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Скачать American Rock Blues Ballad (2017)

АвторАвтор: giarem | ДатаДата: 1 сентября 2017 | Нашли ошибку?
American Rock Blues Ballad (2017)

Категория: Unmixed
Исполнитель: Various Performers
Название диска: American Rock Blues Ballad
Жанр: Rock Blues, Country
Год Выпуска: 2017
Количество треков: 125
Время звучания: 10 :45 :51
Формат|Качество: MP3 | 320 kpbs

О Диске:
Музыка которая определенно принесёт прийдется по душе всем фанатам рок блюза и американского кантри. Истинный эмоциональный лирический посыл, высказанный в меланхоличном мотиве чувствуется в любой отдельной песне музыкального сборника.

001. Sena Ehrhardt - 07 Last Chance
002. The Butterfield Blues Band - Walkin' Blues
003. Tanel Padar Blues Band - Just A Little Bit
004. Dirk Stelder - Laat Het Zien
005. Eagles - Seven Bridges Road
006. Luxuriant Sedans - Once It Gets Started
007. A Jigsaw - I Have Been Away For So Long
008. Gina Sicilia - He Called Me Baby
009. Russian Money - Money
010. Eric Gales - Boogie Man
011. Hangman - Ghost of My Love
012. John Mayer - Love On the Weekend
013. Tracey Barnett - Beat Of The Land
014. Micki Free - Mojo Black Coffee
015. Subluna - Singing The Blues
016. The Doug Peart Blues Machine - Prisoner Of The Blues
017. Mick Kolassa & Mark Telesca - Got To Get You Into My Life
018. Jimmy Cornett & The Deadmen - Highway Is My Home
019. Big Wolf Band - Rolling With Thunder
020. Dirty Dave Osti - Bastard
021. Cliff Stevens - Crying My Heart Out
022. Lew Jetton & 61 South - Drinking Again
023. Eric Jerardi - My Word Waits For You
024. Robin Trower - If You Believe in Me
025. Led Zeppelin - Since I've Been Loving You
026. Danny Cowan Group - Lonesome Heart Blues
027. Panhandle - From The Film Of The Same Name
028. Kenny Wayne Shepherd - How Low Can You Go
029. Samantha Fish - Tennessee Plates
030. John the Revelator - I don't wanna lose you right now
031. Mike Milligan & Steam Shovel - Bills In My Kitchen
032. Wilko Johnson - The Beautiful Madrilena
033. Adrian Niles Band - Recovery Blues
034. Temporary Roads - The Truth
035. Janiva Magness - Who Will Come For Me
036. Black Pistol Fire - Blue Blazes
037. Free - Be My Friend (2nd Show)
038. Eric Clapton - Motherless Children
039. Backbone Slip - Johnny Lee's Mood
040. Heartless Bastards - The Arrow Killed The Beast
041. Billy Lee Janey - / In a Blue Haze
042. Pat O'Brien And The Priests Of Love - Judas Star
043. Waz E. James Band - Hair Of The Dog
044. Uriah Heep - Kiss of freedom
045. Andy Aledort and the Groove Kings - Right By Your Side
046. Craig Erickson - In The Sky
047. J. P. Soars - So Many Times
048. ZZ Top - Just Got Back From Baby's
049. Johnny Gale - Daddy Long Legs
050. Arthur Neilson - When It's Over
051. Danny Bryant's Redeye Band - love of angels
052. The Band Perry - Walk Me Down the Middle
053. Bill Bourne, Lester Quitzau, Madagascar Slim - Bill Miner
054. Creedence Clearwater Revisited - Long As I Can See The Light
055. The Union - Lillies
056. Black Cat Bone Blues Band - Il Cuore E Quello Che Ho
057. George Bedard & The Kingpins - Shake Me
058. Bored Man Overboard - Wine
059. JJ Cale - Passion
060. Blue Stew - If It Don't Kill You, It Will Make You Strong
061. Coldplay - Up with the Birds
062. Jimi Hendrix - Red House
063. Fatt Cat Freddie - Everyday Blues
064. Azzedeen - The Power Of Love
065. Greg Chaisson - I'll Always Love You (For Jennifer)
066. Hennessy Blues Band - Housewife Blues
067. Rocky Athas' Lightning - Where Do We Go From Here (Ratta Mae)
068. Luther The Devil - Crawlin' King Snake
069. Josh Ritter - Make Me Down
070. Final Step Blues Band - Out the Door
071. Trond Olsen Band - Won’t Let Go
072. Blues Attitude - Long Distance Call
073. Skillet - Believe
074. The Rolling Stones - I Got The Blues
075. Bad Influence - Talkin' To The Wall
076. James Nixon - One More Chance With You
077. Johnny Hoy & The Bluefish - Just To Be With You
078. Tony Galla - She's All I Ever Need (Angel Of Mercy)
079. Bobby Bland - Sad Street
080. Nobby Reed - E-Z goin papa
081. Imelda May - Too Sad To Cry
082. Ron Wood - I Gotta See
083. Dan Stevens - The American Dream
084. The Rocky Athas Group - One Heartbeat
085. Mashina Vremeni - Korabli
086. Nazareth - Love Hurts
087. Oli Brown - Not A Word I Say
088. Terry Quiett Band - Close to You
089. Beth Hart & Joe Bonamassa - I`ll Take Care Of You
090. Albert Castiglia - Could Not Ask For More
091. OneRepublic - Missing Persons 1 & 2
092. Paul Rishell & Annie Raines - Blues On A Holiday
093. The Cell - Fall into the sky
094. Buck Satan - I Hate Every Bone in Your Body Except Mine
095. Fleetwood Mac - Worried Dream
096. T-Model Ford - I Love You, Babe (Band)
097. George Thorogood and The Destroyers - Two Trains Running
098. Indigo Swing - The Way We Ought To Be
099. The Beat Daddys - After the Mystery
100. Mannish Boys - My Luck Will Change
101. Johnnie & The Lowdowns - Recycling Man
102. Tom Principato - Tango'd Up In The Blues
103. Rory Block - Gypsie Boy
104. Kenny Wayne Shepherd - Heat Of The Sun
105. Wynton Marsalis & Eric Clapton - Joe Turner's Blues
106. Guitar Pete - Shattered Paradise
107. Tedeschi Trucks Band - These Walls
108. Michael Messer - Language of the Blues
109. Smokin' Gun - Nothin Good To Say
110. The Oak Ridge Boys - Before I Die
111. Gwyn Ashton - One Way Ticket to the Blues
112. The Hollies - Everyday
113. Sugar Ray & The Bluetones - Evening
114. Johnny Winter - Last Night
115. The Chris Piquette Band - Have A Little Faith In Me
116. Nanette Workman - Far from that man
117. Nasty Boogie - Loser
118. Breeze Kings, The - Don't Put No Headstone On My Grave
119. Rue Boogaloo - In The Course Of A Night
120. Blues Broers, The - Over My Head
121. Kenny Brown - Rainin In Mississippi
122. The Ford Blues Band - 59th Street Bridge Song
123. Rod Price - Sittin' On Top Of The World
124. The Producers - London Blues
125. Jason Aldean - Church Pew or a Barstool

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