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Скачать Maniac Cyberpriest: Synthpop Lives By Various Artist (2017)

АвторАвтор: giarem | ДатаДата: 23 сентября 2017 | Нашли ошибку?
Maniac Cyberpriest: Synthpop Lives By Various Artist (2017)

Категория: Unmixed
Исполнитель: Various Artist
Название диска: Maniac Cyberpriest: Synthpop Lives By Various Artist
Жанр: Synthpop, Synthwave, Electronic
Год Выпуска: 2017
Количество треков: 140
Время звучания: 10 :10 :36
Формат|Качество: MP3 | 320 kpbs

О Диске:
Maniac Cyberpriest: Synthpop Lives By Various Artist - это практически концептуальная музыкальная коллекция, которая полностью представляет цельное культурное наследие Syntwave музыки.  Исполнители треков строго держаться канонов космического диско 80х годов, но при этом музыка звучит колоритно и современно.

001. ARCADISE - Tabula Rasa
002. Ice Choir - Let's Music
003. Maniac Lover - Mantra Generator
004. Robot FM - Sun Mega Drive
005. Brutal Pony Riders - Wraith
006. Robot FM - Street Law
007. The Judgeman - Jack In
008. Data Dragon - Pixel Dawn
009. D-NOiSE - DIVAN
010. PSYBOLORD - Bionic Commando Theme
011. Will Burn - Resurrected
012. Dreamweaver - Know the Name
013. Garth Knight - Escape
014. R6 - Neon Banshee
015. R6 - Maniac Cyberpriest
016. Rose Thaler - Ocean of Lies
017. Starfounder - Still Alive
018. Psybolord - Call of Bells
019. R6 - Tristram Theme
020. Robot FM - Cruise
021. Savage Raver - Space Is A Dancing Model
022. Vincenzo Salvia - Night Signs
023. Brutal Pony Riders - DWTP
024. D-Noise - Night Shift
025. T.O.Y. - The Darkness & The Light
026. Walrams - Galactic Ride
027. A Space Love Adventure - Nightride II
028. Dreamweaver - Xenon Rush
029. Muscle - The Pump
030. Blaze Of Gunfire - Night Сruise
031. D-NOiSE & Sychev - Night Road
032. Synthatiger - Trubo Drive
033. Botnit - Stay The Night
034. Gheist - Lodestar
035. ROBORG - Almost Human
036. Dario Silver - Back ToNight
037. JanRevolution - Man Without Return
038. ARGH - Night In The City
039. Lazer Station - seeker
040. Lightracer - Night Shades
041. Torul - Stripped
042. Royal Visionaries - Synthetic Love
043. Thought Beings - Italo Nights
044. Cosmo Coctail - electroboys (instrumental)
045. Porcelain Dream - ToNight
046. CONFRONTATIONAL - The Night Is Done
047. Furniteur - Fault
048. Jakuzi - Bir Dusmanm Var
049. Steve Jablonsky - Nightmare On Elm Street
050. Dakarius - Night Of The Sociopath
051. FM Attack - Oceans Apart
052. AWITW - Time machine
053. Judge Bitch - Nights
054. AWITW - Elegant
055. Vogel - Night City (Makeup and Vanity Set Remix)
056. AWITW - Bumper cars
057. Jordan F & Vast Hill - Ready For The Night
058. Hermei - Blue Nights
059. Night Drive - Strange Telepathy
060. Cleeve Morris - MidNight Rider
061. Volkor X - This means war [feat. Sylvain Coudret]
062. Future City Records - Arwelone - Strange Symmetry
063. Kosta - Night Racer
064. NightStop - Backseat Lover
065. SADOSAUR - All Night Long
066. FM-84 - Running In The Night (feat. Ollie Wride)
067. The Cruxshadows - My Telescope
068. Le Cassette - ToNight
069. Vector Seven - Nightdrive
070. Midnight Danger - Evil Night
071. Perturbator - Raw Power
072. Garth Knight - Sanctuary
073. Matthew Bauer - Night Demons
074. APEX 86 - Hot Nights
075. Das Mortal - The Curse
076. Oscillian - Crossing The Edge
077. W O L F C L U B - Night Runner
078. Malchishnik - Night (Maxi Instrumental)
079. Scandroid - Salvation Code
080. Moonraccoon - Stardust
081. Neo - Pursuing The Night
082. The Secret Light - Mirror Mirror
083. Turbo Knight - MidNight Rain (Beta Kitten Remix)
084. Brix Neon - Night Sky
085. LEVEL 2.0 - Mirage
086. Night At The METROPOL - The MidNight Massaquerade
087. Scandroid - Neo-Tokyo (Instrumental)
088. Argh - Dream a Dream
089. The Neon Droid - Suburban Motel Nights
090. Alphaville - Enigma
091. Naser - Night Curise
092. Erasure - Still It's Not Over
093. Tonebox - Blue Night
094. Tarmo - Night Calling
095. TimeSlaves - Cruisin' [Die Scum Inc.]
096. Retouch - Alighting
097. Viciousi - All The Nights We Spent
098. Freur - Riders In The Night (Dub Mix)
099. NamNamBulu - Damals
100. haloeffectofficial - Hardocore (Norman Nodge remix)
101. Erasure - Take Me Out Of Myself
102. Dance With The Dead - The Awakening
103. Soldout - Fake
104. Optic - Soul Denial
105. deZeption - Your Life
106. Danger Mode - Hyper Disco
107. Orchestral Manoeuvres in the Dark - Art Eats Art
108. Halo Effect - Defeated (Clubmix byMind.Divided)
109. Root4 - Missverstandnis
110. Daily Planet - Over Water (Hans Olsson Brookes Remix)
111. Stars Crusaders - Behind The Mirror
112. Zynic - Free To Decide
113. Second Version - Chasing Cars
114. Nordika - Ecstasy (Share Your Lust)
115. North Exit - Flight
116. Run Vaylor - Janet
117. X-Marks The Pedwalk - One Time
118. Omnimar - Sadizm (English Version)
119. Stars Crusaders - Supermarket Signs
120. Night Drive - Unsaid
121. Waiting For Words - Lullaby
122. Ultranoire - Private Cosmos
123. TSTI - Things I Would Do (Hante Remix)
124. Etage Neun - This Too Shall Pass
125. NightStop - Touch Of Her Knife
126. Mr.Kitty - Lamentation
127. Soulwax - The Singer Has Become a Deejay
128. Versus - Into The Galaxy
129. Syrian - Nuvole
130. AWITW - Racing contest
131. 5TimesZero - State of being
132. T.O.Y. - Easy
133. THYX - Free
134. Telekon - In The Darkness (Nordika Remix)
135. D.Notive - Martyr
136. Loewenhertz - Spiritual healing (Bonus Track)
137. The Anix - Hollow
138. Royal Visionaries - 5 Crowns (Max Parten Mix)
139. Pet Shop Boys - Ego Music
140. Mflex - Drive to Magicland

Скачать: Maniac Cyberpriest: Synthpop Lives By Various Artist (2017)


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Теги к статье:

synthpop, synthwave, electronic, VA
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