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Скачать Proximity Suspense: Synthwave Music (2017)

АвторАвтор: giarem | ДатаДата: 3 июня 2017 | Нашли ошибку?
Proximity Suspense: Synthwave Music (2017)

Категория: Unmixed
Исполнитель: Various Performers
Название диска: Proximity Suspense: Synthwave Music
Жанр: Synthwave, Synthpop, Electronic
Год Выпуска: 2017
Количество треков: 110
Время звучания: 08 :03 :24
Формат|Качество: MP3 | 320 kpbs

О Диске:
Фантастическая электронная музыка с хорошими ритмами и самыми эксцентричными мотивами была собрана в специальную тематическую коллекцию под названием «Proximity Suspense: Synthwave Music». Встречайте настоящий эксклюзив из области синтетической электроники.

001. Damokles - Proximity Suspense
002. LGHTNNG - Desert King
003. Miles Prower - Constants & Variables
004. Neon Nox - Checkpoint feat. Rebecka Stragefors
005. Sellorekt-LA Dreams - Remnants
006. Torul - Monday
007. NINA - Beyond Memory
008. Nina - My Mistake
009. Glass Apple Bonzai - In the Sun (Outtake)
010. Timecop1983 - Dimensions
011. IndiGhost - The Aliens Have Landed
012. Miami Beach Force - Neon Ninja
013. Alpharisc - Energize
014. Sung - Auto Ran (remaster)
015. Le Matos - The Kid
016. Meteor - Round One
017. Mitch Murder - Ravaged Skies
018. Vincenzo Salvia - Secrets
019. Android Automatic - Dark roads
020. Vincenzo Salvia - Seaside Cruise
021. 80s Stallone - Death Race
022. ERROR:SUCCESS - We'll Move In Pairs
023. Das Mortal - Hotline Miami II
024. FM-84 - Outatime
025. Lueur Verte - Regrets (Protector 101 Remix)
026. D.Notive - Second Chances
027. Neon Shudder - Nostromo
028. Gheist - Showdown
029. Muscle - All My Ex's Died In Texas
030. Volkor X - Beacon [feat. Dimi Kaye]
031. Flashworx - Gliese 581
032. Germany Germany - With You (Ft. Kotomi)
033. AWITW - Makeup contest
034. Mesh - Runway (Club Class Mix)
035. The Judgeman - Voice In My Head
036. Tobias Bernstrup - Utopia Covenant Remix
037. Scandroid - Eden (Waveshaper Remix) (Instrumental)
038. Argh - No Romance
039. Spektor Baal - Demons In A Box
040. Nordika - Broken Dreams
041. Etage Neun - How Good Is Your Life
042. JORDAN F - Sobe (Flashworx Remix)
043. Furniteur - Mysteries
044. AWITW - National gamer anthem
045. Night Drive - Drones
046. Moonraccoon - On The Run
047. Stars Crusaders - Under Attack
048. Erasure - Still It's Not Over
049. Royal Visionaries - Synthetic Love
050. Synthatiger - Turbo Drive
051. Perturbator - War Against Machines
052. Aaron Collins - Spired
053. Garth Knight - Sanctuary
054. Pr0files - Forgive
055. Ultranoire - Spukhafte Fernwirkung
056. Stars Crusaders - Time Traveler
057. Loewenhertz - Wer sind Wir
058. Royal Visionaries - Choir of Angels
059. Scandroid - Datastream (Instrumental)
060. THYX - Loyalty
061. JJChristie - Nebulastica, Pt. 4
062. Ice Choir - Noosphering
063. Dynatron - Andromeda Bleeding
064. Cobra Copter - Ultimate Ninja
065. Jakuzi - Lubunya
066. X-Marks The Pedwalk - Prisoner
067. NamNamBulu - Return
068. The Midnight - Los Angeles
069. Reapers - Aliens (Radiorama Cover)
070. 5TimesZero - Augen der GroBstadt
071. Freeweights - Livin' In A Studio
072. AWITW - Interlude
073. Rain Sword - Summer Breeze
074. Jakuzi - Ustume Gelme
075. Cryocon - Hadley's Hell
076. JanRevolution - Here Forever
077. Soulwax - Trespassers
078. Bart Graft - The Perfect Dress
079. Arcade High - Ghost Council
080. Versus - Immer Dann
081. Second Version - Love Is a Shield
082. MINSK'81 - Constellation
083. NightStop - Neoromancer
084. Alphaville - Rendezvoyeur
085. SuperScience - Salvage
086. Aysyne - New Action Hero
087. Robert Parker - Crystal City
088. Breathe - Femmepop
089. THYX - No Place For Me
090. The Anix - Vanished
091. haloeffectofficial - Again
092. Beach Goth Party - Burning Fields
093. Dreams West - Tribes
094. Syrian - Fire In Your Eyes (Mental Discipline Remix)
095. The Wizard Lady Bros. - StaySexy
096. Scotch - Drink A Scotch
097. Adam Ford - Fear
098. New Deloreans - Out of Time
099. Space Disc Jockey - Motion Tracker
100. Halo Effect - Dancing Lights (Alvar remix)
101. Synthbreaker - Xenophobia
102. Absolute Valentine - In The 42nd Street
103. Volt Age - Dawn Hunter feat. Jakob Betke
104. Traxx - In the End
105. My Faust - Just A Dream
106. Mark Ashley - It's All Over (Instrumental Music)
107. Waveshape - Breakdown
108. Who Ha - Magenta Teal Desert Cruise
109. Future Holotape - Night Industry
110. Nightcrawler - 3rd Moon

Скачать: Proximity Suspense: Synthwave Music (2017)


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Теги к статье:

syntpop, synthwave, electronic, VA
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