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Скачать Synthpop Lives: Synthwave Dream Party (2017)

АвторАвтор: giarem | ДатаДата: 23 августа 2017 | Нашли ошибку?
Synthpop Lives: Synthwave Dream Party (2017)

Категория: Mixed
Исполнитель: Various Artist
Название диска: Synthpop Lives: Synthwave Dream Party
Жанр: Synthpop, Synthwave
Год Выпуска: 2017
Количество треков: 150
Время звучания: 11 :31 :17
Формат|Качество: MP3 | 320 kpbs

О Диске:
"Synthpop Lives: Synthwave Dream Party" покажет вам что такое качественная, стильная, продуманная и действительно цепляющая музыка. Это пластинка для широкой аудитории, которая определенно получит положительный отклик у своего слушателя. Отличный лонгплей для любителей «синтетики», рекомендуем к прослушиванию.

001. THYX - Intro
002. Scotch - Land Of Silence
003. LEVEL 2.0 - Idyll
004. Bay Ran - Suburban Vibes
005. Daniel Deluxe - Disobey
006. Stilz - Undercover
007. Lost Way - Conversation
008. Jakuzi - Her An Olecek Gibi
009. Danger Mode - Get Down Tonight
010. Night Drive - Strange Telepathy
011. TimeSlaves - Night Shift (2017)
012. Syrian - Stratosphere
013. Erasure - A Bitter Parting
014. W O L F C L U B - Nightwave
015. Citizen 12B - Moonscrape
016. Nightstop - The End Is Night
017. Xetrovoid - Drive Away
018. Garth Knight - On the run
019. Ultranoire - Pleasure And Pain
020. A Space Love Adventure - Let's Go!
021. Absolute Valentine - Light In The Dark
022. Ice Choir - The Garden Of Verse
023. Sonic Hz - Outer Ace
024. Dream Fiend - Pest Control
025. AntiQuark - Medavog (Getriebe Analogique Mix)
026. Maver - Highway Nights
027. Lazer Station - Witch Loader
028. Night Drive - Sky Machine
029. The Anix - Celestica
030. NightStop - The Cage
031. Royal Visionaries - Synthetic Love
032. Stilz - Starcrash (feat. Takahashi Jones)
033. Daniel Deluxe - Breakout
034. Mr.Kitty - give/take
035. AWITW - Midnight Revenge
036. Bonggita - Looming
037. deZeption - Loving Is Trusting
038. SUNG - Sunset Drive
039. Das Mortal - Jennifer
040. NightStop - Back Alley Business
041. Versus - Schenk Mir Zeit
042. 5TimesZero - Pyromaniac
043. F-80 (feat. Curtis Clarke) - Journey
044. Arcade High - Cool Inc.
045. T.O.Y. - The Storm
046. Vincenzo Salvia - Waiting For The Night
047. Rogue - Night After Night
048. Danger Mode - Timeless
049. Ultranoire - Nothing to Live For
050. Kalax - Carousel (feat. World Wild)
051. Miami Nights 1984 - MN 84 Theme
052. Gloom Influx - Transient
053. haloeffectofficial - The Killer In Me
054. Savage Raver - Brain Eate
055. Loewenhertz - Thunder
056. D.Notive - Star Citizen
057. Dance With The Dead - They Only Come out at Night
058. D.Notive - Fire In Your Eyes
059. FM-84 - Goodbye (feat. Clive Farrington)
060. Tubular Todd - FM Slasher
061. AWITW - Codename 85
062. Retouch - Suspiria
063. TSTI - To Visit You Again
064. Data Dragon - Liquid Fury
065. Mystvries - Miami Nightdrive
066. Omnimar - I Wanna Know Now
067. Ultra Arcanum - This Is How It Ends
068. Soulwax - My Tired Eyes
069. Cosmo Coctail - electroboys
070. Kalax - The Ride (Into The Midnight)
071. Telekon - In The Darkness
072. Wolf And Raven - Back In Time
073. NightStop - Synthax Terror
074. Run Vaylor - Wild Leather
075. Lazer Station - The Eternal Stream
076. Droid Bishop - Dead Before Dawn
077. Royal Visionaries - Synthetic Love
078. Index Code - Vengeance (feat GILLES)
079. Rose Thaler - Bloody Thunder
080. Wice - Star Fighter
081. Dance With The Dead - Tales from the Boneyard
082. Argh - Night of the Living Synth
083. Dynatron - Stones
084. Oscillian - Battle Angel
085. Right Knider - My Blue Jaunte
086. VHS Dreams - Your Loving Arms
087. Nightcrawler - Phantom Planet (Feat. Mynationshit)
088. Moonraccoon - Afterlife
089. Garth Knight - Lost in the Music
090. Tobias Bernstrup - Utopia
091. Halo Effect - Hardcore (Power mix by Liquid G.)
092. Morgan Willis - Summer Night
093. Robert Parker - '85 Again (feat. Miss K)
094. Lost Years - Snakebite
095. Cobra Strike Force - U.S Ninja Academy
096. JanRevolution - Man Without Return
097. Oscillian - Frozen Love
098. Stars Crusaders - Convex Vision
099. Perturbator - Last Kiss
100. Meteor - Indelible Shadow
101. Waveshaper - Mega Fighter
102. Morgan Willis - Tonight
103. Zynic - Slice Of Life
104. NamNamBulu - Sorry
105. North Exit - Flight
106. Torul - Monday (Version Extended)
107. AWITW - The legacy
108. Who Ha - Synthwave Belongs In A Museum
109. North Exit - Chaser
110. Tubular Todd - Highway
111. Waiting For Words - Sinking
112. THYX - A.I.
113. Stars Crusaders - Gemini (Ft. Forces Of Light)
114. NightStop - Touch Of Her Knife
115. Ray Gun Hero - Night Hacker
116. Azul Y Negro - The Night (Maxi Remix)
117. Daniel Deluxe - The System (feat. Volkor X)
118. Aaron Collins - Spired
119. VHS Dreams - Nightdrive (Club Mix)
120. Don Dellpiero - Retro Lifestyle
121. Daily Planet - Over Water (Liquid Remix By Carl N.)
122. Ulver - Nemoralia (Youth Ambient Mix)
123. Munich Syndrome - There's A Disco In My Head
124. Oscillian - Don't You Give Up (feat NINA)
125. T.O.Y. - The Darkness & The Light (Daniel Myer Remix)
126. Run Vaylor - Graal
127. Fatal Friction - Neo Tokyo Life
128. Nordika - Oblivion
129. Moonraccoon - Endgame
130. VHS Dreams - Bliss
131. The Secret Light - Endless Loop
132. Neon City Murder - Earth 277X
133. Zonasphere - Timelines
134. Second Version - Nova
135. ALEX - Friday Teenage ( Gertrudda Mix)
136. X-Marks The Pedwalk - Ghost
137. Analog 80 - Cyclothymique
138. Mark Ashley - Baby Blue (Extended Version)
139. Pet Shop Boys - Home And Dry (Blank & Jones Remix)
140. Volkor X - Beacon (feat. Dimi Kaye)
141. Soldout - Oppression
142. Zynic - Side Effects
143. AWITW - Torreo
144. Virtual Vice - Sanctuary Runner
145. Mflex - Love Message (italo disco)
146. Etage Neun - Nothing On the News
147. Alphaville - A Handful Of Darkness
148. Drury - Other World (Synth Gertrudda Mix)
149. Mitch Murder - Turning Point
150. ALEX x Tonebox - Akuma II

Скачать: Synthpop Lives: Synthwave Dream Party (2017)


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Synthpop, Synthwave, electronic, Lives, VA
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