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Скачать Stone Blues: Rock Blues Ultimate Collection (2017)

АвторАвтор: giarem | ДатаДата: 27 июня 2017 | Нашли ошибку?
Stone Blues: Rock Blues Ultimate Collection (2017)

Категория: Unmixed
Исполнитель: Various Performers
Название диска: Stone Blues: Rock Blues Ultimate Collection
Жанр: Rock Blues
Год Выпуска: 2017
Количество треков: 130
Время звучания: 08: 47: 24
Формат|Качество: MP3 | 320 kpbs

О Диске:
Музыка которая несомненно подарит удовольствие всем любителям рок блюза и американского кантри. Истинный эмоциональный лирический посыл, высказанный в меланхоличном мотиве ощущается в любой отдельной песне музыкальной подборки.

01. Rick Gibson Band - Cabin Fever
02. Robert Johnson - Cross Road Blues
03. Jay Willie Blues Band - Willie And The Hand Jive
04. Nanna Baudelaire - Fever
05. Roy Buchanan - Running Out (Live)
06. The Frank Christopher Band - Good Lovin' Woman
07. Mary Jo Curry - Husband No. 2
08. Harvey Mandel - Lights Out
09. Memphis Jug Band - On The Road Again
10. Duke Robillard - Rain Keeps Falling
11. The Dogtown Blues Band - Shrimp Walk
12. Greyhounds - Gettin Out Alive
13. Al Jones & His Band - Have You Ever Had The Blues
14. Slidin' Slim & Eric Hansson - I Believe
15. Jose Luis Pardo - J L Shuffle (Feat. Bob Stroger)
16. Hurricane Hearn - Mean Old Whisky
17. Kauffey Temple - Mr. Bojangles
18. Raphael Wressnig & Igor Prado - Suffering With The Blues
19. AJ & The Badcats - Texas Baby
20. The Apocalypse Blues Revue - Devil Plays a Strat
21. Jay Willie Blues Band - Hell On Wheels
22. Darrell Mansfield - The Mountain
23. Jimmy Thackery And The Drivers - You Can't Come Back
24. Zac Harmon - Grandma's Prayer
25. Rory Block - Fixin' To Die Blues
26. Patty Reese - I Won't Let You Down
27. Jack Mack & The Heart Attack Horns - Never Too Late
28. Willa - Hey Little Sister
29. Piedmont Four - I Had Fun
30. Gina Sicilia - I'll Stand Up
31. Lead Belly - Kansas City Papa
32. Dutch's Basement Blues Band - n the Basement
33. Matthew Skoller - Only In The Blues
34. Delbert Mcclinton & Self-Made Men - Skip Chaser
35. Frank Stokes - 'Tain't Nobody's Business If I Do
36. Bruce Ewan - Hit the Equator
37. Micah Bournes - Ripped Me Open
38. Charley Patton - Down The Dirt Road Blues
39. John Lee Hooker - I Can't Stand To Leave You
40. Johnny Nicholas - Bayou Blues
41. Stevie Ray Vaughan - Couldn't Stand The Weather
42. Samantha Fish - Either Way I Lose
43. The Kate Lush Band - Somebody Like Me
44. Son House - My Black Mama, Pt. 1 & 2
45. Ana Popovic - You Don't Know What Love Is
46. Clark, Gary, Jr. - You Saved Me
47. Y'Akoto - Moodyman
48. Cannon's Jug Stompers - Walk Right In
49. Taj Mahal - Dear Ladies
50. Karen Lovely - Molotov Cocktails
51. Janiva Magness - Rain Down
52. The Joey Gilmore Band - Room 244
53. Bukka White - The Panama Limited
54. Andres Roots - Spanish Run
55. Scott McMahan - I'll Take You Home
56. Jerimiah Marques And The Blue Aces - Rough And Tough
57. Geeshie Wiley & Elvie Thomas - Last Kind Words Blues
58. John Blues Boyd - Screaming in the Night
59. Garfield Akers - Cottonfield Blues, Pt. 2
60. Mattie Delaney - Tallahatchie River Blues
61. Blind Willie McTell - Mamma, 'Tain't Long Fo' Day 
62. Willie Brown - Future Blues
63. Tommy Johnson - Cool Drink Of Water Blues
64. Skip James - Cypress Grove Blues
65. Blind Willie Johnson - Dark Was The Night, Cold Was The Ground

