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Скачать August Rock Digest (2017)

АвторАвтор: giarem | ДатаДата: 8 августа 2017 | Нашли ошибку?
August Rock Digest (2017)

Категория: Comoilation
Исполнитель: Various Artist
Название диска: August Rock Digest
Жанр: Rock, Alternative
Год Выпуска: 2017
Количество треков: 120
Время звучания: 08 :51 :35
Формат|Качество: MP3 | 320 kpbs

О Диске:
Сборник "Rock Digest" представит всё самое свежее и лучшее из мира рок музыки и альтернативы. Вниманию каждого заядлого меломана и ценителя качественной музыки, который привык тщательно отбирать композиции для своего персонального плейлиста, представляем настоящую находку!

001. Nickelback - Far Away
002. Whitesnake - Is This Love
003. Pierce the Veil - Dive In
004. Saosin - The Silver String
005. Thrice - Hurricane
006. David Bowie - Lazarus
007. Green Day - Somewhere Now
008. D'MixmastersSpeedmaster - All the Small Things
009. Lost Opera - The Inquisitor
010. DragonForce - Valley Of The Damned
011. Catfish And The Bottlemen - 7
012. Architects - Nihilist
013. Kaleo - No Good
014. Garbage - Empty
015. Roxette - It Just Happens
016. The Naked And Famous - The Water Beneath You
017. Derdian - Burn (feat. Henning Basse)
018. David Bowie - Eight Line Poem
019. Foghat - Knock it Off
020. The Garden of Soul - Queen Isabella
021. Katatonia - Serein
022. Alex Napping - You've Got Me
023. Radiohead - Daydreaming
024. The Smashing Pumpkins - Plume
025. Anathema - Endless Ways
026. Sabbath Assembly - I Must Be Gone
027. Issues - Lost-n-Found (On A Roll)
028. Maverick - Obsession
029. Dead Letter Circus - Disconnect and Apply
030. The Ikarus Effect - Lunar
031. Speedmaster - Old Time Rock and Roll
032. Hollerado - Grief Money
033. Slowdive - Sugar for the Pill
034. Lacuna Coil - Blood, Tears, Dust
035. Glenn Hughes - Let it Shine
036. Preacher Stone - Living The Dream
037. Speedogang - Maria
038. Dreamcar - All Of The Dead Girls
039. Shine a Light - Amsterdam
040. Wavves - Hollowed Out
041. Last Leaf Down - The Path
042. Ambeon - Lost Message
043. Axel Force - Welcome to the Jungle
044. Yngwie Malmsteen - Lost in Machine
045. BADBADNOTGOOD - Lavender (feat. Kaytranada)
046. Sheryl Crow - Love Will Save The Day
047. Bruce Springsteen - Atlantic City
048. The Black Angels - Grab as Much (as you can)
049. Mike + The Mechanics - High Life
050. Robin Trower - If You Believe in Me
051. Kepler Ten - In the Sere and Yellow
052. Interface - Saturday Nights Alright for Fighting
053. Bob Dylan - But Beautiful
054. The Temper Trap - Riverina
055. Axel Force - Born to Be Wild
056. Drakkar Nowhere - Chippewa
057. Foreigner - Cold As Ice
058. nobody.one - Tension
059. Rainbow - Long Live Rock 'N' Roll
060. Solstafir - Blafjall
061. Eric Burdon - Living in fear
062. Bai Bang - Gonna Rock You
063. The Wonder Stuff - Last Days Of The Feast
064. Jethro Tull - Loco (Locomotive Breath)
065. Ayreon - Day Seventeen: Accident?
066. DJ Kee - My Sharona
067. Emerson, Lake & Palmer - Love Beach
068. The xx - On Hold
069. Andrea Schroeder - Was Poe Afraid
070. Blondie - When I Gave Up on You
071. Red Hot Chili Peppers - Detroit
072. Smokie - I'll Meet You At Midnight
073. Roxxie Dee - Leather Up
074. Stereoside - Let You Have It
075. Seether - Nothing Left
076. Graham Bonnet Band - Desert Song
077. Kasabian - Doberman/Take Aim
078. Nomy - Gone
079. Sheryl Crow - Heartbeat Away
080. Steve Hackett - In The Skeleton Gallery
081. Lindsey Buckingham Christine McVie - On With the Show
082. U2 - One Tree Hill Reprise (Brian Eno 2017 Mix)
083. Speedmaster - Somebody Told Me
084. The Avett Brothers - Victims Of Life
085. Roger Waters - Wait For Her
086. Vaults - Lifespan
087. Jonne - Suojarvi
088. The Band - C'mon Feel the Noise
089. Mike & The Melvins - Lifestyle Hammer
090. Elephant Plaza - Momentum Part 2 – Moments of Emotions
091. Eric Clapton - Somebody's Knockin'
092. Volbeat - Battleship Chains
093. New Model Army - Echo November
094. Taking Back Sunday - Homecoming
095. Sunset Sons - On the Road
096. Bob Dylan - Come Rain or Come Shine
097. Dance Gavin Dance - And I Told Them I Invented Times New Roman
098. Band of Horses - Even Still
099. Saliva - Hand In Hand
100. Axel Force - Runaway
101. Palaye Royale - Rag Doll
102. Axel F - Keep the Faith (Workout Remix)
103. JMSN - Possessed
104. The Kills - Whirling Eye
105. Iron Savior - Assailant
106. 3 Doors Down - In The Dark
107. X Ambassadors - Kerosene Dreams
108. Axel Force - Panama
109. The Electric - Like We Used To
110. Suede - Stay Together (Long Version)
111. Speedmaster - Real Wild Child (Wild One)
112. Paul Weller - New York (Instrumental)
113. Axel Force - All Right Now
114. Manic Street Preachers - Rendition (Demo)
115. Gang of Rock - Bad Boys
116. Speedogang - Your Mama Don't Dance
117. U-Traxx - It's a Long Way to the Top
118. Genesis - In The Beginning (New Mix)
119. Avenged Sevenfold - This Means War
120. Foreigner - Can't Slow Down (Remastered)

Скачать: August Rock Digest (2017)


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