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Скачать Krita 3.1.4 (x86/x64) + Portable

АвторАвтор: go19021984 | ДатаДата: 30 мая 2017 | Нашли ошибку?
Krita 3.1.4 (x86/x64) + Portable

Krita - растровый графический редактор, программное обеспечение, входящее в состав KDE как часть офисного пакета Calligra Suite. Разрабатывается преимущественно для художников и фотографов, распространяется на условиях GNU GPL. Krita - программа для рисования растровой графики.

Krita - является графическим приложением, которое подстраивается под ваши требования - дает вам полнофункциональный рабочий стол на компьютере, и обтекаемый сенсорный дружественный эскиз интерфейса на планшете или большом экране! Все пользователи будут наслаждаться спектром реалистичных и экспериментальных кисточек. Профессиональные художники будут пользоваться быстрыми, высококачественными параметрами рендеринга и поддержки различных цветовых профилей.

Krita используется обоими: любителями и профессиональными художниками в игровых студиях, в VFX индустрии и дизайн-студиях. Художники используют однозначно инновационные кисти и интуитивный, интерфейс для создания концепт-артов, текстуры и матовых картин, иллюстрации, раскадровки и многое другое.

Krita поддерживает многослойную обработку изображений, предоставляет средства для работы с различными цветовыми моделями и обладает большим набором средств для цифровой живописи, создания скетчей и формирования текстур. Проект курируют фонд Krita Foundation и организация KO GmbH (Krita Studio).

Krita is a digital painting and illustration application. Krita offers CMYK support, HDR painting, perspective grids, dockers, filters, painting assistants, and many other features you would expect. Check out the gallery to see what other artists have done with Krita. Krita has a user-friendly interface. In the settings menu, you can choose the color theme, which toolbars and dockers you want to use, and edit keyboard shortcuts. Save a given set of dockers as a workspace and switch between them. The canvas can be easily rotated and mirrored. The OpenGL canvas supports high-bit depth monitors. There is a large set of options available to create a no-distractions canvas-only painting mode.

It is easy to create seamless textures and patterns now. Press the ‘W’ key while painting to toggle wrap-around mode. The image will make references of itself along the x and y axis. Continue painting and watch all of the references update instantly. No more clunky offsetting to see how your image repeats itself. You can even paint off the edge and it will automatically start painting on the top. It is one of those features you have to see for yourself.

A brush engine is more than just a typical brush pattern with settings changed. Each brush engine has its own logic and behavior.The included engines are pixel, smudge, duplicate, filter, hairy, hatching, texture, chalk, color smudge, curve, deform, dyna, experiment (Alchemy), grid, particle, sketch, and spray brushes. Brush settings can be saved as presets and shared. There are a staggering amount of blending modes available. The blending modes are arranged by category and have your favorites stored at the top of the list.

Krita comes with many methods of selecting parts of your canvas in order to edit them. You can select with shapes such as rectangles and circle, paint your selection, polgon selection, select by color, select by Bezier. You can add, remove, or intersect to your selection. You can also make selection by layer contents by context clicking the layer and clicking “select opaque”. You can create a transparency layer by itself, or add one to an existing layer. This is great tool for non-destructive changes.

Symmetry tools that go much further than basic mirroring. Take full control by being able to determine how many axis you need. Modify the origin center, angle, and smoothing parameters. Easy to toggle x and y mirror buttons in the top toolbar. Drawing aids such as perspective grids and shapes that have magnetic settings.

Filters can be used directly on a layer, or as filter masks or layers. The effect of a filter is previewed on the image itself. There are special effects like wave, oil paint, and emboss. Adjustments such as levels, brightness/contrast, and HSV are also included. Additional tools that can be useful for making selections like color to alpha and color transfer.

Krita has raster, vector, filter, programmatic, group, and file-backed layers. Each layer has settings for visibility, edit lock, transparency lock, and alpha locking. Layers can be dragged and dropped to and from other applications. Vector layers support text, vector shapes and filters on vector shapes. Krita supports the following color models for creating and editing images: RGBA, Gray, CMYKA, Lab, YCbCr, XYZ in 8 bits integer, 16 bits integer, 16 bits floating point, 32 bits floating point. Krita always uses color management.

ОС: Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10 (32/64-bit)
Интерфейс: Multi/Русский
Лекарство: не требуется
Размер: 46/53/64/90 Mb

Krita 3.1.4 x86

Krita 3.1.4 x64

Krita 3.1.4 x86 Portable

Krita 3.1.4 x64 Portable


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