Turk Remix)
053. Chocolate Puma, Pep & Rash - The Stars Are Mine
054. FutureVision - Beyond The Moon
055. Synth Elements - Free Fall
056. Alden Tyrell - Phaze Me
057. Ergrover - Gravitation
058. Future Synth - Forever
059. JSC - White Planet
060. Liam Van Dyke - Australia - Startboy Deep Mix
061. Alden Tyrell - Little
062. Amandi - Digital Attack
063. Future Synth - Rendezvous In Space
064. Im Takt - Out Of Space (Club Edit)
065. Polaris - Touch The Sun
066. Bogyo - High Volume in Space
067. Fairlight - Love Wins - Highpass Edit
068. Mike Andrews - Oxygene 2001 (Part 2)
069. Zona-X - The Road To Heaven
070. Katy Perry f. Skip Marley - Chained To The Rhythm
071. Ray Orion & Tosik Osanovich - Kosmonavtik
072. Runes Order - White Planet
073. Spacehawk - Safe Haven
074. 3rd Planet - Planet Rock
075. Alessandro Trevisan - Nu Fashion Week
076. Oblivion - To The Stars
077. Zircon - Nitronic
078. ZSG - mixOne
079. Laserlight - The Space Wanderer
080. Liquore - Run From The Night (Instrumental Disco Mix)
081. Polaris - Aliens
082. Shirshnev - Cosmic (Original Mix)
083. Alex Amster - December (Nastech Dub)
084. Aphelion - Endless Flight
085. Jeroen Tel - Commodore 64 (Cybernoid 2 Theme)
086. 4U - Don't Stop (Original Mix)
087. Nickolay Fedorenko - Sky In Your Hands
088. SYNTHYA - Back To Life
089. Xerxes - Cleopatra
090. Digital Oblique - White Planet
091. Nastech - Out of Me
092. SynthOne & Rigelz - Away From Home
093. Johnny M5 & DJ Nikolay-D - Moscow Nights
094. Neo Mind, Irina Wiggle - Take Me to the Stars
095. Pavel Panchenko - To The Stars
096. Glangold - Abflug
097. Zona-X - Congratulations
098. Rafael Galo - Gravity
099. Thomas Roberts - The Little Prince
100. MV Edit - 80s Reloaded (Extended Mix)

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Теги к статье:

spacesynth, synthwave, odissey, VA, electronic
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