01. Nanna Baudelaire - Wild Ones
02. Blue Radio - Sky Is Grey
03. Delbert Mcclinton & Self-Made Men - Don't Do It
04. Duke Robillard - Lay A Little Lovin' On Me
05. Lead Belly - Mr. Tom Hughes' Town
06. Micki Free - Six Feet Down In The Blues
07. Jimmy Cornett & The Deadmen - Boogie Chillun
08. Samantha Fish - Samantha's Talk #2
09. Ana Popovic - New Coat of Paint
10. Eric Gales - Been So Long
11. John Mayer - In the Blood
12. Joanne Shaw Taylor - Summertime
13. Joanne Shaw Taylor - Jump That Train
14. Long John & the Killer Blues Collective - Lay Me Down
15. Russian Money - Somebody Died
16. Gina Sicilia - Never Gonna End
17. The Frank Christopher Band - Take Back My Love
18. Rory Block - Bukka's Day
19. Temporary Roads - Too Far
20. Eric Clapton - Layla
21. Al Jones & His Band - People
22. Robin Trower - Can't Turn Back the Clock
23. Jack Mack & The Heart Attack Horns - Somethin' In The Water
24. Panhandle - Up Around The Bend
25. AJ & The Badcats - You Got The Blues
26. Zac Harmon - Running from the Devil
27. Johnny Nicholas - Blues Time
28. Roy Buchanan - Further Up On The Road (Live)
29. Piedmont Four - Boppin' the Blues
30. Harvey Mandel - Bradley's Barn
31. John Blues Boyd - I'm Like a Stranger to You
32. Bruce Ewan - Lovin' You (Is so Hard to Do)
33. Y'Akoto - I Will Go Down
34. Samantha Fish - It's Your Voodoo Working
35. Jerimiah Marques And The Blue Aces - Shake 'em On Down
36. Stevie Ray Vaughan - Superstition
37. The Kate Lush Band - Come With Me
38. The Apocalypse Blues Revue - I Think Not
39. Mississippi Sheiks - Sittin' On Top Of The World
40. John Lee Hooker - Mr. LuckyAlbum Version
41. Greyhounds - Set Us Free
42. Gina Sicilia - Never Gonna End
43. Dutch's Basement Blues Band - Not Necessarily
44. Janiva Magness - Moth To A Flame
45. Karen Lovely - Everything Means Nothing
46. The Joey Gilmore Band - This Time I'm Gone For Good
47. Matthew Skoller - 747
48. Willa - Look What We've Done
49. Hurricane Hearn - Do Me
50. Vince Hawkins & Company Slave - Ashes In My Whiskey
51. Kauffey Temple - Hey Good Lookin' (Live)
52. Raphael Wressnig & Igor Prado - My Love Is
53. Slidin' Slim & Eric Hansson - The Woman You Used To Be
54. Clark, Gary, Jr. - Shake (ft. Leon Bridges with Jeff Dazey)
55. The Dogtown Blues Band - All The Way Down
56. Patty Reese - I Hear A Lie
57. Micah Bournes - Me And My Nothin'
58. Darrell Mansfield - Revelation
59. Mary Jo Curry - Smellin'
60. Jose Luis Pardo - Don't Leave Me (feat. Doug James)
61. Jay Willie Blues Band - Everybody
62. Jimmy Thackery And The Drivers - Puttin' The Word Out
63. Andres Roots - Solitaire
64. Scott McMahan - Windows
65. Taj Mahal - Bid Kneed Gal

Скачать: Stone Blues: Rock Blues Ultimate Collection (2017)


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