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Скачать Electric Dreams: Synthpop Club Anthems (2017)

АвторАвтор: giarem | ДатаДата: 7 июля 2017 | Нашли ошибку?
Electric Dreams: Synthpop Club Anthems (2017)

Категория: Unmixed
Исполнитель: Various Performers
Название диска: Electric Dreams: Synthpop Club Anthems
Жанр: Synthpop, Syntwave, Electronic
Год Выпуска: 2017
Количество треков: 100
Время звучания: 08 :24 :50
Формат|Качество: MP3 | 320 kpbs

О Диске:
Если вы являетесь поклонником не тривиальной электронной музыки, то вам определенно понравится музыкальный сборник под наименованием "Electric Dreams". Synthpop - это богатый музыкальный мир, в котором можно раствориться и не заметить течения времени. Отличные аранжировки, современный звук и особое звучание не оставят безучастным ни одного уважающего себя меломана.

001. Mflex - I Want It That Way
002. Alpharisc - Shanglin
003. Arcade High - Kingdom
004. Furniteur - Air Castles
005. AWITW - Live Somewhere Else
006. Synthatiger - Beyond The Grid
007. AWITW - The takeover
008. Zalza - Space Invaders
009. Scandroid - Connection (Scandroid Remix)
010. The Judgeman - Max Speed
011. Muscle - IL Stallone
012. Douglas Holmquist - Hypersphere
013. Nightcrawler - Phantom Planet
014. Success '80 - Space of Consciousness
015. Gheist - Crystals
016. Luxar - Passion
017. Data Dragon - Console Fighter
018. Moonraccoon - Endgame
019. Volkor X - Hypersleep
020. Daria Danatelli - Take Me Away
021. Speed Machine - Lost Planet
022. Danger Mode - Meridian Cruisin'
023. Cosmo Coctail - on a mission
024. Scandroid - Atom & E.E.V. (Instrumental)
025. Vincenzo Salvia - Midnight Breeze
026. Moonraccoon - Legacy
027. Night Drive - Rise And Fall
028. Roby feat. Claudia - Stay (Extended Version)
029. Rose Thaler - Black Paradise
030. Garth Knight - Dance With Me
031. The Judgeman - Memory (feat A-Kid & Daney)
032. Garth Knight - Shut Down
033. Tobias Bernstrup - Utopia ItaloConnection Remix
034. Oscillian - A Bytesized Life
035. Das Mortal - Risking My Life (Feat. Ghost Twin)
036. THYX - Will They Learn-
037. NightStop - Beast Within
038. Ice Choir - Unprepared
039. Mesh - Too Little Too Late
040. Naomi - Stasera (Tonight) (Extended Disco Mix)
041. JanRevolution - Here Forever
042. AWITW - Eternal rewind
043. AWITW - Life
044. T.O.Y. - The Darkness & The Light
045. Robert Hill - Hold Me Again
046. Soulwax - Conditions of a Shared Belief
047. Torul - Monday (Version Extended)
048. Ultranoire - Poisoned
049. NamNamBulu - Save
050. Miko Vanilla - My Romance
051. deZeption - Sunlight
052. LEVEL 2.0 - The Last December
053. Robert Parker - '85 Again (feat. Miss K)
054. AWITW - A quick funk [AWITW remix]
055. Second Version - Cambodia
056. Loewenhertz - Halt mich
057. 5TimesZero - Instrument
058. TSTI - Strange Times
059. Halo Effect - The Killer In Me (Artik remix)
060. Stars Crusaders - The Mothership
061. Found Harmonies - What A Feeling (Radio Version)
062. Scotch - Caribbean Lady
063. X-Marks The Pedwalk - Breathe
064. Jakuzi - Hic Mi Yok?
065. Etage Neun - Not the One
066. Royal Visionaries - One Sunday Afternoon
067. North Exit - Stardrive
068. Nation In Blue - Dancing On My Own
069. Waiting For Words - Close To Me
070. Argh - Too Late To Say Goodbye
071. Alphaville - A Handful Of Darkness
072. Nordika - Exorcize
073. Stars Crusaders - Sheer
074. Erasure - Sweet Summer Loving
075. T.O.Y. - The Storm
076. Anna Jane - Love You Tonight (Extended Disco Mix)
077. Glass Apple Bonzai - I Gave Myself to the Devil
078. Mark Ashley - Dream Of Great Emotion
079. Versus - Love2Go (feat. Beyond Obsession)
080. Daily Planet - Over Water
081. Estimado - Let Me Escape
082. Royal Visionaries - Back to Yazoo (Sappy's 2010 Re
083. Telekon - Be Grateful For What You Have
084. Syrian - In The End
085. Perturbator - Minuit (feat. Dead Astronauts)
086. THYX - Pain Of Silence
087. Stars Crusaders - Soulless (Ft. Syrian)
088. Dynatron - Wormhole
089. D. White - Walking (ZYX Extended Version)
090. haloeffectofficial - Among The Flowers
091. NightStop - She Dances In The Dark
092. D.Notive - Streets of Passion
093. Cristina Manzano - Moving Your Hips
094. The Anix - Wait
095. Romantic Avenue - Money Rule The World (Extended Vocal Mix)
096. Peter Wilson - Brokenhearted (Italoconnection Remix)
097. Modern Boots - Dream Of Love (Xtended Lazy Mixx)
098. Tobias Bernstrup - Destruction (Rare Long Version)
099. Pet Shop Boys - Go West (3-D Rare Version)
100. Solitario - Leave Me Alone (Extended Disco Mix)

Скачать: Electric Dreams: Synthpop Club Anthems (2017)


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Теги к статье:

synthpop, synthwave, electronic, VA
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