Ventrilo - является следующим эволюционным шагом в группе программного обеспечения для общения. Ventrilo также является отраслевым стандартом, которому многие пытаются подражать. Предлагая специальные звуковые эффекты для каждого пользователя, на канал, на сервер. На глобальном уровне конфигурации программа предоставляет каждому пользователю возможность полностью настроить, как именно они хотели бы услышать звуки от других пользователей или звуки событий.
Ventrilo известен за его качество звука и минимальное использование процессора, чтобы не вмешиваться в повседневную деятельность компьютера или или в процесс игровых соревнований. Также ему отдается предпочтение за простой пользовательский интерфейс с которым просто научится работать даже начинающему пользователю, потому что самые используемые функции видны и могут быть активированы простым нажатием мышки.
Ventrilo is the next evolutionary step of Voice over IP (VoIP) group communications software. Ventrilo is also the industry standard by which all others measure themselves as they attempt to imitate its features. By offering surround sound positioning and special sound effects on a per user, per channel, per server or global configuration level the program provides each user the option to fully customize exactly how they wish to hear sounds from other users or events.
Ventrilo is best known for it's superior sound quality and minimal use of CPU resources so as not to interfere with day to day operations of the computer or during online game competitions. It is also preferred for the simple user interface that any first time computer user can very quickly learn because the most commonly used features are immediately visible and can be activated with a single click of the mouse.
Features: Voice communication with multiple people. Cross channel communications. Phantom users for listening in on other channels. User-to-user private conversations. Individual channels that can be created dynamically. Sub channels. Muted channels. Queued channels. Channel transmit time limits. Channel client limits. Channel feature filtering. Password protected server login and channels. Advanced channel control options and filters. Individual admin passwords for channels. Text-to-speech (TTS) voice generation. Key binding to execute special program functions, play wave files, send TTS messages. Separate phonetic spelling of user and channel names for proper TTS. Built in chat similar to http://noby.ucoz.ru/ IRC. Users can enter dynamic comments for all other users to see. User assigned names for server connections. No need to remember IP numbers. Wave file or TTS event notifications for program events. Remote administration of server features and current users. Remote administration of persistent server properties. Mute Microphone and Mute Sound with key binds for both. User adjustable sound effects. Persistent mute states for specific users on a given server. Persistent channel admin passwords. Persistent special effects including surround sound for users, channels, servers, global. Built in server browser. Ability to record and playback voice streams. Great for watching demos with associated voice comms. Voice activation or Press-to-talk transmission modes. Binds to change channels or cycle through all available channels. Multiple platform support for servers. Multiple platform support for clients. Servers are now ready and supported on 64bit platforms. The clients and servers do NOT contain any Ad Ware or Spy Ware features. Ability to restrict server admin features. Useful for hosting services. Server specified codec's to control voice quality and bandwidth usage. User customization of display modes. User customization of user list icons and toolbar icons. Clients will soon support *NIX platforms. Portable cross platform server.
Лекарство: Не требуется ОС: XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10 Язык интерфейса: ML + Английский Размер: 3.6/3.9 Mb
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